Jiao Yu's attitude was indifferent, Yu Qingqian and other six people were even less likely to stick their hot faces and cold butts, so they didn't bother to pay attention to him.

  The golden eagle flies up and automatically forms a mask on its back, and the wind cannot blow on several people.

   Gong Xuan took out spirit tea and a tea set and brewed it, and without asking Jiao Yu if he wanted it, the six of them chatted while drinking tea.

  The leader of the White Tiger Gang, Wei Jie, ordered the engraving of the mysterious plant pattern for the next month. During this time, he took the opportunity to occupy the Qinglong Gang's turf expansion power, so his relationship with Feng Chen and the others was pretty good.

  The enemy of the enemy is the friend, everyone thinks so.

   Mainly because Jiao Yu is the backer of Elder Jiao and acts domineering and ruthless, so there are many people in the outer city who are afraid of him, but there are not many people who sincerely believe in him, and the relationship between people is not good.

  The other three gang leaders are examples. The relationship with him can only maintain the surface peace at most, but in fact there is constant friction.

   In particular, the three of them disliked Jiao Yu's perverted habit very much, because the genius disciples they received from their gang had also been poisoned.

Wei Jie smiled and looked at Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian and asked tentatively, "Your reputation has already spread to the Guiyuan Sect, and my Wei family has sent someone to inquire about your business outside the sect. ?"

   The disciples of Huang Pin's talent in the Guiyuan Sect are mainly concentrated among the candidate disciples. There are very few outer and inner cities, but there are many family forces outside the sect.

   Among the first-, second-, and third-rate clan powers, Xuanpin's talent is relatively good, so after the news that Yu Qingqian was able to upgrade Huangpin's talent to Xuanpin, it caused a sensation in many families.

   And many families are looking for connections to contact Shang Yu Qingqian. The poison that Yu Qingqian sold in the poison hall was also taken out by some disciples and fired at several times the price.

  It seems that the Wei family found Wei Jie here, hoping to catch Yu Qingqian's line through him.

   The demand for Yu Qingqian's ability to improve his talent from outside clan forces is greater than the demand for Fengchen's planting patterns and forging. After all, the increase in talent means that strength and cultivation can also be improved, while planting patterns and forging are only additional improvements.

   Hearing Wei Jie's words, Fu Ling and Gong Xuan moved in their hearts, and their family also sent a message privately, but they wanted to wait for a good time to connect with Yu Qingqian, but Wei Jie couldn't sit still.

   Yu Qingqian doesn't have much contact with the outside world. There has been no news from her grandmother and grandfather recently. I didn't expect that her own affairs would attract the attention of the outside family.

   "It's not impossible to take business outside the sect, but the price of the poison won't be just 100,000 low-grade spiritual marrow." Yu Qingqian thought for a while and said.

There is too much demand for spiritual marrow in the small tower space. I threw 300,000 low-grade spiritual marrow into it before, and the first floor space has been purified. Very short of money.

   So when she heard Wei Jie's question, her mind changed, it would be good to earn more extra money.

   In the sect, the main purpose is to start the business of the drug store. There are not many disciples of Huangpin Talent, so there are fewer orders to improve the talent, but they can contact more externally, but the price also needs to be increased.

   Anyway, those families have a solid foundation, and they do not lack that spiritual essence. As long as the talents of their own disciples can be improved, the overall strength of those families will also go up, and it is worthwhile for them to spend a lot of money.

   Wei Jie's eyes instantly lit up when they heard Yu Qingqian say this.

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