Fengchen knew that Yu Qingqian's small tower would cost a lot of spiritual marrow, so he did not refuse.

   "Yes, but it takes more time to forge, so I only deal with the business of inscription of planting patterns, and the price of the materials that come with them depends on the increase effect that needs to be superimposed."

"For example, the superimposed increase of 200,000 low-grade spiritual marrow, 30,000,000,000,000 low-grade spiritual marrow, and 40,000,000,000 low-grade spiritual marrow can guarantee a 100% success rate. If I can't do it, I will not take any money." He is confident. A full complement.

This price is set by comparing the price of engraved plant patterns on Lingzhi in Xiatian territory. Although each superimposed increase effect is tens of thousands more expensive, Feng Chen can guarantee the success rate, which is the majority of other The tattooist cannot guarantee.

The price of    in the sect has also been raised to 200,000 and 300,000 low-grade spiritual essence, but there is still an endless stream of disciples who come to book.

   Gong Xuan laughed out loud when he heard his agreement, "Junior Brother Feng is really a cheerful person, and the price is very fair. I will send a message to let someone in the family who wants to engrave the plant pattern come over."

   Such a price is a big resource for an average small family, but it is nothing for a first-class family like the Gong family.

   Not only the Gong family, but also the Wei family and Fu family's family power are first-class, this spiritual marrow is only a skin to them.

The    family has no shortage of spiritual essence, and it is more difficult to find a powerful tattoo planter like Feng Chen.

   Their family naturally also has potions, plant patterns and forging elders, but they are really inferior to Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian.

   More importantly, Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen are only new disciples who have just entered the sect for less than a year, but their talent potential and future are immeasurable, and now is the time to take the opportunity to make friends.

   In the future, the two of them will improve their potions and planting patterns even higher, and their family may ask the two to help again.

   Wei Jie laughed and said, "Senior brother Feng can't favor one over another. Many senior members of our Wei family have long admired his brother's tattooing technique for a long time, and I wonder if there is any chance to see them."

  Yu Qingqian was speechless when he heard Wei Jie's words. It seems that the sick beauty has only become famous in the past month. The seniors of the Wei family have been admiring it for a long time.

   But it is also an art of speaking.

   Feng Chen chuckled: "Senior Brother Wei is too polite. During Mingyang City, as long as a few family members need it, we will take action."

   When Fu Ling heard his words, there was a little smile on Leng Yan's face, "Then let's thank Junior Brother Feng in advance."

   "Senior sister, you're welcome!" Feng Chen smiled.

   When Jiao Yu heard the words of several people, his already calm face became even more gloomy, especially the appearance of the three gang leaders holding Feng Chen.

He had never seen them like this when he was the first of the disciples of the outer city, the first Zhongxuan-pin planter, and his indignation was even stronger, and he was determined to kill Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian in Mingyang County. bigger.

   A few people ignored Jiao Yu's expression and thoughts. The atmosphere of drinking tea and chatting was good, and they exchanged their cultivation experience from time to time, which benefited Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen a lot.

It took    ten days for the golden eagle to fly outside the city of Mingyang County and land.

  There is no imperial family in Xiatianjing, and the entire Xiatianjing site is divided and controlled by major power families.

  Mingyang County belongs to the sphere of influence of the Guiyuan Sect. Therefore, under normal circumstances, the deacon elders stationed in the county town have the right to supervise the county master, etc., and their status in the county town is relatively high.

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