What Huo Fei could think of, Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian also thought of it, and when they contacted Jiao Yu just now, but with a determined look, they also guessed that Jiao Yu couldn't wait to start.

  Feng Chen's eyes are far-sighted, "Sooner or later, we have to take action. This is an opportunity for Jiao Yu, and it's not an opportunity for us, only to see who will destroy who."

   In any case, this time, we will use the mission outside the sect to eliminate the hidden danger of Jiao Yu.

  Huo Fei saw that Feng Chen's expression was indifferent, but his tone was cold and domineering. He knew that this time Jiao Yu and Feng Chen would meet each other. It just depends on who will die.

   "By the way, I accidentally got a piece of news here. It seems that Jiao Yu has been in contact with a big family outside the sect a lot recently. You should be more careful." Huo Fei reminded again.

   Feng Chen nodded and said with a smile, "We will pay attention. Thank you, the Lord for reminding you."

   "You guys go back and prepare first. In the afternoon, the plant pattern at the gate of the outer city will be sent out to gather." Huo Fei said.

"it is good!"

Back at the residence, Yu Qingqian took the spirit grass and poisonous grass from the space storage ring, and said: "Sick beauty, I always feel that Jiao Yu seems to be well prepared this time, I still need to extract a bottle specially for him. The poison is ready."

   They didn't want to kill Jiao Yu, but wanted the other party to have a taste of what it would be like to die if they were ruined by others, which could be regarded as revenge for those innocent geniuses before.

   If you don't kill them, it is impossible for the sect to hold the two of them accountable.

   What's more, the toxin that Yu Qingqian is refining this time is still very concealed. Even if Jiao Yu is scrapped by then, even if someone suspects that they did it, it is impossible to find evidence.

   "Is there still time?" Feng Chen asked.

  Yu Qingqian nodded: "I have been researching the formula in my mind for a long time. After seeing Jiao Yu today, I used the ability to lock his breath, and it should be able to be extracted within two hours."

   "Okay, I'll guard the gate for you." Feng Chen also sensed something was wrong with Jiao Yu, so it's better to prepare first.

In the resident courtyard of the Qinglong Gang in the outer city, Jiao Yu imprinted a circuit diagram on a jade slip and instructed a disciple, "Quickly send the jade slip to that great master, and keep it secret so that no one will find out. ."

   "Yes!" The disciple took the jade slip and turned and walked away quickly.

As soon as Jiao Yu remembered that things had gone bad recently, his master had been taken to a station outside the sect. The status of the Qinglong Gang had plummeted, and he was even pressured by a number of newly prosperous big gangs to annex the territory. The dangerous squinting is full of undisguised bloodthirsty killing intent.

   "Yu Qingqian, Feng Chen, this time Mingyang County is your burial place." He tightened his fingers, and the teacup in his hand immediately shattered into pieces.

   In the afternoon, Yu Qingqian and others gathered at the planting transmission place in the outer city and left the Guiyuan Sect together.

  Huo Fei released the flying mount that Guiyuanzong had specially assigned to do missions. It was a huge golden eagle that could teleport in space.

   Sitting on the golden eagle, Jiao Yu didn't pay much attention to the few people, and directly found a place to sit cross-legged and closed his eyes.

His relationship with Huo Fei was very rigid because of Huo Ling, and there were a lot of frictions and conflicts with Gong Xuan. Fu Ling slapped him in the face in public before, and Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen were more like mortal enemies, only with the Baihu Gang. The gang leader Wei Jie looked kinder on the surface.

   But recently, the White Tiger Gang took the opportunity to annex a lot of the Qinglong Gang's territory, so Jiao Yu didn't like the six people.

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