Early the next morning, Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian received a message from Fang Yuan just as they were about to go to Taobao Pavilion to pick up the mission.

  The two went directly to a council hall in the outer gate mansion.

   When they arrived at the council hall, Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen also saw the four leaders and Huo Fei sitting, and they were slightly surprised.

   Fang Yuan saw the two of them, raised his head and smiled and said, "Sit down, just wait for the two of you."

   "Are we late?" Yu Qingqian pulled Feng Chen and sat down.

   Fang Yuan shook his head and said, "I'm giving you some news temporarily. You guys are coming soon."

  Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen looked at each other, and they were both curious about the purpose of Fang Yuan's calling them. From what he said, it was obvious that the four gang masters and Huo Fei had already notified them, and they only notified them today.

   "Deacon Fang has something to tell us?" Yu Qingqian thought about it and asked.

  Fang Yuan nodded: "Yes, since you have already arrived, then I will talk about the purpose of calling you here."

After he finished speaking, he took out seven pieces of jade slips and handed them to the seven people, "two of the three stewards of our Guiyuan Zong station in Yangming County, two are missing and one is dead. Such a thing has never happened before, so Zong The door is issued in the form of a task this time, and you will be sent to Yangming County to investigate, and you will all be rewarded with corresponding contribution points after completion."

   "The jade slips are stamped with the introduction of Mingyang County, as well as the situation of the disciples stationed in our sect. You can learn about it as soon as possible, and go to Mingyang County this afternoon." He added.

  Yu Qing briefly scanned the contents of the jade slip, looked at Fang Yuan and asked, "Deacon Fang, did Feng Chen and I temporarily join this mission?"

   Such a task is very difficult, but it should be enough to go to the four major gang leaders and Huo Fei. What are the two new disciples going to mix?

Fang Yuan smiled helplessly, and didn't hide it: "Yeah! Originally, only five people were scheduled to complete this task, but today the Sect Master suddenly sent a message to me to add the two of you, which can be regarded as an experience for you. ."

   He also didn't know why the suzerain would make an impromptu move, but he couldn't ask more questions.

  Yu Qingqian nodded to indicate that he knew.

   Yu Guang caught Jiao Yu's sinister smile, Yu Qingqian frowned slightly, the original active fishing plan now seems to be passive, and I don't know if the sovereign's arrangement has any deep meaning.

   "Huo Fei is your captain for this mission. After going to Mingyang County, I hope you will cooperate and not act without authorization."

   "If there is a problem that you can't solve, immediately report it to the sect. Don't be impatient. The purpose of your main mission this time is to investigate why the disciples of Mingyang County fell and disappeared. Remember this."

  Fang Yuan swept the seven people and said, "You go back to prepare first, and we will set off together in the afternoon."


   After exiting the door of the council hall, Jiao Yu left without saying hello, and the other three gang leaders, Huo Fei and Yu Qingqian said hello before leaving one after another.

  Yu Qingqian saw that the others had left, and turned to Huo Fei and asked, "What's going on? Does the lord know why Feng Chen and I suddenly joined the mission?"

  Huo Fei was thinking about this question before, "I guess it may be that there are high-level officials in the sect who want to test your ability to survive outside, which is a good thing."

   "But this mission shouldn't be easy to complete, it's a bit weird, you have to beware of Jiao Yu. I think he may use this mission to secretly attack you." He reminded.

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