Mrs. Hong's face darkened upon seeing this.

   The speed of stroking the strings with both hands increased a bit, and the rhythm spread to the entire bamboo forest, making the **** suffocating more intense.

   Following that, the bamboos with ghost faces in the bamboo forest opened their mouths one after another, spitting out a blood-red smoke, which soon filled the entire bamboo forest.

   Yun Yan frowned slightly, "This red mist has hallucinogenic effects!"

   But he didn't have the slightest dread and fear, and there was an extra golden ball in his hand, which bounced out.

  The golden **** flew into the air and suddenly became larger. One by one, golden circles emanated from the balls, and when they came into contact with the red mist, they were immediately dispersed.

   One after another golden circles fell around Yun Yan and Feng Chen, like protective umbrellas, no matter how frantically the red mist surged, they couldn't get close.

   Mrs. Hong was stunned, she narrowed her eyes slightly and tried to open her mouth: "Golden Seal Ball of the Yun Clan, are you from the Yun Clan?"

  Yunyan smiled: "Guess!"

   He couldn't help but have some doubts about Madam Hong's identity. He could see the origin of Jin Xiqiu at a glance, and the origin of this Madam Hong's identity was also very suspicious.

   "I didn't expect that the remnants of the Yun family really ran to the next four realms, so you wouldn't be afraid of revealing their whereabouts, and those assassins who were chasing them caught you?" Madam Hong laughed loudly, with a little more calculation in her eyes.

  Yunyan is not afraid of being exposed by using the golden seal ball, "Really? Why don't you invite them out to try?"

   He stretched out his hand and tapped the golden ball that was spinning in the air, and the ball burst into a beam of light, and each golden butterfly flew out with the light.

  The golden butterfly flapped its wings, and countless golden powders fell and scattered, and a faint fragrance spread, dispelling a lot of the **** suffocation here.

The    golden butterfly did not attack Madam Hong, but flew in several directions and landed on a few inconspicuous ghost-faced bamboos.

   Soon, the whole body of the ghost face plants turned golden and lost their vitality, and the ghost face that was spitting out red mist stopped moving.

   Mrs. Hong swiped her fingertips hard, and a few drops of blood essence flew out, and finally turned into a rain of blood and sprinkled all over the bamboo forest.

  The bamboo forest swayed, and the superimposed grandmaster-level plant pattern prohibition was triggered.

   A suppressing force suddenly formed, trying to suppress the spiritual power of Yun Yan and Feng Chen.

   A seedling grew beside Mrs. Hong. With the watering of the blood rain, it turned into a huge purple bamboo, and a huge grimace full of yin and evil appeared on the bamboo.

   He let out a shriek, fell off the bamboo, and attacked both Yun Yan and Feng Chen.

   Feng Chen waved the black sword in his hand to chop down, but only cut off a few hairs on the ghost's face.

   The strange scream from the ghost face's mouth resounded through the bamboo forest, with a soul-sucking power, as if it would sweep away the entire human soul.

   Fengchen was only a spiritual sage, and he was shaken by the magic of the ghost face for a moment. The black mandala bloomed in front of him, and the sound was swallowed up by it, and he immediately regained his clarity.

   Yun Yan was not affected, his eyes were cold, and he patted the ghost face lightly.

   That palm turned into a phantom and shot the ghost face away a few meters.

   Ghost-faced bamboo has been cultivated for ten thousand years, and has long been psychic, and ordinary people who are at the peak of the Spirit Emperor will suffer a loss.

After the   ghost face stopped, unwilling to fly again, Yun Yan's eyes were cold and he was ready to use a stunt to kill him, although it would deplete his essence, but now he can't care so much.

   He gathered his spiritual power and was about to prepare to perform a stunt, but the ghost face who had rushed over suddenly let out a shrill scream, and Qikong stopped in mid-air bleeding.

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