The Allure of the City: His Royal Highness is Too Provocative

Chapter 1293: What are you taking to kill him?

  Hong's house, deep in the bamboo forest, Mrs. Hong was sitting playing the qin, and an old woman was standing behind him.

   When Feng Chen and Yun Yan arrived at the door of Hong's house, Chu Xu greeted them.

   "Young Master Feng!" Chu Xu looked at the handsome man beside Feng Chen with some doubts and asked, "Who is this?"

   "A friend." Feng Chen said lightly, obviously not wanting to introduce more.

  Yunyan's identity is very special and involves the Yun clan, so it is not publicly disclosed.

   The breath of the other party was so restrained that Chu Xu could not perceive it, and he was on guard for a thing or two.

   "I came to propose marriage to Mrs. Hong today, and it happened that she asked me to wait for you here, let's go in." Chu Xu explained.

   His identity should not be exposed. He wanted to leave, but he stayed because of Madam Hong's deterrence and also wanted to see the final result.

   "Okay, the third prince will lead the way." Feng Chen nodded.

  The other areas of Hongjia are separated from the bamboo forest, forming two distinct places.

  The three stepped into the bamboo forest, and a heart-warming violin sound fluttered around.

   Except for Chu Xu who was in a trance for a moment, Feng Chen and Yun Yan both resisted the sonic attack of the piano sound.

   Mrs. Hong stopped the movements of her hands, raised her head and said coldly: "He has a firm heart, he is indeed a young talent."

   "Mrs. Red has praised her!" Feng Chen smiled indifferently.

   Mrs. Hong said neither yin nor yang: "Unfortunately, it is difficult to live long!"

   "Really? I don't know what you want to kill him!" Before Feng Chen opened his mouth, Yun Yan next to him sneered, and then the aura of the peak of the Spirit Emperor dissipated.

  Chu Xu was the first to be affected by this pressure, and suddenly felt that the flow of blood and spiritual power in his body was slowing down. His eyes were full of shock. He didn't expect Feng Chen to bring a person with a peak cultivation base of the Spirit Emperor.

   Mrs. Hong didn't pay much attention to Yun Yan just now, but when all the pressure from his cultivation was dissipated, she couldn't help but tremble in her heart.

   The peak cultivation level of the Spirit Emperor is much stronger than that of her late Spirit Emperor.

   The most important thing is that she felt the repressive force of a natural law. From this, it can be proved that the Spirit Emperor beside Feng Chen should be from the upper three realms.

   "Who are you? Do you want to meddle in your business today?" Madam Hong's eyes were a bit cold, even if the other party was the peak of the Spirit Emperor, and she entered her ghost-faced bamboo forest formation, she couldn't believe that she couldn't fight them.

  Yun Yan sneered: "I'm here, do you think it will be ignored?"

   "Then don't blame me for being rude!" Mrs. Hong plucked the strings a few times with her fingertips, and a spiritual power spread along with the sound of the piano.

  Suddenly, a layer of blood and suffocation filled the surroundings, and the bamboos in the bamboo forest seemed to be alive, running one after another, and a grimace appeared on each bamboo.

  Yun Yan raised his eyebrows: "You're actually using so many people's blood to irrigate the ghost-faced bamboo that has cultivated a bond, it's really frustrating!"

   "I'm happy!" Mrs. Red applied her mental power to the bamboo forest.

   Countless ghost faces fell off the bamboo, and their long mouths screamed towards Yun Yan and Feng Chen.

   Feng Chen saw so many ghost faces flying, the strange voice in his ears disturbed his mind, and he couldn't help thinking of the ordeal that he had endured.

   The black mandala turned into a dark long sword and fell in his hand, and then he kept swinging down, and all the ghost faces that came close were cut off by the black sword.

  Yunyan stood still, those ghost faces whistled and collided with his body and tried to get in, but they couldn't shake it as if they had encountered iron and copper bones.

   The ghost face that hit him was eroded by the force of the rebound and turned into a cloud of blood, which was taken in by Yun Yan when he lifted his sleeves.

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