The sudden scene on the giant ghost face made everyone present startled.


   Immediately, blood surged from Madam Hong's chest, and she couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

   Yun Yan's eyes filled with joy when he saw this, and said to Feng Chen, "Little girl has already turned back and refined all the ghost faces that attacked her."

  Feng Chen's eyes showed lightness, "Qianqian is fine!"

   Madam Hong clutched her chest, her eyes were full of disbelief, and she whispered: "How is it possible? How could that girl swallow my ghost face bamboo back."

   Her voice fell, and the shrill screams of the seven-hole bleeding ghost face in the air gradually turned into nothingness. The breath of the entire ghost face withered away with lightning speed, and finally landed on the ground with a weak breath.

  The whole bamboo forest that was originally full of vitality was also weak and weak at the same time, and one by one withered and died.

   Feng Chen took the opportunity to take out the pattern-planting pen, and kept walking around the bamboo forest, sketching in the void, countless patterns were drawn, but in just a moment, the prohibition of the superimposed great masters' pattern-planting was broken like this.

   As soon as the ban on planting patterns is broken, the rate of decay and withering of the entire bamboo forest is much faster.

   "Blood Guard, obey the order and immediately kill Feng Chen!" Madam Hong gave an order.

   "Yes!" Thirty red-clothed men with suffocating aura all around appeared, and together with the old woman, they shot at Feng Chen one after another.

   The cultivation base of the 30 people is the peak of the Holy Spirit, and they also used an ingenious offensive and defensive formation.

   Feng Chen snorted coldly, and walked up to meet him.

  Yun Yan stood still, this kind of battle was useful for Feng Chen's enlightenment. As long as it wasn't in a critical situation, he wouldn't take action.

   Mrs. Hong's eyes were filled with blood red, she took out a dagger and stabbed it in her heart.

   Her actions surprised the three people present, but they all knew that this woman could never be seeking death.

   Sure enough, a drop of blood fell from his heart and flew straight into the mouth of the giant ghost face whose breath was already very weak.

   The ghost face, which had been wilted and dried up, quickly regained its vitality, and a strange scream came out of its mouth, releasing the power of last life, and a red mist spit out from its big mouth.

   Then the ghost face quickly wilted again, which was short-lived like a flash in the pan.

  The lipstick mist gradually spread and enveloped from the size of a palm, and actually broke through the golden halo surrounding Feng Chen and Yun Yan.

   "This is a cursed poison." Yun Yan's face was solemn, and he was even more suspicious of Madam Hong's identity. This kind of sinister technique was not something that people from the lower realms could control.

The direction in which the    red mist gradually spread was coming from Feng Chen. Obviously, Madam Hong was determined to keep Feng Chen here completely.

   The speed of the red fog was very fast, and Feng Chen was restrained by thirty spirit saints, and he was about to approach the corner of his clothes soon.

   Yun Yan's expression changed, and he immediately took action to block the thirty besieged Spirit Saints.

   "Chen'er, hurry up and leave first, this poisonous gas will be greatly damaged even by those who have cultivated the Spirit Emperor."

   Feng Chen is not an impulsive person, just about to teleport back, suddenly a figure appeared in front of him.

  The man blocked the rapidly spreading red mist with his entire body, and used his spiritual power to forcefully pull all the red mist into his body.

   Her movements were too fast, and after the red mist was inhaled into her body and disappeared, everyone saw her appearance clearly, it was the Great Demon King.

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