However, now, it is just the beginning


Suddenly there was a loud roar. In the distance, with the corners of the white tiger's eyes twitching, a huge creature that covered the sky and the sun was already coming from the end of the earth.

This creature is too big.

Too big.

So much so that even the open small world passage cannot carry it.

"Click, click...

One crisp sound after another, the passage in the small world continues to expand.

Only then did Bai Hu realize that this was his eighth brother, Bing Huo.

A giant elephant.

Now, it can be called a Titan.

It has the blood of the Titan family, and it has the heart of a tree as its heart, providing endless vitality....

In terms of physical strength, he is even more terrifying than the ordinary Titans.

Only those few pure-blood Titans who stand at the top of the Titan clan can compare.

"Second brother, third brother...

Amid the low call, he found that it could no longer hold up the glacier at the entrance to the world passage, and finally chose another path, the magical power - Xiao Ruyi. only...

He is not very proficient in mastering this magical power, so that when he uses it, his body is asymmetrical.

Looking carefully, the shrinking glacier seems to have elongated in size, which looks very strange.

However, with a height of about 100 meters, it is much easier to pass through the entrance to the small world.


Grinning, a little embarrassed, Bingglai paced, wandering towards Niu Mo, Bai Hu and the others....

"I almost didn't recognize the way you looked just now...."

"Thanks to the master's advice, I was lucky enough to step into the fifth level. What about the appearance?...Naturally, there are certain changes..."

With a touch of embarrassment, Glacier also said gratefully.

But, yes.

Beings like him...It’s not that difficult to reach the fifth level...

If the master hadn't changed his destiny for him and forcibly exchanged his blood... he would have cherished his treasure and cultivated his heart....

Thinking of this, Bingglao felt even more grateful to his master....

At this time, Yu Ziyu quietly looked at the familiar figures arriving one after another, with a smile on her lips.

The little world of life hasn’t been so lively for a long time....

Since they began to rush to the Kadar Star Territory five years ago, all the powerful people have also begun their own retreats.

Bull Demon, White Tiger, Golden Ant, Thorns, Kuizhou, Glacier, Iron-eating Beast Laojiu...

One after another, the fourth-level little guys started to move towards the fifth level.

Now, five years later, they are finally reunited.

These little guys have all set foot on the Five Stars.

In addition to them, there are five more people whom Yu Ziyu carefully selected...

"I'll wait to meet the master."

Amidst the chorus of calls, Yu Yu also slowly looked towards the direction of the sound.

For a moment

, what caught his eyes were five familiar yet somewhat unfamiliar figures.

Golden Behemoth, the genius among the guards.

Now. , only a hundred meters tall, but his body is like steel and iron bones, and his hair is even more dazzling.

Fifth-level Behemoth, the real king of land warfare.

In addition to Behemoth, there is also the Red Lotus Platypus.

At a glance, it looks like The flame-like lines dyed the platypus red.

It was only three or four meters tall, but its aura was the most terrifying.

The ground beneath its feet melted.

There was even magma oozing out.

The red lotus platypus used the Nine-Tails' The training notes show signs of breakthrough.

But now, he has truly reached the fifth level of the extraordinary.

What is even more frightening is that he has also condensed the imprint of the volcanic law...

The volcanic law pays attention to explosions.

And the whole body of the red lotus platypus, The swirling magma lines are his understanding of the laws of volcanoes.

There are more than a thousand...The white tigers all have seven hundred additional law marks.

If all these magma lines are ignited, the explosive power of the Red Lotus Platypus will increase exponentially.

And that is the Red Lotus Platypus, in its most terrifying posture.

Until now, none of the powerful people in the entire small world of life is willing to face the attitude of the Red Lotus Platypus. horrible.

It's really too scary.

The earth melts and the sky tears apart.

Countless black smoke rose.

The whole small world feels like it is coming to an end...


With a neigh, the red lotus platypus at the early stage of the fifth level actually aroused a power that reached the peak of the fifth level....

And that is the power of law blessing.

It is precisely because of this that Yu Ziyu now attaches great importance to the Red Lotus Platypus.

This is a talent...

In addition to the Golden Behemoth and the Red Lotus Platypus, the other ones selected by Yu Ziyu were the Immortal Sky Crow, Black Gold and a guest from the Demon Court, the patron saint of the Free Federation, and the number zero beast known as the 'Legendary Creature'. Known as the Red Lotus Tyrant.

There is no need to say more about the Immortal Sky Crow.

Immortal and immortal, with thousands of incarnations, very strange.

Black Gold is the first clan of Yaoting, the leader of the chimpanzee clan, and the first gorilla clan to evolve into a human subspecies....

If humans evolved with their brains, then the Black Gold subspecies tended to fight.

Physical fitness, even if he doesn't practice, is a hundred times higher than that of ordinary people.

She has long black hair draped over her shoulders.

There are blood-red hairs on the chest, and there are cross-shaped blood marks on the chest like a gorilla....

There is a tail on the back, which is constantly swaying.

Black Gold can now be said to be the first human to reach the fifth level in Demon Court.

As for the last red lotus tyrant?...

The appearance is like a standing dinosaur, more like a giant bear.

There is a blue dorsal fin on the back...

If you become angry, your body's temperature will continue to rise.

At first, the Red Lotus Tyrant's skin will turn red over a large area and steam will emit, and then the blue dorsal fin will continue to turn red... until finally, the atomic furnace modified by the Free Federation in his body burns, and an extremely powerful explosion erupts. Combat power, able to spit out atomic breath that tears apart the planet in an instant’...

It is worth mentioning here that the atomic furnace...It's not just talk.

As the patron saint of the Free Federation, and the Free Federation is a technological power, the Red Lotus Beast will naturally not be simple.

The atomic furnace sleeping deep in his body is the technological crystallization of the Free Federation, which can increase the Red Lotus Tyrant's combat power dozens of times....

After the Red Lotus Tyrant reached the fifth level, the technological product of the atomic furnace truly became one with it and turned into an organ of his body....

It can be said that although the current Red Lotus Tyrant's body structure is strange, at the same time it is strange, it is also incredibly powerful. ps:-------------Ask for customization--------------

The Red Lotus Tyrant is based on the Red Lotus Godzilla. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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