"Hahaha, I finally made a breakthrough, I finally made a breakthrough..."

Suddenly a long laugh suddenly sounded from a corner.

Looking carefully, it turned out to be a huge tiger with two wings.

This giant tiger appears in black and white.

White hair, strands, each strand is as crystal clear as jade.

As for black, it is like a symbol, deeply imprinted on the giant tiger.

And if you look carefully at these black lines, you will definitely find that an unspeakable evil is coming towards your face.

The seal of Qiongqi.

This is a brand that can only be carried by those who bear the unique bloodline of ancient ferocious beasts.

It confuses people's minds and confuses their sanity.

It's an extremely evil force...

However, this is not the time to pay attention to these things...

Slowly raising his eyes, looking at the sky to control the storm, spreading his wings, the storm he stirred up was a white tiger that affected the entire small world of life, and the corners of Yu Ziyu's mouth also curled up.

"This guy finally made a breakthrough, and it’s not just an ordinary breakthrough...."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu was also satisfied.

Although it took four years longer than he expected, looking at White Tiger's control over the power of wind now, he can see that it was worth it.

Just because, at this time, the white tiger used the eyes between his eyebrows to peek into the"Law of Wind" and condensed more than 300 wind marks.

This wind mark is like the time gear condensed by Yu Ziyu's understanding of time.

If Yu Ziyu condenses 129,600 gears, he can truly bear the law of time.

And if the current white tiger condenses eighteen thousand wind marks, it can carry the 'Law of Wind' on its back.

Don't be surprised why Yu Ziyu needs 129,600 pieces, while Bai Hu only needs to condense 18,000 dao.

The law of time and the law of wind are completely incomparable.

The difference between the two is just one heaven and one earth.

There are only a few people who bear the law of wind in ten thousand years.

But there must be one who carries the law of time in millions of years.

Just, now...Hu has already stepped on the threshold of understanding the law, and it can be foreseen that his future will definitely exceed the fifth level.

He has a bright future, I guess.

In this way, Bai Hu delayed his breakthrough for several years, but Yu Ziyu was still satisfied.

Of course, satisfaction is satisfaction, but Yu Ziyu still snorted coldly.


The gentle snort was obviously not loud, but it exploded in Bai Hu's heart like thunder.

"Baihu, what you promised me was a one-year breakthrough..."


Listening to Yu Ziyu's voice, Bai Hu's face turned bitter before he could feel happy. one year...

He did remember his promised one-year breakthrough.

However, there are always surprises in everything. He never expected that he would have such an opportunity to peek into the threshold of the Law of Wind.

This has been delayed for several years

"master i..."

In the sarcastic voice, Bai Hu also wanted to explain.

But the next moment

"Third brother, your breakthrough is really slow. I was so far ahead of you..."

A low laughter suddenly sounded in the corner of the small world of life.

Accompanied by it, a figure with a bull's head and a body, like a demon, stepped forward.


With each step, the ground shook.

What's even more terrifying is that with that figure as the center, the light seems to be distorted.

That's gravity.

A very strange power.

After reaching the fifth level, Bull Demon has cultivated this ability to the edge of the law.

You only need to wait for a while to condense the seal of law.

Just like Yu Ziyu’s time gear, Bai Hu’s wind marks......


His face froze again, and Bai Hu was shocked when he felt the terrifying aura of his second brother Niu Mo.

Second brother's breakthrough, why didn't he know?

You know, although he is meditating on the laws, his perception is still there.

At this time, Niu Mo seemed to be aware of Bai Hu's thoughts, and Niu Mo also smiled and explained:

"Seeing that you rarely have an epiphany, the master asked us to go to other small worlds when we have a breakthrough..."

"Is that so?..."

With a murmur, Bai Hu also had a touch of emotion in his eyes.

However, the next moment, as if he had reacted, Bai Hu suddenly exclaimed:

"I wait? ?"

"Yes, I'm waiting, I'm not the only one who has made a breakthrough. This time, you are the slowest..."

After saying that, Niu Mo also shouted at Tianyu:

"Everyone, why don’t you come out yet?..."

Waves of sound rolled across the mountains and rivers.

And just in a moment


Along with the terrifying vibration, the earth trembled.

Looking in the direction from which the sound came, I was surprised to find that a valley hundreds of meters deep had emerged.

"that...I can't control my strength yet..."

With a hint of apology in his voice, a tall, scaly figure fell into Bai Hu's sight.

This is the fifth brother Golden Ant.

However, compared to the short figure before, the golden ant has actually grown several times bigger and is as tall as a person.

The dense scales shone with a dazzling luster under the sunlight.

Each arm is like a sharp blade.

It looks terrible.

But now, the fifth brother does not look like a clan of ants, but like an unknown ferocious beast.

It unexpectedly matched Bai Hu's aesthetics, and Bai Hu praised her repeatedly. only... etc....

As if he had reacted, Bai Hu's face tightened, and then he wailed:

"Don't tell me, brothers, about my last breakthrough..."

"It seems like this is really the case..."

Tilting his head, with a rare smile on his face, Golden Ant said truthfully.

But, yes.

With their master, a sixth-level warrior who is almost at the extreme level, personally guiding them, it would be difficult for them not to break through.

In the past, Kui Zhou and Bing Bing, who had the worst talents, had their fate changed by their master, reversing their lack of talent.

In this way, it is inevitable for them to make breakthroughs one by one.

It's just a matter of time.

And just then.

It seems that I heard the call of the bull demon


The earth-shattering dragon roar suddenly came from the distance.

Looking up, at the far end of the earth, a whirlpool has opened.

That is the passage connecting the small world of the earth.

But now, in this passage, a prehistoric tyrant has already moved forward in an indomitable way.

"Boom, boom, boom...

The back paws stepped on the ground one after another, splashing dust all over the sky.

The figure is like steel, glowing with the luster of stars.

The whole body looked cold and heartless.

And it is Kui Zhou.

The being in charge of the heart of the steel element has now swallowed countless star irons, truly changing the essence of life, and his body has turned into divine iron.

While indestructible, it is also infinitely powerful.

Combined with Kui Zhou, the dinosaur family is good at fighting and cruel.

Now he is truly qualified to bear the name of tyrant, a veritable killing machine. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download it

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