"You guys have all grown up...."

After sighing deeply, Yu Ziyu turned his eyes and looked to a corner.

Over there...

"Step, step, step...

Along with the light footsteps, a faint fragrance also came.

This is dragon orchid.

A fifth-level spiritual tree that produces flowers with a unique fragrance that can nourish the soul.

As for this fifth-level spiritual tree, it goes without saying much.

It is the small world of fog, the deepest part of the tree world, the only fifth-level tree man, the dragon blood tree man.

And she is also the companion of Thorns, the current master of the tree world.

Relying on each other, one master and one servant, practicing together.

And now...

The dragon blood tree fell on the shoulders of thorns.

Thorns, on the other hand, walked towards Yu Ziyu with light steps.

However, with every step the thorns fell, bloody flowers bloomed beneath their feet.

The flower bloomed extremely beautifully.

But it also makes the thorns look very enchanting


The breath that seemed to be in the ear suddenly came to Yu Ziyu's ear.

"You girl, your temperament is getting more and more extraordinary...."

"There's nothing I can do...It's like sitting in the tree world, with hundreds of thousands of tree people under his command....I have a bad temperament, but I can't control the situation...."

As if complaining, the sound of the thorns came through spiritual thoughts.

The tree world is a secret to many beings.

Even the Emperor Crocodile and the Bull Demon don't know...

In this way, Thorns will also be cautious when talking about this time.

"That's true...."

Quite sympathetic, Yu Ziyu also agreed.

Just like him, after becoming the master of the Demon Court, every word and deed represents the Demon Court, but he cannot go his own way as before.

He himself is not afraid.

However, the Demon Court behind it is...


With a sigh, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but think of the Demon Court that was several star fields away, and also thought of Nine Tails, Emperor Crocodile...Waiting for one figure after another...

However, this is not the time to dwell on these things.

Now that all the powerful people have awakened, it's almost time to start.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu also said softly:


Yu Ziyu's voice was not loud, but it rang in the ears of every mutated beast, so that every strong man turned his eyes and stared at Yu Ziyu.

"Now, there is still less than half a month to go to the Kadar Star Territory...."

Saying this, the corners of Yu Ziyu's eyes also twitched.

It was originally planned to rush to the Kadar Star Territory in one or two years.

Who would have thought that he was lost in the outer starry sky.

What made him even more speechless was that...Controlling the Heavenly Purple Dragon, he rushed forward with his head down, but he actually rushed into a dark star field.

Looking around, it was pitch black, and even the five senses were greatly weakened.

In that dark star field, Yu Ziyu struggled for half a year before coming out.

At this time, what Yu Ziyu didn't know was that that dark star field was a famous and dangerous place in the starry sky.

According to some ethnic group elders, even an ordinary master might not be able to get out of that dark star field, let alone a sixth-level extraordinary person.

But it took Yu Ziyu half a year to escape from it.

If other races knew this, they would be stunned.

Of course, this is because Yu Ziyu has many methods, some of which are even incomparable to ordinary masters....

In other words, Yu Ziyu’s background is not as deep as usual......


After taking a look at the many mutated beasts that seemed to be surprised, Yu Ziyu coughed in time and prepared to change the subject.

But at the next moment, an untimely exclamation came out

"Master, have you not arrived at the Kadar Star Territory in five years?...No way, are you...be lost?"


A branch from nowhere suddenly whipped the white tiger flying hundreds of meters.

However, looking at Bai Hu who got up from the ground with a still expression on his face, Yu Ziyu also directly changed the subject:

"We are about to arrive in the Kadar Star Territory, and you have just woken up...."

"The timing is very good...So I plan to send you out in pairs, and then start searching from every corner of the Kalda Star Territory...."

"If you find any information about the Tai Chi Diagram of the Eternal Emperor's Arms, the Taoist Sect, and the great supernatural power that transforms the Three Pure Ones into One Qi, please contact me as soon as possible....Know?"

Listening quietly, the expressions of many mutated beasts were also solemn. Immediately, they responded in unison:"Yes, Master..."


Nodding slightly, Yu Ziyu was relieved.

The people here are all old people, and they no longer perform tasks once or twice.

Naturally, he is very experienced.

However, instead of doing tasks in a corner of Blue Star before, now it is the entire Kadar Star Territory.

And a Kadar star field is at least as big as the Milky Way. so...This term may be very long...

However, Yu Ziyu could afford it.

For the great magical power of Taoism to transform the three pure beings with one breath, everything is worth it.

And just then.

As if he thought of something, Niu Mo suddenly stepped forward and said:

"Master, I have an idea, I don’t know whether I should talk about it or not?"


In response, Yu Ziyu was also curious.

The bull demon who has always been silent, why is he so proactive today?...

"Master, from the current point of view, this search may not take a day or two, or even a year or two...."

"In this case, why don’t we try to find the indigenous races of the Kadar Star Territory?..."

"If there are, we can directly conquer them with our strong strength, and then form a temporary force to search for them one by one in every corner. It must be much faster than our aimless search..."

As he spoke one after another, a glimmer of light flashed in the depths of the Bull Demon's eyes.

"This is not a bad idea."

After pondering for a moment, Yu Ziyu also nodded slightly.


Although Niu Mo and others are powerful now, trying to search for an elusive imperial soldier in the vast star field is no less than finding a needle in a haystack.

It is even more difficult. More than twice that. Instead of doing this, it is better to occupy the entire Kadar Star Territory as Niu Mo said.

Then, subdue the various indigenous forces and help Yu Ziyu search for it.

Of course, it is worth mentioning that today’s Nine Realms, There are also some troops from the Demon Court.

However, not many.

There are only one million legions.

Compared with the tens of billions of people of the indigenous races, the one million population of the Nine Realms is too small...._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download it

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