A simple reward based on merit, and then after dividing the spirit turtles, Yu Ziyu also dismissed many mutant beasts.

Only nine tails, bull demon, white tiger and other core personnel are left.

Of course, Linggui and Yu Ziyu also sent messages to ask him to stay.

Guys like Ling Turtle are very sensitive. Letting him stay can make him feel that he is valued, and thus he will be more loyal to the Demon Court.

Although this is just a small method, the effect is really good.

At least, now, after taking a look at the excitement on the turtle's face, Yu Ziyu also smiled in his heart.

As he expected, the spirit turtle would be grateful if given a sweet date.

The reason why I was like this before was just because of fear, panic, and worry that I would not get fair treatment if I broke through.


With a slight cough, Yu Ziyu also attracted the attention of many mutated beasts.

Immediately, Yu Ziyu looked at one after another.

Wherever they looked, the Nine Tails, White Tiger, etc. all puffed out their chests andRespect

"I'm leaving soon……"

Suddenly speaking, the air was quiet.

Along with this, the expressions of Nine Tails, Bull Demon, White Tiger and others all changed drastically.

"Master, do you want to leave? Where to go?"

"Why leave at this time?"


Question after question, many mutant beasts who were close to Yu Ziyu spoke excitedly.

At this time, as if he realized something, the golden monkey also stepped out and said:

"Master, is it because of the news from Titan God Realm?"


Nodding slightly, Yu Ziyu also explained:

"The news from Titan God Realm is very important to me."

Speaking of this, Yu Ziyu continued with a hint of helplessness:

"I'm sorry to leave when the Demon Court was first established, but this time, I have to go."

Listening quietly, Jiuwei, Bai Hu and others also looked at each other and understood.

Then, Jiuwei stepped out and asked on behalf of everyone:

"Master, I’m afraid it will take a long time to come back if you go this time."

"Not sure."

Shaking his head, Yu Ziyu also felt this and sighed:

"It could be as little as a few decades or as much as a thousand years.……"


His face froze slightly, and Kyuubi and the others all showed expressions of astonishment.

As few as decades? How many thousands of years?

You know, it has only been more than ten years since the spiritual energy of the Milky Way was revived... and now, the master has left like this


With a sigh, the golden monkey, who had some idea about Yu Ziyu's trip, also understood Yu Ziyu's determination.

It is about the Lord's enlightenment, and there is no room for any delay.

It’s just that... as if he thought of something, Golden Monkey also asked truthfully:

"The master must have some plans for the future."


Nodding, Yu Ziyu also got down to business and continued:

"This is what I want to focus on next."

As he said that, Yu Ziyu also rolled up the branches, setting off a layer of spiritual aura, blocking the perception from the outside world, and said bluntly:

"After I left, the Demon Court was still the same as before, with the top ten divine beasts as masters and the Demon Master Golden Monkey as its assistant."

"To the outside world, you will take care of my disciples Zerg Queen Shala, Big Snake, and Spirit Turtle.……"


Speaking one after another, Yu Ziyu also revealed the arrangement he had been planning for a long time.

There are not many arrangements, but it is enough to maintain the operation of the Demon Court inside and outside.

Moreover, Yu Ziyu also pointed out that the body of the void elf will guard the Demon Court. If an accident occurs, he can go to the third level of the Demon Court - the deepest part of the heaven to wake him up.

At this time, if someone looks towards the sky, it is the deepest part of the moon.

You can definitely see that deep in a rippling, layered space, there is a crystal-like palace located here.

And in the crystal palace, there is also a crystal coffin.

As for Yu Ziyu's void elf body, it lies quietly deep in the crystal coffin.

This crystal coffin is made of fifth-level spiritual material-containing spirit stone and is extremely precious.

And one of its very powerful abilities is to prevent the loss of spiritual power.

Even if it takes thousands of years, or even ten thousand years, the strength of the void elf's body will not be reduced at all because of lack of practice.

·····Ask for flowers········

Even, to a certain extent, it is possible to improve a little or two.

Now, the entire Crystal Palace is guarded by immortal laurels, and Yu Ziyu is relieved.

Moreover, it is worth mentioning that Immortal Laurel has already reached the fifth level quietly, especially because it is rooted in the Lunar Star, which is the Moon Realm.

The strength of Immortal Laurel will increase several times or even dozens of times in the heaven.

Although it is inconvenient to move, there is really nothing to say about guarding one side.

And this is also a little-known trump card of Demon Court.


At this time, Yu Ziyu turned his eyes and looked at Niu Mo, Bai Hu and others not far away, and continued:

"Although I am one of the ten great beast masters, those of you who have not yet set foot on the fifth level, please follow me. If I have time, I can also give you some guidance."............


With a sudden smile, Bai Hu's mouth widened.

"I knew the master couldn't bear to leave me……"

Saying this, Bai Hu said to Emperor Crocodile again as if showing off:

"Then fourth brother, you will guard the Demon Court while I go to accompany the master.……"


With a soft snort, Emperor Crocodile also turned his head as he looked at the triumphant white tiger.

But at this time, if you pay attention, you will definitely be able to see the smile in the depths of Emperor Crocodile's eyes.

With the second brother, third brother and the others following me, I think the master will not be lonely.


"Oh...you guy……"

Glancing at Bai Hu helplessly, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but shake her head.

This guy has no idea what he is pretending to be?

But that's not important right now.

The most important thing is the arrangement of Blue Star in the first level and Canglan in the second level.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu also looked at the spirit turtle that had just broken through and said:

"Spirit Turtle, I intend to let you guard Blue Star. I wonder if you are willing?"

"The subordinates are willing."

In response, the spirit turtle huddled in the corner suddenly raised his head and said excitedly.

"That's good, 70% of Blue Stars are Jianghai, which is the most suitable for you.……"

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also first provided a layer of protection for the first level Sky Blue Star. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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