
One of the sacred, a terrifying creature that surpasses gods, dragons and other superior races.

But in the previous era, and even more distant eras.

The most famous sacred ones are the green dragon, phoenix, basalt, golden crow (three-legged bird), etc....

And now let’s not mention Yu Ziyu’s green dragon body carrying ‘vitality’.

Just talking about Xuanwu is extremely extraordinary.

Xuanwu is also called Xuanming, and is known as the 'Water God'. He was born with the law of water. If he still grows up, it is almost inevitable to set foot in the Dominion.

And now, although the spirit turtle in front of Yu Ziyu is not innately divine, it is natural that it has awakened the Xuanwu bloodline and reached the fifth level.

After all, he is of Xuanwu bloodline.

If it is difficult to reach the fifth level, wouldn't it be an insult to the sacred name?

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu also narrowed his eyes slightly.

For a moment, his eyes seemed to span time and even space. Yu Ziyu also saw a giant beast deep in the spiritual energy storm.

The turtle and snake combine, the turtle body roars, and the snake body neighs.

Between the roar and the cry, there was a strange rhythm that echoed in the air.

If you look closely, one black river after another is already circling around the turtle.

"Are you completely awake?..."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu's eyes also condensed 757...

And at the next moment, countless words were also printed in Yu Ziyu's eyes

【Race: Xuanwu.

Level: Extraordinary fifth level.

Natal talent: Soft Water - Awakening the sacred Xuanwu bloodline, he can control the water of the world, which can cause rivers to turmoil and the world to overturn. What's more terrifying is the softness of water, which can dissolve all kinds of strength....

Special ability:

Ghost Shield - condense a black shield in front of you, which can block all kinds of attacks.

Damage reduction - No matter how terrifying the attack is, the uniqueness of Xuanwu's body will reduce the damage again and again, up to 40%.

Water of the Tianhe River - a long roar from the mouth, causing boundless water to come from the sky.

Rebirth of severed limbs - Even a broken body can be reborn through spiritual power.

Divine power:

Xuanwu Shield - the tortoise shell on the body does not need to be sacrificed, it is the most terrifying shield in the world. When spiritual power surges, it can turn into a giant shield that rises in the sky to resist all attacks....

"Gee, what a nice guy...."

With secret praise in his heart, the smile on Yu Ziyu's face became even stronger.

When he was about to leave, a very good idea appeared.

When it comes to combat power, the Spirit Turtle is not that strong.

But his first-hand defense was really incomprehensible.

According to Yu Ziyu's guess, even if he exists, it would be a bit troublesome to shake the spirit turtle.

And this, if polished a little, can be turned into a shield for the Demon Court, protecting the Demon Court for thousands of years without worries.

If you can't beat him, won't he become a turtle with a shrunken head? The worst he can do is huddle under the shell of a spirit turtle....

Of course, this is just a thought.

With the spirit turtle's strength, the magical power like the Xuanwu Shield would probably only be used a few times.

Being strong is strong, but it can’t last long and it’s useless....

At this time, what Yu Ziyu didn't know was that even if the turtle's natal magical power, the Xuanwu Shield, could not be activated a few times, the defensive power of his turtle shell was extremely terrifying.

It is really not something that ordinary fifth-level powerhouses can easily shake...

At least, many powerhouses in the Demon Court in the future can't help but twitch the corners of their eyes when they look at the turtle wearing a turtle shell.......

Time passed slowly.

After half a day, the spiritual energy storm slowly dissipated.

At this time, looking at the spirit turtle that had almost completed the breakthrough, Yu Ziyu was about to speak, but the spirit turtle's deep voice was already echoing in the air.

"Thanks to Lord Shenmu’s kindness, this subordinate is lucky enough to step into the fifth level...."

After saying that, the spirit turtle continued:

"I am extremely grateful to you. I have done as much work as a dog (cedh) and a horse for Master Shenmu...."

"Tsk tsk..."

With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu also had a touch of amusement on her face.

This guy shows his loyalty in front of many powerful people.

But, it's pretty good.

People who are knowledgeable are better than people who are ignorant.

Moreover, the current spirit turtle also has the qualifications to make him raise his eyes...

The corner of his mouth curled up, and Yu Ziyu slowly said:

"Now, since you have reached the fifth level, you should enjoy the same status as the top ten divine beasts....Moreover, he should also enjoy the highest level of treatment in the Demon Court...."

As he spoke, Yu Ziyu's voice became serious and he shouted:

"The turtle listens to orders..."

"Subordinates are here..."

In response, the giant tortoise hovering in the sky also had blazing eyes.

"From now on, you will be the marshal of the Demon Court’s navy. You will be in charge of our Demon Court’s one hundred thousand navy, and you will protect our Demon Court’s peace for all eternity...."

"Yes. Lord Shenmu..."

Amid the excited voice, the spirit turtle also showed ecstasy.

Military power, he really has military power.

You know, what he wants most after painstaking efforts is to have military power and stand at the top of tens of thousands of people.

And now...

That's how he got it.

However, at this moment, as if he realized something, there was a smile on his face.

He remembered that not long ago he said in front of his friends: He wants to become a navy marshal and be in charge of a hundred thousand navy....’

However, now, Master Shenmu actually said it word by word, exactly.


With ten thousand grass and mud horses galloping in his heart, Linggui understood Yu Ziyu's words,"The nine realms are just a part of my body, nothing can be hidden from me."

"As expected, Master Shenmu was not lying."

Muttering in his heart, Linggui was both horrified and lucky.

What was horrifying was Master Shenmu's terror.

Fortunately, he didn't say anything 'treasonous'...

At this time, Yu Ziyu didn't care about Linggui. Little thought.

Now that he has reached the fifth level of the Transcendent, Yu Ziyu will give him what he deserves.

The only thing he needs to do is to be loyal and loyal.

As long as he is loyal to him and to the Demon Court, everything will be fine. ps:-----------Ask for customization----------

The fourth update coming soon...(*▽^*).._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collecting and recommending

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