Blue Star is just one of them.

Canglan World, as the second level of the Demon Court, also needs to be guarded.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu also turned his attention to the big snake not far away.

The big snake has an eternal bloodline inheritance. It transformed in the world of Canglan and reached the fifth level of extraordinary. It is also the deepest 'monster' in the world of Canglan and is feared by the world.

It is born to devour fear, and it continues to grow in fear.

Such an existence should be the darkest and most terrifying monster.

However, now...

"Orochi, I hope you can protect the world of Canglan..."


With a grin on his lips, the eight dragon heads of the big snake couldn't help but look at each other and laughed dumbly:

"I didn’t expect that I, the most feared monster in the world of Canglan, would one day be responsible for protecting me."

"Who will protect"210" if you don't protect it? You know, it is precisely because the creatures in Canglan World are afraid of you and afraid of you that you can become stronger just by lying down like you are now. If Canglan World is destroyed, unmannedSpread your name of fear, even if your strength is not weakened, don't even think about going further..."

When the golden monkey on the side saw this, he couldn't help but joked:

"That's true..."

Nodding slightly, the eight dragon heads of the big snake grinned in agreement.

Beings like him.

The most bizarre.

Grow by relying on the fear of the world...

If the world of Canglan is really destroyed, he may be in some trouble.

Thinking of this, the big snake also agreed:

"Okay, master, my subordinates will definitely protect the world of Canglan."


Nodding slightly, Yu Ziyu was relieved.

The big snake hides deeply, and is by no means as simple as it seems.

Especially after this guy got to know the gods who 'control the dream' in the Emerald Dream in the deepest part of the Canglan world, his power changed qualitatively.

He has even joined forces with that god to open up the 'Dream World'’..

"Tsk tsk..."

With a grin on his lips, Yu Ziyu was a little curious about the true power of the big snake.

However, right now is not the time to rush into exploring this.

After arranging the first and second levels of Sky Blue Star and Canglan World in Demon Court, Yu Ziyu also considered the third level - Heaven.

However, I thought of heaven being the base camp of Demon Court in the future.

In addition to being guarded by the Immortal Laurel, there were also the Nine-tailed Emperor Crocodile and others, which made Yu Ziyu slightly relieved.

There are so many fifth-level true gods sitting here, which cannot be shaken by ordinary forces.

Even if it is as powerful as the Titan God Realm or even the Angel Star Realm, it will still be afraid of one or two...

And after making simple arrangements, Yu Ziyu did not delay

"Boom, boom, boom...

With the surge of spiritual power, a vast vortex opened in the sky above the Nine Realms.

"Now, I have opened the passage to the nine realms...Either move or go out, you can feel free to do so..."

"It lasts for ten days. I hope you will take more care of it...."

Narrating one after another, Yu Ziyu's consciousness slowly sank into his body.

Rather than looking at the reluctant eyes of the mutated beasts, Yu Ziyu preferred to use the name of 'cultivation' to turn a blind eye to what was going on outside the window.


Amid the soft call, Jiuwei, who had followed Yu Ziyu for many years, could not stop his eyes from twinkling.

Vaguely, it could be seen that the corners of Kyuubi's eyes were surrounded by a circle of crystal.

However, before there were more crystals, the blazing flames had already ignited in the corners of Kyuubi's eyes.


The terrifying aura suddenly erupted, and Kyuubi stepped onto the sky with one step, slowly walking towards the sky.

"Let's go, use this period of time to divide the Demon Court into two, arrange it properly, and don't let the master worry too much."

The faint voice was like a queen, but there was an indescribable domineering power.

And listening to this voice, many mutated beasts looked at each other, and their spiritual power surged one after another.

"Yes, eldest sister"

"Yes, Lord Kyuubi."

In the chorus of responses, the iron-eating beast Lao Jiu, the bull demon, the white tiger and other mutated beasts all scattered away.

Gradually , they dispersed....

Deep in the whole small world of life, there are only two or three figures left, and a towering giant tree, gently swaying, and falling a few green leaves from time to time....

It seems to be sighing, but also seems to be remembering

"Master, are you reluctant to part with it?"

As if aware of Yu Ziyu's thoughts, a graceful woman with long green hair and a world-famous face slowly bent down and picked up a willow leaf that had fallen before it withered........

Although the master has endless power, he still drops leaves like ordinary trees.

This is metabolism, very normal.

However, if the leaves fall off before they are completely yellow, it shows that the owner is very uneasy....


With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also faintly woke up as she looked at the approaching Elf Queen Fei Leidetrika. Immediately, she sighed:

"Now that I'm gone, I don't know when I'll be able to return....It's really a bit sad.."

"It's normal to be reluctant to leave, the master values ​​​​love..."

Speaking of this, Fredricka also continued:

"However, the master does not need to worry. With the current strength of Demon Court, it is fully capable of standing in the forest of stars...."


Nodding slightly, Yu Ziyu also agreed.

Now Yaoting's strength is not weak.

It can even be called 'powerful'.

Even without him, he can still dominate the starry sky.

Moreover, this time can also be used as a test.

If Without him, something would happen to Demon Court...Then Yu Ziyu, who returns in the future, will not only avenge him, but also calm down and no longer worry about the relevant forces.

However, at this moment, Yu Ziyu noticed something, and glanced at the elf queen Felede Trika, whose breath was a little unstable now, and said with concern:

"You should be about to break through, right?"

"Um. 1.5"

Nodding slightly, Fredricka's world-famous face also showed a smile, and then she said gratefully:

"Thanks to the care of my master, it is only a matter of time before I break through to the fifth level...."

"It's all on your own."

Speaking like this, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but laugh.

The Elf Queen Feidetrika was originally a famous and powerful person in the Canglan world.

Before she followed Yu Ziyu, she was already a terrifying existence at the peak of demigods.

Then, Following Yu Ziyu, accompanying her day and night.

The occasional guidance has also benefited the Elf Queen a lot.

Not to mention that the Elf Queen's talent is not weak in the first place, and she can rank in the top ten even in the Demon Court.

In this way, her breakthrough will naturally It's a matter of course.

In fact, it's not just her, even Elsa, the King of Mermaids, is coming soon._

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