Parade is just a polite way of saying it by Yu Ziyu.

However, thinking that the spirit turtle was not weak in talent and was loyal to the Demon Court, Yu Ziyu was unwilling to pursue the matter.

After all, as strength grows, so should expansion.

However, the spirit turtle expanded in the wrong place.

This guy doesn't even think about it. If he really reaches the fifth level, how could the Demon Court not reuse him?


With a sigh, Yu Ziyu spoke again:

"Our Demon Court values ​​strength. If you reach the fifth level, even if you don’t fight for it, your status will be no less than that of the top ten divine beasts....You will also enjoy the highest level of resource treatment in Demon Court."

"I...knew...sacred tree..."

A look of loneliness flashed across his face, and the turtle also smiled bitterly.

One is, laughing at him for not knowing how high the world is.

The second one lamented the horror of the sacred tree.

Even the Nine Realms are just a part of his body. What a terrifying thing.

Don't talk about him, even Demon Master Golden Monkey and others would be dumbfounded if they knew this.

What is worth mentioning here is that...

The Nine Realms are Yu Ziyu's great supernatural power - the Nine Realms of Heaven, which are infinitely more mysterious than the ordinary small world.

In a small world, others can also create it.

Powerful people like the Overlord, if they have resources, can create small worlds one after another.

But that is just a place for life to multiply and even for power to take root.

And Yu Ziyu’s Nine Realms...Live and die together with his true body.

It can turn into nine stars and kill all enemies.

It can also share the attack on Yu Ziyu.

And, more importantly, after Yu Ziyu's green dragon body turned into the heaven of the nine realms, these nine realms fell completely under Yu Ziyu's control.

In one thought, Yu Ziyu knew what was going on.

And this is no joke.

Now, in the secret space at the center of the Nine Realms, there are nine illusory books.

But those nine books record everything in the nine realms.

At a glance, the 'past' of the Nine Realms is like a movie, constantly replaying.

Now, these nine books are controlled by the Snake Girl, who is always checking the situation in the Nine Realms.

This is the priesthood given to Snake Girl by Qinglong, to monitor the nine realms....

Ensure the peace of the Nine Realms.

It was the Snake Girl's secret message that made Yu Ziyu realize that there was something strange about the spirit turtle...

"Tsk tsk...."

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu didn't care much.

All the warnings have been given.

The rest is up to the turtle himself.

But just a spirit turtle, even if it awakens its bloodline and reaches the fifth level, what kind of waves can it make?

There are quite a lot of fifth-level life forms in Demon Court today.

Some of them are outstanding when looking at the entire starry sky.

Although the spirit turtle's talent is terrifying, it is still a little behind compared to the Emperor Crocodile and others who have grown up....

With a curl of his lips, Yu Ziyu turned his attention to the small world of life.

At a glance, with Yu Ziyu's body in the center, a group of powerful people formed a circle.

And their eyes were filled with awe and fear.

More is hot.

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu also looked serious and said calmly:

"Everyone, our Demon Court has been established for three years, and recently, we have harvested a lot of supplies from the Titan Realm...."

Having said this, Yu Ziyu turned his eyes and looked in one direction.

There, Emperor Crocodile, Big Snake and others are standing quietly.

"This time, I would like to thank Emperor Crocodile and others for risking their lives to set foot in the Titan God's Domain, and I would also like to thank Star God for leading the party...."

After these very polite words, Yu Ziyu got down to business:

"This time, rewards will be given based on merit...Emperorsuchus..."

"Subordinates are here..."

With a loud roar, the golden crocodile, like a giant beast from ancient times, flew into the sky and caught everyone's eyes.

"This time, you fought against the Mountain Titan, and even persisted until the Demon Court came for rescue. Then you followed the Star God into dangerous situations, recorded two great achievements, and rewarded you with a fifth-level spiritual object, the Demon Suppressing Stone...."

"Yes, sacred tree..."

In response, Emperor Crocodile's eyes also fell on a jade-like stone that flew out from Yu Ziyu's body, but was as black as ink.

The demon-suppressing stone is a fifth-level spiritual object that can suppress inner demons and resist external evils.

For a being like Emperor Crocodile who cultivates his body but not his mind, it is undoubtedly a treasure...

At this time, Yu Ziyu's eyes turned and looked at the big snake not far away.

"Big snake, you have done a great job in protecting the Star God, and then you even captured the gold-devouring beast. You will be recorded as a great meritorious deed. You will be rewarded with a fifth-level spiritual object and a bottle of colorful jade liquid...."

"Yes, sacred tree..."...

One after another, Yu Ziyu's voice echoed in the small world of life.

Along with it, radiant treasures flew out one after another.

Looking at those treasures.

Not to mention those ordinary fourth-level experts, even the turtles who were about to enter the fifth level had their eyes shining brightly.

It is so precious.

Unimaginably precious.

Ordinary one thing is enough to cause a bloody storm.

Not to mention, one thing after another.

And this is what Yu Ziyu did intentionally.

I just hope that these four words,"Reward based on merit", can be engraved deep in the hearts of everyone in Demon Court.

Only in this way will they truly fight for the Demon Court.

Only in this way will they know that Demon Court will not treat them badly......

However, reward based on merit will eventually come to an end.

Seeing that every strong person on the list has harvested the treasures they deserve, Yu Ziyu also raised the corner of his mouth, and his spiritual power surged with it.


There was a sudden roar, and the whole small world of life was in turmoil.

Immediately afterwards, in the surprised eyes of countless mutated beasts, countless green raindrops actually fell, drowning the entire small world of life in an instant.

This is (Qian Wanghao) the rain of vitality.

Moreover, this was the first time Yu Ziyu fully activated this ability after reaching the sixth level.

In an instant, the entire small world of life was like a baptism.

You can even hear it...

"Click, click...

One after another, it was the sound of breaking through the fourth level of the extraordinary third level.

However, at this moment.

As if she noticed something, Yu Ziyu's eyes suddenly narrowed.

Following his gaze, one could suddenly see a black figure with a small black snake wrapped around its neck, like a giant tortoise, looking up to the sky and roaring fiercely.


Amidst the neighing sounds that resembled dragons but not dragons, Nuo Da's spiritual energy storm was set off.

"Have you reached the fifth level?..."Yu" smiled in his heart, Yu Ziyu was also surprised by the talent of the spirit turtle.

Sure enough, just as the golden monkey guessed.

This guy has probably awakened the bloodline of the sacred Xuanwu..._

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