
Superior race.

Moreover, they are also the most arrogant upper race.

Their arrogance is engraved in their bones and blood.

In their view, any life is an ant, even the elemental race, the elves, and even the angels, who are also superior races, are not enough.

Looking down at all living things is the best way to describe them.

And this is the most annoying thing about the dragon clan.

All of them are so-called 'megalomaniacs'.

And now, what do they see?

A fifth-level true god-level dragon has a figure above its head....

"Tsk tsk, this Titan clan may have offended some big shot...."

With a smile in his heart, Ralph's eyes became more expectant.

He wanted to see what kind of existence this was that could subdue even the fifth-level dragon...

But at this moment, Yu Ziyu and others were unaware of the shock of many powerful men.

"Let's change people's form..."

"Yes, master..."

21 responded, and the body of the Red Dragon Queen under Yu Ziyu also shrank.

Immediately afterwards, as the spiritual power surged, the dragon flames soaring into the sky also rolled back.

And in the depths of the dragon flames, a graceful figure has emerged.

Pointed ears and long red curly hair draped over her shoulders.

The golden dragon eyes were still shining, but their divine light was restrained.

And this is the Red Dragon Queen Dai'er after her transformation...

A pretty stunning dragon lady


With a chuckle and looking at the figures on both sides, Yu Ziyu was also satisfied.

The golden monkey drawn out by intertwining stars, wearing golden armor and a golden crown, looks majestic and extraordinary.

And after the transformation of the dragon girl Dai'er, she was riddled with dragon flames and ravaged by dragon power, which was also terrifying.

With these two figures accompanying him, Yu Ziyu, the most inconspicuous void elf, stood out from the crowd and became the center of attention.

However, this is exactly what Yu Ziyu wants to see

"Let's go..."

As soon as he stepped forward, the faces of some powerful men in the distance changed drastically, and the figures of Yu Ziyu, Golden Monkey and Dragon Girl disappeared into the depths of the starry sky out of thin air.

Accompanying it are ripples.

Just a few breaths...

Like ripples on a lake, it has spread.

And among the spreading ripples, three vague outlines have emerged.......

"ultra long distance transmission...This is a space practitioner..."

"Damn, we're in big trouble..."

Divine thoughts intertwined, and the eyes of the three great gods of the Titan Protoss all twitched.

This one took the lead and really surprised them.

It's domineering enough to appear with a fifth-level dragon under your feet.

But this ultra-long-distance transmission spanned at least 100,000 miles....This person is a space practitioner, and he is also a ghost.

In other words, this time the person sent by Demon Court is a fifth-level space practitioner....


With ten thousand grass and mud horses galloping in their hearts, Jing Lei, Cangyun and other Titan Supremes put away some thoughts.

Space practitioners are definitely not easy to mess with.

Moreover, just thinking about the power that can cultivate fifth-level space practitioners is a bit mind-numbing.

You know, a fifth-level space practitioner means that millions of troops may appear in any corner of the Titan God's Domain in a flash.

And this, from a war perspective, may be more than a hundred times more terrifying than the nuclear weapons of the old era.

In this case, it's no wonder that the Titans and even Ralph in the distance are a little afraid....

At this moment, Yu Ziyu’s voice echoed in the sky

"I am, one of the three gods of Demon Court, Star God, and I have met you all here."

As he said that, Yu Ziyu also raised his eyes and glanced at the end of the sky, at the white figure with a golden halo above his head.


There was a murmur in his heart, and Yu Ziyu was also wary.

That terrifying yet holy light was really dazzling.

At least, compared to those from a distance, the auras emanating from those giants were more terrifying than anything else.

Even the body of Yu Ziyu, a void elf, was inferior.

And this should be the famous Seraph in the Angel Star Territory.

Only Seraphs can carry six wings.

Only Seraphs have golden halos hovering above their heads.

This is both a status symbol.

It is also a proof of strength.

And at this moment, the white figure in the distance seemed to have noticed Yu Ziyu's gaze, and smiled politely and said hello:

"My name is Ralph, and I am one of the four great monarchs of the Angel Star Territory. Please don’t mind my presumptuous visit this time."

"Of course I won't mind."

With a raised corner of his mouth, Yu Ziyu also smiled unceremoniously:

"Your Excellency is here. Well, if the price of the Titan God Clan is not satisfactory to me, I can negotiate another deal with you...."

"Easy to say, easy to say...

As if he realized something, the smile on Ralph's face became stronger and stronger....

At this time, looking at Yu Ziyu and Seraph Ralph, who were already chatting happily, many Titans also looked at each other, and even some of their faces turned green and blue.

However, no one dared to show off because they were worried that Yu Ziyu would appear a bit scary.

Even the three supreme Titans just stared at Yu Ziyu's figure with their eyes slightly focused.

"Come back, Sky Crow..."

However, at this moment, as if he had discovered something, Yu Ziyu also raised his right hand and raised his fingers towards the Titan crowd.

"Yes, Lord Star God."

A surprised response. From far away, the huge Blood Crow kept shrinking, and even turned into a line of blood light 180, rushing out of the Titan crowd.


Suddenly there was a loud shout, Jing Lei Supreme no longer had any scruples, and he raised his right hand fiercely


Accompanied by a loud noise, a black thunder snake several thousand meters long was already attacking at extremely high speed towards the undead crow.

The Immortal Sky Crow exists like a hostage.

Even before the transaction started, the Immortal Crow returned. It was too little to take the Titans seriously.

However, at the moment Thunder Supreme took action,


With a cold snort, there was starlight flowing deep in the golden monkey's eyes.

And just the next moment


Amid the sudden roar, even the thundering Supreme Lord's pupils shrank, and time and space seemed to be upside down.

And at this time, if you look at the place where Tianya is, you will be surprised to find that his figure is no longer there.

Moreover, what is even more bizarre is that a golden light has bloomed, reaching towards the black thunder snake.

The stars are changing - the golden monkey's natal magical power is also the most bizarre magical power.

One of the uses of this magical power is to exchange places with a distant existence.

Can be exchanged with objects to avoid harm.

You can also exchange with others to leverage your strength.

But now, the Golden Monkey is exchanging places with the Sky Crow to take action for him....

As for the Sky Crow, it had shrunk to the size of a palm and landed on Yu Ziyu's shoulder.

Feilu reminds you: three things to do when reading - collect and recommend

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