And this is also the fault of Yaoting, who does not understand the rules of the starry sky.

I'm new here, so I'm looking for the word 'stable'.

As a result, the quality is indeed somewhat beyond expectations.

You know, a fifth-level true god is enough to become the king of the starry sky.

Either the patron saint of a clan, or the leader of a large force.

And a transaction like this is of great importance.

But, where will all the troops be mobilized?

The Titan Protoss, even sending out three fifth-level true gods, was considered to be cautious.


Demon Court, cough cough....

There are only nine people, but they are nine fifth-level true gods.

Several of them are not ordinary true gods.

At least, it is not easy for someone like Emperor Crocodile to fight against a mountain Titan for half an hour with his bare hands.

For ordinary fifth-level true gods, it is estimated that even the mountain titan's punch would be unbearable.

In this case, it is also conceivable that other forces will have weird expressions when they see the nine fifth-level"520" true gods of Demon Court. to be honest.

No matter what force, they would not send nine fifth-level true gods for such a matter.

Could it be said that there is no need to send people to stay in the base camp?

Of course, after thinking about it, it became clear.

In the Demon Court, in addition to Jiuwei, there is also Yu Ziyu, a sixth-level life form, who is personally in charge....

He alone can be worth hundreds of level five.

Thinking about it this way, the Demon Court is not considered to be in full force....At most, they would send out a small group of strong men....

However, no one from other forces will know about this.

It's impossible to know...

At this time, listening to the voice of Zerg Queen Sarah, Yu Ziyu also touched the wings of her nose and muttered:

"Three fifth-level true gods..."

While muttering, Yu Ziyu also looked around at the guys who looked like gods and demons. nine...

It seems a bit much.

If this were seen by other forces, I'm afraid it would be a fuss.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu also ordered:

"Later, just me, the Red Dragon Queen, and the Golden Monkey will go trade...."

"As for you, stay here and be on alert at all times..."

Listening quietly, Orochi, Zerg Queen Sarah and others also looked at each other and nodded one after another:

"Yes, Lord Star God."

Responded in unison, many figures also began to restrain their auras.

Although the distance was far away, except for beings like Zerg Queen Sarah who were good at detecting, there was some awareness.

But just in case, they still restrained their auras....

As for guys like the Titans who are so arrogant and never restrain their aura, they deserve to be discovered.

But, yes.

The Titan Protoss has always ruled the roost with force, so there is no need to hide it.

Now, on the surface, there are three major hand-held artifacts.

The confidence is not ordinary....

A little while later, a certain purple cloud star in the starry sky...

A purple planet hundreds of times larger than the blue star.

This planet is covered with purple clouds, and even the sea is reflected and glows with a faint purple light.

In this way, the whole planet is purple.

And this is also the most conspicuous planet on the border of Titan Domain....

"There are still two hours left, they should be here..."

Amidst the low narration, hundreds of figures stood quietly in the sky above Ziyun Star.

"Humph, I really want to know what kind of clown dares to blackmail our Titan Domain..."

With a cold smile, Jing Lei Supreme still looked sternly and said

"I'll see you later, don't be scared to the point of weakening your legs..."

With a cold snort, the Immortal Blood Crow mixed in this Titan troop sneered without mercy.

"Little thing, don't be so harsh....If that guy on the mountain damaged a hair, you know the consequences...."

"Consequences, what consequences..."

With a curl of his lips, the Immortal Blood Crow still shouted:

"By the way, I forgot to tell you that our prisoners all had their heads shaved. That mountain must have damaged not just one vellus hair, but hundreds of millions of vellus hairs...."


Clenching his fists and looking at the blood-red crow with a flat face, Jing Lei was also furious.

However, thinking of this guy's tendency to self-destruct at every turn, and the look in his eyes full of hatred, Jing Lei also took a deep breath and suppressed the urge to take action in his heart.

Not afraid.

I'm just a little worried about the power behind this guy.

However, today, if the force behind this guy is a fox and a tiger, he must pluck out all the feathers of this blood crow.......

And while many Titans were waiting in tacit understanding, they seemed to have noticed something. Cangyun Supreme not far away suddenly raised his eyelids and looked at the starry sky....


At the reminder, the expressions of many Titans tightened.

And just the next moment


An astonishing sound that breaks through the air, as if tearing apart one’s eardrums...

Along with it, countless white feathers fell from the sky..0

"This is?"

Looking at the white feathers all over the sky, Jing Lei's expression also changed drastically.

"Hahaha, it turns out that your Titan clan has really been blackmailed...."

Amidst the playful laughter, a white figure with six wings and a golden halo on his head instantly cut through the sky of Ziyun Star.


There was a loud noise, like a sonic boom

, and the sky full of purple clouds was accompanied by a thick white air wave... like the trace of a flying bird.

But it is tens of thousands of times more terrifying than flying birds.

Just because, the entire sky of Ziyun Star was cracked by this figure.

Countless purple clouds, silently, lined up on both sides, revealing a road to the sky.

And just on the road to the sky, golden light shines...

Faintly, one can see the end of the road to the sky. A white figure stands quietly, with a hint of amusement at the corner of his mouth, looking here with interest.


As he gritted his teeth, thick black thunder surged around Jing Lei.

"Don't worry...I'm not here to fight with you...."

Saying this, Ralph also condensed his eyes and looked fiercely at the starry sky:

"I'm just curious, what kind of person has the guts to blackmail your Titan Star Territory?..."

And the moment Ralph finished speaking,


The shocking dragon roar came from the depths of the starry sky.

Accompanying it is the unimaginable dragon power


The terrifying aura, like substance, actually shook the clouds of Ziyun Star again and again.

Visible to the naked eye, countless ripples spread.

And in the midst of the extremely shocking momentum.

A giant red dragon that was several kilometers long had spread its wings and appeared at the end of the starry sky.

However, what is a bit creepy is that this terrifying giant dragon, which is thousands of meters long, has a vague figure above its head, standing quietly....

"Standing on top of the giant dragon's head, or standing on the top of the fifth-level true god level dragon's head? Is this a joke?"

The eyes seemed to protrude, and the expressions of all the Titans changed drastically.

Even the Supreme Titans not far away, and even Ralph in the distance had their pupils shrinking. _

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