
There was a loud bang, and in the far horizon, a mushroom cloud like a nuclear weapon was set off.

However, this mushroom cloud that spread tens of thousands of meters away was actually filled with countless black thunders and stars all over the sky.

The two are constantly intertwined, and even the space is distorted.

"Can you actually take a slap from me?"

In a somewhat solemn voice, Jing Lei Supreme looked at the golden figure gradually emerging from the depths of the mushroom cloud, and his eyes narrowed slightly. He was wearing golden armor and a golden crown on his head.

Although he had the face of Thunder Lord, he was unexpectedly handsome.

He had a certain kind of personality. The sense of sight of the 'Monkey'.

At this moment, this golden figure, with its hair flying all over its body, slowly retracted its right palm in the hazy starlight.

"It's just this once. If you dare to attack us in the Demon Court in front of me again next time, don't blame us for declaring war...."

The voice was faint, but it was filled with murderous intent.

It makes people feel cold behind their backs...

At this time, he seemed to have noticed the abnormality in the atmosphere. Not far away, Cangyun Taitan suddenly raised the corner of his mouth and 233 said with a smile:

"What is this doing? Aren't we here to trade?..."

"As you said, deliver the goods with one hand and hand it over to the people with the other...."

Saying this, Cangyun Titan also clapped his hands.

"Snap, snap..."

Along with the applause, the other Titans seemed to understand something and came forward immediately.

One by one, they put down the packages behind their backs.

The Titans are huge in size.

Now dozens of Titans, nearly a kilometer tall, walked out, and the picture was not ordinary and impactful.

It's like a mountain peak rising straight into the sky.

In this way, we can also imagine how huge the package behind them is.

"Open it and show it to them..."

"Yes, Supreme..."

In response, dozens of packages were opened, revealing one dazzling treasure after another.

For example, the divine iron that shines like stars - star iron.

For such divine iron, the Titan Protoss actually counts it in tons.

Narrowing his eyes slightly, Yu Ziyu looked at the huge star iron ore floating in the sky in the distance, with a length, width and height of nearly a hundred meters, and the corners of his mouth pursed silently.

"Yes, it’s really good. Only such top groups have the value of extortion...."

He looked at each other with the Demon Master Golden Monkey not far away.

Everything is left unsaid...

However, at this moment, something seemed to have been discovered, and the golden monkey's voice came through his spiritual thoughts.

"Lord Star God, I found something good...If your guess is right, it should be the sacred tree seed that the owner wants most....


In response, Yu Ziyu's gaze also moved to the direction not far away.

In that corner, there was a pile of seeds.

Among them, there is one seed that is most eye-catching.

The whole body was red, and from time to time golden fireworks would light up.

With his eyes slightly focused, Yu Ziyu also looked at it carefully.

【The seed of the innate sycamore tree: it is the seed that carries a trace of the blood of the sacred tree, the innate sycamore tree....】

Innate sycamore wood...But the ordinary sycamore wood of the old days can be compared.

This is a type of sacred tree.

Like the hibiscus tree, it is the spiritual root of innate fire, and it is also the most precious treasure of the sacred Phoenix. The phoenix is ​​sacred to heaven and earth, and is the same as Yu Ziyu's green dragon. It has a proud character and will never fall into a treasureless land. It will not drink unless it is a Li spring, and it will not live unless it is a parasol tree.

From this, you can also imagine how precious the innate sycamore wood is.

However, no matter how precious the innate sycamore tree is, the spare seeds are helpless (cbfa)

"No wonder, the Titan tribe would be willing to give up this seed. It turns out that this is the seed of the sacred tree Wutong...."

While thinking in her heart, Yu Ziyu also understood.

After all, without the gestation of the sacred phoenix, it would be impossible for this seed to truly sprout.

The reason for this is also because the innate sycamore tree and the sacred phoenix go hand in hand.

It is said that the Phoenix reaches Nirvana once every eternity, and each time it reaches Nirvana, it becomes stronger. The fire of Nirvana during the Phoenix's Nirvana can burn all things, but it is only ineffective against the fire sycamore. Even if the Phoenix reaches Nirvana once on the phoenix tree, the phoenix tree will become stronger. Just one point better

"This is a pity. With the fire of Phoenix's Nirvana, even I can't help it..."

With a wry smile, Yu Ziyu had to admit that he did not have the ability to make this seed germinate.

After all, the conditions for germination of the seeds of the Innate Sycamore Tree are too harsh.

However, at this moment, Yu Ziyu suddenly narrowed his eyes as if he thought of something.

"Give this seed to Yaofeng. If she can cultivate the most sacred fire of Nirvana with this seed, she will make a profit..."

While thinking, Yu Ziyu looked at this seed that ignited a golden flame, and also felt a touch of color....

The fire of Nirvana is the ultimate flame.

Also known as 'the flame of immortality'.

If the demon phoenix could cultivate this kind of flame, its potential would be immeasurable....

In this way, this sycamore tree seed has a good destination.

However, while Yu Ziyu was looking at the countless treasures, on the other side, Cangyun Titan also said in a deep voice:

"The goods you want are here, where are the mountain people?"

"it's here..."

After smiling, Yu Ziyu also waved his right hand.

For a moment

, a very huge space was revealed among the ripples.

And just in the depths of this space, the figures of mountains slowly emerged....

Still as tall as ever.

It's just that there's a touch more fatigue.

Along with it, the black hair disappeared.

Only the bright bald head shines.

At this time, as if he noticed the appraising eyes, the Mountain Titan also grinned and said with a smile:

"Long time no see, everyone..."

"It’s indeed a long time no see..."

Seeing that the Mountain Titan, Jing Lei and Cang Yun Titan seemed to be safe, they all breathed a sigh of relief....

However, complaints both inside and outside the words are definitely inevitable.

Because, with one Mountain Titan, the entire Titan Clan has lost face.

Moreover, this time, so many treasures were lost.

Not to mention other Titans, even the supreme Titans such as Cangyun and Jinglei felt a twinge of physical pain when they looked at these treasures. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collecting and recommending

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