The deathly silent starry sky is full of desolation.

Occasionally, only a few meteorites pass by...

Of course, we cannot forget the stars that adorn the sky.

But at this moment


In the sudden roar, a huge star actually set off a fire that shot into the sky.

And right there in the depths of the fire


Amid the low roar, like a wild beast, a humanoid, but a hundred-meter-tall flame giant was pulled out.

Elemental life, giant of fire.

The ultimate strongman of the elemental clan.

And now, this one just smelled something and rushed straight towards the end of the starry sky.

"Interesting, interesting, it can make those bastards of the Titans feel defeated. I want to see what you are capable of...."

Amid his long smile, the sea of ​​fire that stretched for half of the starry sky converged on the figure disappearing at the end of the starry sky....

And at the same time...


The hoarse roar seemed to come from ancient times.

A giant beast that looked like a unicorn, but was completely black and covered with dragon scales, had raised its deep eyes.

Staring straight at a corner of the starry sky...

Starry sky beast...Mutated beasts galloping across the starry sky, such existences have always been solitary, but they are powerful and formidable...

And now, this starry sky beast is the legendary gold-devouring beast, born in the divine iron deposits.

As he continued to devour the divine iron, he became stronger and stronger.

Until, he sets foot on the fifth level of Transcendence!

However, just when he set foot in the starry sky, he was discovered by the Titans and was hunted by them for several years.

It can be said that the grievances between him and the Titans are unclear.

"Hum hum, Shan Yue, you too have today..."

Amidst the sneer, this gold-devouring beast also took steps and ran towards the end of the starry sky.......

But at this moment, Yu Ziyu and others did not know that there were so many powerful people in the starry sky who heard the news.

But, yes.

The Titans are too powerful.

However, while it is strong, it is also doomed to not be united internally.

And like now, many strong people are eager for something to happen to the mountains.

After all, the Titan Protoss only has twelve artifacts, which means there are only twelve supreme positions.

If a supreme being like a mountain cannot come down, other strong men cannot ascend.

It is worth mentioning that the Titan Protoss has about ten supreme candidates alone.

Each one of them is a famous fifth-level powerhouse.

As for Shanyue, they only stepped into the fifth level of Transcendence one step before them, and then took charge of the artifact Baiyue.......

"How far is it from the trading location?"

Suddenly a voice sounded in the depths of the starry sky.

Looking for the sound, it turned out that eight streams were rushing together, tearing the starry sky apart.

"Reporting back to the Star God, according to the current situation, it is still half a day away from the transaction location...."


Nodding slightly, Yu Ziyu, who was standing above the Red Dragon Queen, waved her hand gently, pointed to a star not far away and said:

"Then just rest there for the time being and wait for the trading time to come."


Responding in unison, the eight streams of light turned sharply and fell towards the star....

This is a star similar to Saturn.

At a glance, the ground is covered with loess, and there are wind and sand rolling back into the sky.

From time to time, you can still see thick tornadoes mixed with sand and soil rising from the ground.

At this moment, Yu Ziyu also took Golden Monkey and others to rest here.

By the way, let’s discuss the next matter.

This is the first time for the heroes to set foot in the starry sky. There are so many things that need to be done.

"Star God, let me go and inspect this star first..."

In the sudden opening, Sarah, the queen of the Zerg not far away, stepped out.



Along with the expansion of mental power, an invisible ripple is already rippling.

In the blink of an eye, this star was wrapped

"This is a Death Star. No life has been found. However, it is rich in fire-attribute spiritual stone mines, and there are four large fire-attribute spiritual stone mines...."

Speaking softly, Zerg Queen Sarah's black hair was also flying.

There is even a silvery luster coming out of the body.

That is the embodiment of spiritual power.

It is also a proof of Zerg Queen Sarah’s strength.

"not bad."

Listening to the voice of Zerg Queen Sarah, Yu Ziyu also nodded slightly.

Immediately, he glanced at the Emperor Crocodile not far away.

··0request flowers0·····

"Got it, Lord Star God..."

With a grin on his lips, Emperor Crocodile also followed the guidance of Zerg Queen Sarah and rushed towards the spiritual stone mines.

The starry sky is full of treasures.

If a star you encounter occasionally has rich mineral reserves, it can bring rich rewards to Demon Court.

Of course, this is also a being who is good at mental power like Zerg Queen Sara.

Without her, it would be very difficult to explore the entire star so easily.

And, more importantly, there must be an existence like the Star God.

Without the Star God, it remains to be seen whether the spirit stone mine can be taken away.

And this is the reason why practitioners who are good at space are most popular among major forces... convenience....................

And it's not just convenient.

Unfortunately, the cost of cultivating a practitioner with spatial talent is not that high.

At least, on the surface, there is not a single practitioner in the major top star regions who has set foot in the special space, and even the fifth level.

And Yu Ziyu’s body of a void elf is believed to be a great surprise to many people....

At this time, while Emperor Crocodile went to look for the spirit mine, Yu Ziyu, Jin Hou and others were not idle either.

Like the golden monkey, at this moment, he is drawing a map of the starry sky.

Everywhere you go, you see.

All are recorded for future use by the Demon Court.

However, Yu Ziyu, the Red Dragon Queen and others are sipping the essence of life and recuperating for the time being....

However, at this moment, as if she noticed something, Sarah, the Queen of the Zerg not far away, suddenly reminded:

"Star God, I noticed that not far from here, there are hundreds of strange auras approaching. Among them, there are three people who have stepped into the fifth level, openly, but secretly, there may be more....If my guess is correct, he should be from the Titan Clan...."

"Hundreds of people, tsk tsk, what a huge battle..."

With a grin on his lips, the eight ferocious dragon heads of the big snake couldn't help but look around and laughed.

There are only nine people in their Demon Court now.

However, the Titan God Clan actually sent a hundred people.

Of course, Orochi selectively ignored the quality of the lineup in the words of Zerg Queen Sarah.

One is hundreds of people, three are fifth-level, one is nine, nine are

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation

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