"Boom, boom, boom...

One after another, terrifying auras like gods and demons rose into the sky.

In the blink of an eye, the starry sky was shaking, and the surrounding stars began to tremble.

The undisguised terrifying aura penetrated the stars, but it also truly shook the starry sky.

The demon master Golden Monkey, the second return to his ancestors - the peerless ferocious beast Emperor Crocodile, born from fear, the monster Orochi who bears the name of fear, the

Red Dragon Queen, the chief assassin from the void Zi Si, born to stand at the top of the food chain The hunter - king insect...

One after another, they are the real fifth-level true gods.

And here, there is also the Lord of the Demon Court, the direct disciple of Shenmu - Queen of the Zerg, Sarah, and the beast god with a dog's head and body shrouded in the holy light.

In addition, Yu Ziyu’s void elf body...

A total of nine fifth-level true gods are already standing in the void.

But this time, Kyuubi, who is also at the fifth level, did not come. The Demon Court now cannot do without her.

If a full-scale war really breaks out, she, who is sitting in the Demon Court, can also remotely command the battlefield and dispatch troops.......

At this time, Yu Ziyu slowly raised his eyes and glanced at the figure standing in the starry sky, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

"This time, be prepared for a full-scale war..."

"Yes, Lord Star God."

In the chorus of responses, Emperor Crocodile, Demon Master Golden Monkey and others were all full of fighting spirit.

But at this moment, as if thinking of something, Yu Ziyu also waved his hand.


Along with a loud noise, in the eyes of Golden Monkey, Emperor Crocodile and others, there were ripples in the space.

The ripples are like the surface of a lake, but they are constantly expanding.

In the blink of an eye, a space measuring a thousand meters long and wide was revealed.

And deep in the space, the Mountain Titan is bound by illusory chains, sealing its strength.

Of course, it is worth mentioning that Nian Zai Shan Tai Tai and Bai Hu, Niu Mo and others were successful in sparring, and the Demon Court did not treat him badly.

Entertain with good wine and good food.

It even healed his wounds.

However, now, the stakes are very high, and just in case, Kyuubi has completely sealed the power of the Mountain Titan.

And this kind of seal is difficult to truly unlock without half a year.

In other words, if there is a real war, it is impossible for the Mountain Titan to become the fighting force of the Titan God's Domain....

At this time, after taking a look at Titan in the depths of the space, Yu Ziyu also gave a rare greeting:

"Shanyue, I feel wronged by you these days...."

"Out of the way...(cadf)" grinned, and the Mountain Titan was also concerned.

However, his eyes fell on the King Insect and the Queen of the Insects vaguely.

He was no stranger to the aura of the Insects.

"Is it true what they said, that the Lord of the Demon Court suppressed tens of billions of Zerg?.."

Thinking of this, Mountain Titan couldn't help but feel his heart sink.

In recent months, Shan also learned a lot about Demon Court through repeated battles with the fourth-level experts from Demon Court.

However, the more you understand.

The more frightened he became.

Tens of billions of Zerg, all killed by one person?

At first, he just took it as a joke.

However, now, looking at the two top Zerg leaders standing beside him, he fell silent.

If this is true, then the water behind this demon court is probably not that deep.

Especially that sacred tree, could it be said that it is really the legendary sixth-level life form?...

At this time, after confirming the situation of the Mountain Titan, Yu Ziyu did not care and waved his hand again to wave away the ripples.

This body of a void elf controls space.

Not only teleportation, but also things like opening up space can be done.

However, the space created is not very stable and can easily collapse.

Moreover, ordinary life cannot survive inside.

Of course, there is no harm in a fifth-level life form like the Mountain Titan staying for a short time.

A guy like Shan Yue, wandering in the universe for hundreds of years without eating or drinking, would not be in danger of his life....

"It's almost time to leave."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu gently tapped the Red Dragon Queen's head.

"Yes, master."

A dragon roar shook the starry sky.

In a moment, as Nine Tails, White Tiger and others watched, the Red Dragon Queen spread her dragon wings and shot towards the starry sky.

And right behind the Red Dragon Queen

"Swish, swish, swish...

One stream of light after another also rises......

And just then...What no one knows is that deep in the Angel Star Territory...

"I heard that the guy from the Titan Clan Mountain was captured by a small force?"

"Forehead...This is fake. Although that guy in Shanyue has no brains, his strength cannot be underestimated."

"This is news circulated within the Titan clan, and it is very credible. Moreover, the unknown force seems to be blackmailing the Titan Domain recently, and even the location of the transaction has been circulated...."

"trading place...This important information was leaked...It seems that someone in the Titan Clan doesn't want Shan Yue to live...."

"Normally, big forces always have conflicts...."

The several angels with six wings in the deepest part of the Angel Star Territory chatted one after another, as if they were chatting at home.

However, if you look at their faces, you will definitely find that the corners of their mouths have already been raised into a sneer.

"That being said, we have to send someone out as well...."

With a playful smile, a handsome young man with a holy light on his head, six snow-white wings on his back, and a gorgeous white robe already showed a look of interest.

This is one of the four kings of the Angel Star Territory, Ralph...

He is also the angel who loves war the most!

To him, war was everything.

He even started the war with the Titan Realm.

However, considering that the start of the war did bring a lot of benefits to the Angel Star Territory, the other three kings also allowed him to use it...

"It's okay to take a trip. Ever since the armistice treaty was signed with the Titan Domain, life has become much more boring...."

A voice that sounded like a smile but not a smile, an illusory six-winged figure in the distance, and the corners of its mouth were slightly pursed....

However, at this moment, as if he thought of something, the six-winged figure suddenly reminded:

"It’s better to pay attention to that unknown force. Recently, many troublesome forces have indeed appeared under the starry sky....This well-known force has completely defeated the Titan God Realm, and it should not be underestimated if you think about it...."

"it's natural..."

In a voice full of frivolity, Ralph spread his wings


White feathers fly in the sky...

Golden holy light shines at the end.

And that white figure, covering its face with two wings, covering its feet with two wings, and flying with only two wings, disappeared at the end of the starry sky in the blink of an eye. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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