And at this moment, after the canonizations were completed, Yu Ziyu's eyes fell not far away.

In that corner, there were several figures standing quietly.

One of them is a woman with a delicate and slender body. She is wearing a long green dress that outlines amazing curves. She is extremely enchanting.

And her appearance is also extremely charming, her eyes are sparkling and charming.

At one glance, you can tell that she is a peerless beauty.

However, when he looked down, he could see that her lower body was actually a green-scaled snake tail.

The green scales are layered on top of each other, like fish scales, glowing with dazzling colors in the afterglow.

She Ji was once the protector of the Misty Mountains.

And now...

But he stood alone in the corner

"She Ji..."

With a call, the enchanting figure in the distance trembled slightly.

Then, he pursed his lips and swung his body, pulling Yu Ziyu closer.

"Why do you refuse to be the protector of the Demon Court?..."

As if questioning, Yu Ziyu's voice had a cold tone.

Originally, according to his wishes.

The guardians on the left and right are still the same as before, they are Ice Dragon and Snake Princess.

But he didn't expect that after he announced that Bingjiao was the right protector, She Ji's voice actually rang in his ears, and even asked,"Don't let her take the position of protector."

And this is why Yu Ziyu directly designated Yue Gui as the left guardian.

However, just after he announced that Yue Gui would serve as the left guardian of the Demon Court, all kinds of strange eyes fell on She Ji who was huddled in the corner.

He seemed surprised and confused.

After all, most mutant beasts are the same as before.

But She Ji, even the position of Zuo Dharma Protector has not been secured.


Clenching her teeth, She Ji had a trace of hesitation on her face.

However, for a moment, she seemed to have made up her mind, and She Ji said truthfully:

"Master, although I have been the protector of Misty Mountain Zuo, I have not had many achievements, and...I'm lonely...Nor is he suitable for such an important position."

Speaking of this, She Ji hesitated to speak, but after a pause, she also took a deep breath and continued:

"Now, when the Demon Court is first established, it is the time to appoint more suitable people...."


In a rare moment of silence, Yu Ziyu was also speechless for a moment.

Indeed, as Snake Ji said, she is not suitable for the position of 'Dharma Protector'.

After all, although the Dharma Protector is not a position similar to that of the Ten Great Divine Beasts, Three Heavenly Kings, and other princes, it should not be underestimated.

Even, to some extent, the status of the Dharma Protector is higher.

They go directly to Tianting, and they need to maintain the righteous law of the Demon Court. They are the maintainers and protectors of the operation of the Demon Court.... and...

As if she noticed something, Yu Ziyu's gaze towards She Ji also condensed slightly.


While sighing, Yu Ziyu looked at She Ji with a touch of heartache.

"When you awakened your bloodline, you must have also been burdened with a curse."

A sudden voice sounded in the ears, but it shocked Snake Girl.

Along with it, her shoulders suddenly trembled.

It seemed to be sad.


A curse from Medusa.

As the power continues to grow , At the same time, it will also become uglier.

A long hair will turn into thousands of snake demons.

The whole body will be covered with golden scales, and even a pair of 'eagle'-like wings will appear on the back.

And this is She Ji's true body.

To be more precise, if Snake Ji breaks through to the fifth level of the extraordinary, she will completely transform into that ugly appearance.

This is fine for those who pursue power.

But for Snake Ji who is so deep For a being who loves her own appearance, it is unacceptable.

Even for this reason, She Ji did not hesitate to suppress her own state, so that she is still in the early stage of the fourth level.

You must know that people like She Ji who awakened the ancients very early Bloodline, in addition to the existence of many resources in the Misty Mountains.

Not to mention the early stage of the fourth level, even the late stage of the fourth level is possible.

However, now...

She Ji is still lingering in the early stage of the fourth level.

From this point of view, there is a certain reason for She Ji not taking up the position of protector because of her strength.

In the extraordinary world, strength is respected.

I don’t have enough strength, but it’s hard to convince the public...


Clenching her teeth tightly, She Ji's eyes trembled slightly.

After a moment, after taking a look at the towering tree not far away, She Ji no longer hesitated and explained directly:

"The curse of Medusa has been burdened by our family since ancient times. It is said that the ancestors of our family offended the ancient gods and thus cast this indelible curse."

"This kind of curse has been integrated into our blood. It will not only make us more ugly, but also further limit our growth...."

"The Medusa clan, in terms of talent, is no less than many upper-level races. Below the sixth level, they can even compete with the elves and even dragons. However, in my inheritance, no one has broken through to dominate....And this is the reason why I am now working tirelessly to seek to lift the curse...."

"If the curse is not removed, I...I'm afraid my whole life will stop here...."...

Narrating one after another, She Ji's body gradually changed.

Visible to the naked eye, her hair seemed to be alive, turning into venomous snakes one after another.


Amid the constant neighing, an ominous force filled the air.

At the same time, She Ji's eyes became deeper and deeper, like purple gems, which really captivated the soul at a glance.

The eyes of the Medusa family are magic eyes. They are the most beautiful eyes in the world and also the most terrifying eyes.

At a glance, anyone with weak will will turn into stone.

And this is more terrifying and weird than a pure mental attack.


While murmuring, Yu Ziyu also stared blankly at She Ji, who now showed a new attitude.

Terrible indeed.

The breath rises straight up.

In just a moment, it was already approaching the late fourth level.

However, as She Ji said, it is very ugly, like a monster....

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