"Master, this is my true posture now...Isn't it ugly?..."

While murmuring in a low voice, She Ji showed an indescribable panic on her face.

Such a posture is really like a monster.

Whenever she sat alone by the lake in the dead of night, looking at her reflection in the water, she felt scared.

Terrified, even more uneasy.

What an ugly gesture this is, maybe just like the legend——‘The Medusa clan is originally a clan of monsters.

But, just at this moment,


Like a gust of breeze, She Ji suddenly felt a coolness all over her body.

Looking up, Snake Girl suddenly discovered that there was a branch exuding glistening green light, caressing her snake hair.

"It's just a gesture, there's nothing ugly or ugly..."

"For us, what is more important is strength."

Speaking of this, Yu Ziyu's branches suddenly rolled out a few teardrop-shaped crystals.

"This is?"

"Tears of the Murloc, a sacred object, I wonder if it can suppress your curse." thisSaying that, Yu Ziyu also directly handed a few drops of fish-man tears to She Ji's hand.

However, for a moment, before She Ji could thank her, Yu Ziyu continued to add:

"Polish your strength first. Only with strength can you truly have status and voice. At that time, if you give an order, the entire Demon Court will help you."

"After all, the power of one person is insignificant, and it is extremely difficult to undo the curse, but if we gather the power of the Demon Court, even if it is a curse, it won't matter..."

"I believe that although Medusa’s bloodline curse is terrifying, it should not be difficult for the now prosperous Demon Court...."

Listening quietly, She Ji was also slightly shocked.

Even a pair of extremely deep eyes showed a hint of brilliance. yes...

If she is strong, she can have a certain influence in the Demon Court.

Could it be that the entire Demon Court would be her help?

As for, The Curse of Medusa,,,

There are so many amazing and talented Medusa tribesmen who have not been solved. How can she solve it with her own strength?

On the contrary, according to what the master said, relying on the prosperous Demon Court, there is a glimmer of hope to solve the problem....

At this time, looking at She Ji who was gradually smiling, Yu Ziyu pursed her lips slightly.

This girl is in trouble.

No, it is more accurate to say that he has inner demons that prevent him from improving his strength.

Now, although Yu Ziyu's explanation has not eliminated her inner demons, it can be regarded as pointing out a clear path for her.

And this is also the weirdest part of the inner demon.

The existence of inner demons that can escape on their own are all terrifying existences with great enlightenment or extremely strong will.

And most existences need to rely on others to give them some advice before they have the possibility of getting rid of their inner demons.

Of course, on the other hand, it can also be seen that Yu Ziyu still holds a considerable weight in She Ji's heart.

Otherwise, one or two sentences of reminders will never have such an effect.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu was also slightly satisfied.

It seems that although She Ji is withdrawn, she is still quite loyal to him.

In that case...

As if thinking of something, Yu Ziyu suddenly suggested:

"Snake Girl, how about you stay with me from now on?"

"Follow the master?"

She was slightly startled, and there was a look of surprise on She Ji's face.

"Yes, stay with me..."

While nodding slightly, Yu Ziyu was also thinking.

His green dragon, which has transformed into the sky, is innately sacred and has the power of purification to ward off evil and suppress demons.

If Snake Princess really wants to lift Medusa's bloodline curse, she may have to rely on Qinglong in the end.

Of course, this is just Yu Ziyu's guess.

Even he was not sure.

However, as for the method, you have to try it to find out.

Wait for She Ji to stay with Qinglong for a while to see if her blood curse is getting better.

Moreover, it is also possible to ask Nine Tails to take action and temporarily seal her 'Medusa Bloodline'.

From this perspective, there are many ways to suppress or even slow down the curse of Medusa's bloodline, not to mention undoing the curse of Medusa.

However, Snake Princess is withdrawn by nature, and she probably doesn't even know the power of Kyuubi and others.

How is it possible that Kyuubi and others can suppress her blood curse?...

With a helpless smile, Yu Ziyu also looked at this figure who had not calmed down until now with some pity....

And not long after, with She Ji looking confused, Yu Ziyu's branches slowly reached towards the sky.


Thunder broke through the sky, and white lightning suddenly seemed to crisscross the sky.

In a blink of an eye, the sky was covered with dark clouds.

What's even more terrifying is that a terrifying aura suddenly presses towards the heaven and earth.

Faintly, She Ji could see a cyan dragon shadow sliding through the dark clouds.


The dragon roared suddenly, shaking the sky.

Accompanied by it, a dragon head as huge as a mountain peak with dragon beards slowly emerged from the depths of the dark clouds.

"Let's go, Snake Girl..."

A majestic voice suddenly sounded between heaven and earth.

But it shocked She Ji fiercely.

However, before she could react, an invisible force enveloped her body.

In a moment, she turned into a ball of light and shot straight into the depths of the dark clouds....

Although Qinglong has transformed into the God of the Nine Realms, he still has his own form.

It is hidden deeper in the Nine Realms, a mysterious space called the 'Origin Realm'.

That is the center of the Nine Realms and the core of the Nine Realms.

There, Qinglong can not only integrate better with the Nine Realms, but also easily control the movements of the Nine Realms.

Now, Qinglong leads Snake Princess to that mysterious place, which is a great blessing for Snake Princess.

It is worth mentioning that Qinglong's current strength is also terrifying.

At least, in the Nine Realms, Yu Ziyu's true body, and even the body of the sky-reaching purple dragon, can't even say victory.

Relying itself on the Nine Realms, the more the Nine Realms grow, the more terrifying the Qinglong's power becomes.

Unless the Nine Realms are shattered, it will be difficult for Qinglong to be defeated, and the most serious thing is to be beaten into a deep sleep.

Therefore, from this aspect, the Nine Realms guarded by the blue dragon are also the safest place in Demon Court.

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