Demon Master——Golden Monkey!!

One person is inferior to ten thousand people.

This is what the Golden Monkey deserves.

Without the Golden Monkey, it would be impossible to have the misty mountains as they are today, and it would be impossible to inspire the ancient imperial soldiers to revive, and then personally promise to protect Yu Ziyu.

Therefore, rather than saying that it was Yu Ziyu who conferred the title, it is better to say that the Golden Monkey relied on his hard work to summon him.

At this time, not only him, but others should also have obtained the corresponding status.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu also looked at Ling'er not far away:

"Ling'er, who has been running around for the Misty Mountains, even established several forces headed by the Misty Mountains. Therefore, she was named the 'Demon Court Empress' and commanded the dark forces behind the Demon Court...."

"Yes, master."

Smiling slightly, Ling'er also bowed without losing etiquette.


Nodding, Yu Ziyu also looked at Qingfan, Colorful Spirit Flower and Leng Feng not far away.

These three people have all made great contributions to the Misty Mountain and are worthy of canonization.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu also said bluntly:

"Leng Feng likes to cultivate young animals. He even cultivated a big snake and a two-headed wolf. These geniuses have made great contributions."

"Qingfan, on the other hand, teaches many clans and is good at training special forces. Especially the King Kong clan, the first clan in the Misty Mountains, is famous in Blue Star...."

"As for the colorful spiritual flowers, they are good at polishing the will...temper many strong men..."

"The three of you have made outstanding contributions, so you can be canonized as the"Three Kings". Each of you can establish a power, just like the princes."

"Yes, the Lord of the Demon Court."

Amidst the chorus of responses, Qing Fan, Leng Feng and others also had rare expressions of excitement.

This is not a small official position. It is a title of king!!

Its status and even power can be imagined.

However, at this time, they did not care. Due to the excitement of Qingfan and others, Yu Ziyu turned his eyes and pulled them towards the ice dragon not far away.

"Bingjiao, you were originally the Right Protector of the Misty Mountain. Today, I designate you as the Right Protector of the Demon Court.’"

After finishing speaking, Yu Ziyu looked at a silver tree rooted in the corner of the starry sky, covered in silver.

Immortal Laurel!!

Wherever the moonlight shrouds the sky, spiritual thoughts will come to it.

Has the heritage of the sacred tree

"Yue Gui, I make you the guardian of the left side of the demon court, and you can directly listen to the sky. You can meet me directly without the consent of others."

"Yes, the Lord of the Demon Court."

In response, Yu Ziyu's enfeoffment is also in an orderly manner.

As for the major clans, Yu Ziyu has not enfeoffed them.

These clans and even other powerful people can be entrusted to the ten great beasts.

And he only needs to entrust them to Some core positions in the Demon Court have been arranged.

For example, the God of War who fights for the Demon Court...Astonishingly, it was Black Gold, the leader of the King Kong clan, the first clan in the Misty Mountains.

This guy has already evolved into a new human being.

It's obviously a human form, but it's a hundred times more violent than a human being, and it relies on fighting to support fighting, so much so that it can be called"the God of War on its back".

Also, hidden in the mist, the six mist knights from humans were born to protect Yu Ziyu and became Yu Ziyu's personal guards.

Now, at a glance, one can clearly see that around Yu Ziyu's roots, there are six knights, looming.

Wearing blood-colored armor, black knight shoes, and a red cape flapping behind his back.

All of them looked serious, hidden in the white mist.

And behind them, there was a swirling whirlpool of mist.

That is the vortex connecting Yu Ziyu's world of fog, and it is also where the army of infinite fog is stationed.

The six knights of the fog are only superficial personal guards.

The most terrifying thing is the endless army of fog behind them.

And the twin kings of light and darkness hidden in the army of fog.

The twin kings of light and darkness were transformed by Yu Ziyu's ability.

After Yu Ziyu spent tens of millions of evolution points, he also successfully cultivated the twin kings of light and darkness to the fifth level, the realm of true gods.

It also has the attributes of immortality and is definitely not ordinary terrifying....

Of course, these canonizations are only superficial.

Like secretly,

Yu Ziyu also wants to canonize, for example, the"Seven Thorns of the Demon Court" who are hidden in the darkest corners and bear the name of"Shadow Assassin".

Standing at the top of the assassins, there were seven people.

One person is a King Insect of the fifth level True God Realm, and the second person is a Void Purple Scythe with endless potential.

As for the next five people, Yu Ziyu also had some concerns.

At the beginning, there were many famous assassins in the dragnet created by Ling'er.

Several of them just complete the positions of the Seven Thorns of Shadow.

For example, Xiao Xiao, the first-generation apostle under Yu Ziyu, has spatial abilities and has made great achievements in assassination.

There is also Ling'er's subordinate Zang Feng, who is fused with the blood of Sirius, and is also one of the candidates for Seven Thorns.

In addition, there are some forces unknown to outsiders.

For example, the Guard.

There are so many strong men in the depths of the Guard today.

Although Yu Ziyu will not be canonized, his treatment will definitely not be any worse.

Even if an individual has outstanding achievements, Yu Ziyu doesn't mind being named the 'God of War'......

While Yu Ziyu was thinking about it, the Demon Court was now starting to move.

Looking up, one after another, divine beasts rushed towards various worlds with spiritual power surging, and some even rushed towards Blue Star and Canglan Star.

Now, the Demon Court has just been established, and all the ten sacred beasts need manpower.

Moreover, according to Kyuubi, the interior of Demon Court can be divided into thirty-three heavens.

Every heaven is a small world and needs someone to guard it.

Blue Star can be used as the first heaven.

Canglan Star is the second heaven.

As for the moon, that place with abundant spiritual energy can serve as the third heaven.

And this is the lower third heaven.

In addition to these three heavens, the Nine Realms under Yu Ziyu can also be regarded as the ninth heaven.

Moreover, it is still the highest level of the Nine Heavens.

It is the core of Demon Court.

As for the other twenty-four heavens, it is one of the targets for future battles.

In other words, completing the thirty-three heavens and opening up the thirty-three realms are now the main tasks of the Demon Court.

Invasion, plunder.

This is a must.

It is also the only way for Yaoting to accumulate foundation.

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