And just when Yu Ziyu was strengthening various natural talents and even abilities, deep in the small world of life.

A land like a fairyland.

There are flowers in abundance and green trees.

In the white mist, there is an indescribable colorful light that flickers slightly.

Colorful lake!!

The flower fairy under Yu Ziyu's seat is the residence of colorful spiritual flowers.

And now...

"end...At...sudden...break...Got it..."

The sudden sound broke the peace of the place.

Immediately afterwards,


A strong wind was blowing, and it was visible to the naked eye that a spiritual storm was set off in the world with this lake as the center.

Accompanied by this, the colorful Danxia burst out like a tide, waving in all directions. Almost in the blink of an eye, the entire world was completely covered by this colorful glow.

"Is this colorful?"

"Cai'er, are you really out?"

Exclaiming one after another, Jiuwei and Ling'er who were practicing in a blessed place were shocked one after another.

But at this time, they were not the only ones.

Other strong men, such as White Tiger, Golden Ant, etc., all slowly Open your eyes and look towards the corner of the sky.

There, there are colorful Danxia, ​​spreading...

And at this moment, deep in the colorful Danxia, ​​a flower glowing with colorful light appeared.

I saw that this flower was five feet high, with a flower on the top. The flower was divided into five petals, each with five petals. The colors of each petal are different, red, green, blue, purple, and five colors compete with each other on the petals.

At a glance, everything is extraordinary.

And, more importantly, if you look carefully, you can clearly find that these colorful flowers are not static.

Instead, it withered at a speed visible to the naked eye, but in just a moment, another petal with a glow was born.

What’s even more surprising is that the new petals are not the previous color, but a new and unprecedented color.

Therefore, it is better to say it is nine colors than five colors.

However, nine colors are competing for rotation among the five petals.

And at the same time... wither, bloom, wither, bloom...

It is obviously Hua's life, but it is performed in an instant.

Therefore, the real name of the five-color spiritual flower is the 'Flower of Moment'.’


There was a sudden tremor, and the sky and the earth were shaken.

Then, the wind stopped and the trees became silent.

Everything is like a freeze frame.

Looking up, the space of 10,000 meters is actually frozen.

And in the frozen world,

"Step, step..."

With light steps, a girl was slowly walking towards


"Colorful Master..."

Amidst the excited calls one after another, the Nine-Tails, White Tiger, Behemoth and other powerful men stood quietly outside, looking at the oncoming figure with a smile.

She was playing with a bamboo flute on her fingertips, and a colorful spiritual flower was pinned to her hair.

A pair of breasts, shining brightly.

But they each have a shadow of a colorful spiritual flower in the depths of their eyes, quietly entrenched....

This is the body of the colorful spirit flower walking in the human world, a girl among humans who is born with strong mental power and proficiency in music.

It has always been the best host for colorful spiritual flowers.

The relationship between the two is like a god and a saint who serves the god.

And under the cultivation of colorful spiritual flowers, this girl also stepped into the fourth level.

As for the five-color spiritual flower, it was an epiphany.

Although he is a breakthrough demigod, when it comes to aura, he is several points stronger than the senior demigod.

And this is the horror of the strange flowers in the world.

Although the breakthrough is slow, the strength is incredible.

Just like now, one thought of flowers blooming and one thought of flowers withering, but in a moment, the world is frozen....

The natural talent - Moment, has been perfected in the hands of the colorful spirit flowers.


The girl who was walking from a distance also smiled as she looked at the people who were greeting her one by one.

Immediately, as if she realized something, her eyes froze.

I haven’t seen him for several years, and there are some strange figures.

Of course, there are also a few familiar figures missing.

And at this moment, as if she noticed the confusion of the colorful spirit flower, Jiuwei's voice sounded in her ears:

"The old Fourth Emperor Crocodile and the Little Ten Thunder Dragon are now guarding Canglan Star, so it is inconvenient to come here."

"As for Lao Qikui Zhou and Lao Ba Glacier, they are in a critical period now and have not come."

Having said this, Jiuwei turned his eyes again, looked at the Red Dragon Queen and the Zerg Queen Sarah and introduced:

"This is the master’s contractor, the Red Dragon Queen Dai’er’s sister, and this is the master’s first apprentice Sarah..."


Listening to Jiuwei's introduction, the corners of Colorful Spirit Flower's eyes couldn't stop twitching.

How long has it been?

It just feels like things are different.

Moreover, the master also has contractors and apprentices

"This is too fast..."

Roaring in her heart, Wucai Linghua curled her lips and asked proactively:

"Where is the master?"

"Master, you are still practicing now..."

In the sudden response, Ling'er also took a step forward.

However, it is worth mentioning that in just a few months, Ling'er's strength has been qualitatively improved after returning to the small world.

With countless resources allocated and supported by various training notes, Ling'er is also making rapid progress.

As for various training notes, they are now a very important resource in Misty Mountain.

The resources of the Misty Mountain are all based on merit points.

Under Niu Mo's suggestion, each being can summarize his own practice and finally form a practice note.

This kind of training notes can be handed over to the Misty Mountain, clearly marked with a price, and redeemed with credit points for other people to refer to and learn from.

And it is precisely because of these cultivation notes that many beings in the Misty Mountains have avoided detours in cultivation, and even their cultivation levels have been greatly improved.

As the saying goes, 'Forefathers plant trees, and future generations enjoy the shade'.

That's the truth.

Of course, the training notes of some top experts in the Misty Mountains are of great significance toThere is a huge demand for labor points.

For example, Nine-Tails's notes on the cultivation of fire-attribute spiritual power and the fine control of spiritual power can only be exchanged for very few existences in the entire misty mountain.

It’s not that Kyuubi’s notes are worthless.

But this note is too precious. Many people want to change it, but the credit is not enough.

You know, this is the insight of a strong man in the True God Realm....

A higher price is inevitable.

After all, you can't exchange this kind of thing anywhere else.......

And not long ago, the Red Lotus Platypus in the guard, after using up all his credit points in exchange for Nine-Tails' training notes, made a direct breakthrough and became a demigod in one step.

Moreover, after the control over the violent fire element has been qualitatively improved, countless fire attribute cultivators are even more jealous of Kyuubi's training notes.

In conjunction with this, various tasks in exchange for credit points in the Misty Mountains have been actively accepted.

And it is worth mentioning that...

In the words of the Golden Monkey, these cultivation notes are just like the various exercises and secret techniques of the sect....

A thousand pieces of gold are hard to buy, and ten thousand pieces of gold are hard to find.

It is the true heritage of the Misty Mountains.

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