If these practice notes are systematically organized.

Then it took a certain amount of time to polish and even refine it. I believe it is almost the rough embryo of some skills and even secret techniques.

Of course, this takes a long time.

It is far from perfect at this stage when spiritual energy has just been revived.

After all, most martial arts carry the hard work of several generations, or even dozens of generations.

And now...The spiritual energy was revived in less than ten years, and even the first generation had not experienced it.

However, one thing is certain, if there is someone in the Misty Mountains who can really prove to be the master of Taoism, then the cultivation insights he left behind will definitely cause countless people to snatch them up in the future, and it is possible that there may even be bloodshed....

But at this time, don’t mention the practice notes...

The entire small world of life is boiling because of the awakening of the colorful spiritual flowers.

After all, the status of the Colorful Spirit Flower in the Misty Mountain is not low.

Some people even called Wucai Linghua, Jiuwei and even Ling'er the 'Three Giants of the Mist Mountain'.

From this, we can also imagine the status of the colorful spiritual flowers in the misty mountains.

And now, Wucai Linghua, who had learned something about the situation from Jiuwei and even Ling'er, also pondered for a moment and said with a smile:

"Now that he's awake, it's time to meet his master."

As he said that, the colorful spirit flower also took a step forward.

Walking towards the deepest part of the small world of life.

There, a towering tree with a piece of Yu Ziyu's body quietly took root.

Although it is only a small piece of body.

But like Yu Ziyu All living bodies can be regarded as noumenon.

After all, what determines Yu Ziyu’s existence is consciousness’...

And not long after...


The call coming from far away was full of excitement, but it also woke up Yu Ziyu.

Looking for the reputation, there was suddenly a girl with a colorful hand on her shoulders, leading a large army and walking slowly.


Amidst the somewhat astonished voice, Yu Ziyu was also slightly startled.

He did not expect that the colorful spirit flower would wake up at this time.

However, after thinking about it, Yu Ziyu was relieved.

Now, several years have passed.

Compared to other people's breakthroughs, the breakthrough of Colorful Spirit Flower was indeed too long.

If he doesn't wake up again, it will be too unreasonable.

And now, that's fine.

Just in time, with the awakening of the colorful spiritual flowers, the misty mountains can be integrated.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu also looked at the figure approaching not far away and ordered:

"Wucai, since you are awake, temporarily take over the trivial affairs of the Misty Mountain. I need you to organize the Misty Mountain in an orderly manner within half a month, and at the same time, let people perform their duties to ensure the effective operation of the Misty Mountain."

"OK, Master."

With a chuckle, a smile flashed in the depths of Wucai Linghua's eyes.

Sure enough, to this day, the master still values ​​her so much.

But, at this moment, something seemed to have occurred to her, and so did Wucai Linghua. Suddenly he asked:

"Owner...How to divide the Misty Mountain specifically now? It’s still the same as before, the ten beasts, the guardians on the left and right, and the three generals...."


With a slight nod, Yu Ziyu also responded:

"It's still the same as before, not much has changed."

However, when it came to this, Yu Ziyu changed the topic and said:

"And this is what I will tell you next. The Misty Mountain is now at the apex of all the major forces, commanding the two worlds. While the territory is vast, there are also many strong ones."

"However, every family has its own rules, the state has its own laws, and the Misty Mountains should also have their own rules...."

"Therefore, I need you to follow the example of the Human Empire and work with Jiuwei, Linger and others to establish a set of rules unique to the Misty Mountain."

After saying this, Yu Ziyu raised his eyes and looked at Ling'er who was smiling not far away.


"The subordinates are here."

Bowing slightly, Ling'er also bowed slightly.

"You are familiar with all human countries, and you should have some experience in this area, right?"


Smiling, Ling'er also responded.

"Most human countries separate military and political affairs, and our Misty Mountains can also follow suit. Those who are good at fighting are called"armies" and can lead major legions to open up territory for the Misty Mountains. And those who are good at managing can manage the government and ensure the operation of the foggy mountain."


Yu Ziyu also agreed with Ling'er's statement.

Although today's human beings are not good at cultivation.

But there is really nothing to say in other aspects.

Its various systems and even systems can almost ensure that manpower and material resources are used to the extreme.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu also followed the trend and said:

"In this case, Mist Mountain will begin to operate in the form of a human empire in the future, divided into military and political parts...."

"The military headquarters is responsible for attacking, headed by each major legion, and can have ten generals..."

"As for politics, it is headed by the ten mythical beasts...."

"However, the details are left to you. At the same time, the name"Misty Mountain" is somewhat inappropriate for today's status. If possible, you can also consider several names that are suitable for the forces in today's Misty Mountain...."

With each narration, the thoughts in Yu Ziyu's mind became clearer and clearer.

As a top force that has now left the planet, it is still a bit nondescript.

It's also a joke.

However, there is no way.

The Misty Mountain, driven by Yu Ziyu, developed too rapidly.

It’s too late to improve various systems.

Even the real top management is unclear.

And this is indeed inappropriate.

However, now, while the colorful spiritual flowers are awakening, it is time to integrate the Mist Mountain.

As for whether to establish a country or a sect in the future, or whether to resound in the starry sky with the name of 'forbidden land' as before, it is all left to Jiuwei, Ling'er and others to consider.

These are not his thoughts.

For Yu Ziyu now, more time should be spent on cultivation or settling.... ps:--------------Ask for customization-------------

What identity you will use to step out of the galaxy and welcome all races needs to be considered.

Originally Crimson wanted to take the form of an empire, but after thinking about it, it seemed a little strange....The Empire of the Divine Tree. Uh....So in this regard, Scarlet Red will still consider it a little bit....

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