"If we could really find the ten famous sacred trees of the previous era,...With this natural talent, I am afraid I can become the ancestor of ten thousand trees...."

While murmuring, there was also a hint of expectation deep in Yu Ziyu's eyes.

Just imagine, in one thought, relying on the starry sky behind Yu Ziyu, one sacred tree after another that shocked the past and today rose up from the ground.

The legendary Divine Tree of Enlightenment.

One can achieve enlightenment before the Divine Tree. According to legend, in the place where enlightenment occurs, someone enlightens the Buddha with a single thought in front of the Divine Tree of Enlightenment, and attains eternal enlightenment.

The world tree that supports thousands of worlds, each branch carries one world....

If this sacred tree, which only existed in legends and even disappeared over the years, could really reappear in his hands, the entire universe would be shaken.

However, this is not important...

The important thing is that Yu Ziyu now actually owns two sacred trees - the Immortal Laurel and the Tongtian Jianmu.

Immortal Laurel!

Although it only has a partial inheritance, it also has one or two points of legendary power.

Immortal and indelible.

As for Tongtian Jianmu, deep in Yu Ziyu's small world, the second-generation Jianmu who holds up the entire small world is no joke.

Although these two sacred trees are not 'genuine', with their seeds, Yu Ziyu can also increase the power of his natural talent - the seed of vitality several times or even dozens of times....

Building trees that reach the sky can form a world of their own.

The vast forest that Yu Ziyu can evoke has its own laws.

The immortal laurel can give the vast forest the power of 'immortality'.

A realm of its own, plus immortality... what does that mean?

If Yu Ziyu suppresses a powerful enemy in a forest he evoked, then what awaits him will be an 'endless attack'.

So, how can we not call it 'horror'.

And this is the real way to open the level 6 vitality seed.

"If I find the ancient sacred tree again - the innate hibiscus tree, then the destructive power of my vitality seed will be qualitatively improved...."

With a chuckle, a gleam of passion flashed in the depths of Yu Ziyu's eyes.

The innate hibiscus tree, the ultimate spiritual root of fire, looks like two mulberry trees growing from the same root, leaning on and supporting each other to grow, and its whole body is fiery red.

It is said that this sacred tree can also give birth to the sacred golden crow.

Just like, he can give birth to the sacred - Qinglong.

However, this is not important.

The important thing is that the innate hibiscus tree is one of the most terrifying sacred trees to attack.

Yu Ziyu found the seed of this sacred tree, which was equivalent to giving the entire forest the power to destroy the world.

The tall buildings and trees that reach the sky form a boundary of their own, trapping them.

The immortal laurel is immortal and prevents the entire forest from being destroyed.

As for the innate hibiscus tree, its main purpose is to attack it....

This is also the confidence that Yu Ziyu dares to say that after finding the top ten sacred trees, he even dares to compete for dominance with a sixth-level body.

Just because every time a sacred tree is found, it means that the power of his vitality seed increases several times or even dozens of times.

The more sacred trees found, the more terrifying and almost limitless the power of the vitality seeds....


After coughing dryly, Yu Ziyu also suppressed the excitement in her heart. , thinking too much.

Although, now he has two sacred trees, he only needs to obtain their seeds, and then use the method of sacrificial refining to integrate them into the vitality seeds of his natural talent, and his natural natural power will be qualitatively improved....

But that is also a matter of the future....

Now, what is more important is to improve other natal talents and even abilities.

However, at this moment, as if he thought of something, Yu Ziyu suddenly raised the corner of his mouth, arousing a touch of amusement, and said to himself:

"I don’t know if I am considered a sacred tree now...."

Amidst the muttering, Yu Ziyu also had some guesses.

The ten sacred trees do not mean that there were only ten sacred trees in the previous era.

Rather, it means that these ten sacred trees are the most shocking in the past and the present. They each manifested in the world, were known to the world, and even spread widely.

The real sacred tree is far more than just ten trees.

Not to mention hundreds of plants, but dozens of them, probably.

Although these sacred trees are not famous, their power is indeed not weak.

Even, individually, their power is not weaker than the ten widely circulated sacred trees....

Just like the Innate Star Tree, it is not among the top ten sacred trees.

But it is said that this ancient star formation has a forbidden formation inscribed in the eternal realm. In terms of attack, it can even be called the 'most sacred tree'.

The reason why Yu Ziyu guessed that he was also a kind of sacred tree was because his current power was too terrifying.

Logically speaking, it is enough to be ranked among the sacred trees.

But alas.

This is not what he thinks, but what this world and all races think......

Smiling, Yu Ziyu didn't care about this either.

The name of a sacred tree is like the 'title' of some strong people among all races. People with the same name will naturally care about it.

And Yu Ziyu has always been low-key, how could he care about this.

In fact, he wished that no one knew his existence and could develop secretly.

It's just a pity that his chance to achieve enlightenment is to use his great supernatural power to transform the three pure beings with one breath.

But the great supernatural power that transforms the three pure beings in one breath is in the hands of all races. so...


With a sigh, Yu Ziyu was helpless.

It's not that he wants to be high-profile, but that he is destined to collide with all races in the future.

Concerning the path to enlightenment, he had no choice.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu's desire to become stronger became stronger.

If you are not as strong as others, you may fall into the hands of all races in the future, and you may even have your sanity wiped out....

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu's eyes immediately went to the attribute panel. strengthen. strengthen.

It is necessary to strengthen all the natural talents and even abilities that cannot keep up with one's own strength....As for some useless abilities, they can be discarded.

Bit off more than you can chew.

Now he is racing against time and has no time to develop those useless abilities....

In other words, all the major natural talents must be strengthened.

After all, every natural talent has unlimited potential.

Even if Yu Ziyu uses the least 'level 4 natural talent of thunder control', it still has extraordinary power.

As for the moment of birth talent and even the absolute evolution, it goes without saying.

One that can stop time and involve the mystery of time.

One can simulate all races, and can also correct itself....

They are all mysterious and mysterious, extraordinary.

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