Life flowed away violently.

A wave of coldness from the inside out enveloped the glacier.

It was the smell of death.

Glacier knew that he was going to die.

Really dying.

Even the heart was taken out, how could he still be alive?

At this time, Glacier thought a lot.

He thought of the days when he and his seventh brother teamed up to go to the polar glaciers, and of the days when he and his fourth brother fought on the battlefield....

However, despite thinking so much, Bingglai didn't feel the slightest bit of resentment.

His life was given by his master.

Without a master, he is just a second-level and third-level extraordinary guy.

How could it be possible to have wisdom?

How could it be possible to reach the fourth level?

And this was the mutated beast that had followed Yu Ziyu from the beginning, and its loyalty was undeniable.

It’s simply unimaginable!!

And knowing this, how could Yu Ziyu allow the glacier to die?

However, blood transfusion is not as simple as imagined.

If you simply change your bloodline and just ask thorns to drain the bloodline, how can you survive nine or even ten deaths?

And all this is just because of blood transfusion. What is really replaced is the heart!

Even an ordinary person knows that the heart has a hematopoietic function.

Without heart replacement, blood transfusion cannot be complete.

Therefore, Yu Ziyu asked Zi Lian to take away the heart of the glacier...It also really took away the life of the glacier.

Yes, really take away.

Looking up, the glacier at this moment has lost all its vitality. Only a pair of eyes slowly become grayer and more lifeless.



There were exclamations one after another, the faces of Thorns, Kyuubi, and the others all changed drastically.

Looking at this scene in disbelief.

There were even some impulsive ones with bloodshot eyes, holding on to the purple sickle that had taken out the glacier's heart.

Master, they dare not complain.

But Zi Lian, the man who killed the glacier under their noses, was......

But, at this moment, what did they do without waiting for the thorns?


A terrifying aura suddenly erupted.

Visible to the naked eye, Glacier's body was actually being held up by an invisible force.

Along with it, there was a pouring of purple blood falling from the sky.


There was a loud noise, and countless purple blood suddenly enveloped the glacier.

And this blood is constantly swimming under the control of an invisible force. Just a few breaths are enough to fill the glacier that turned into mummies....

However, even so, Glacier is still a corpse.

Dead, really dead

"Master, why?"

A sudden inquiry...

Looking for fame, it was Bai Hu, the third child, who asked everyone's thoughts with red eyes.

"Blood transfusion is not as simple as you think. A life of nine deaths is just a comfort. In a real sense, it is a life of ten deaths."

Hearing the sound echoing in the void, Bai Hu and others were startled.

But for a moment, looking at the body of Bing Huo, Bai Hu gritted his teeth unwillingly and spoke again:

"Then why does the master still need to exchange blood for Lao Ba? Isn't this bad?"

"Even if Lao Ba is a little weaker, he will be fine. With brothers like us here, we will take good care of him and protect him...."

One after another, Bai Hu's voice had a hint of crying.

Among the ten mythical beasts, the most impulsive is the white tiger.

But he is the one who values ​​feelings the most.

Who would have thought that he would be known as the 'Storm King'’,‘The White Tiger, the incarnation of disaster, is the most considerate among the ten mythical beasts?

It's a bit ironic, but also a bit funny.

But now, the white tiger's eyes were shining brightly for the first time.

However, at this time, Bai Hu's response was a period of silence.

Even Yu Ziyu was silent.

After all, scenes of white tigers crying are rare.

Moreover, this strange atmosphere is also a physical and mental baptism for the major mythical beasts, helping to sharpen their Taoist hearts.

Otherwise, Yu Ziyu wouldn’t let them come and watch....

However, to be honest, Yu Ziyu is really extremely meticulous. Even if he is like this, he still has to make some calculations and change the direction to sharpen the Taoist heart of many mythical beasts, as well as the elemental generals and others.

Only by experiencing life, separation and death can one's state of mind be improved to a new level.

And this is Yu Ziyu's real plan.

And now, it seems, good.

The effect is really good.

At least, Yu Ziyu showed his true feelings to every familiar guy he saw.

Even Qing Fan gritted his teeth and looked at this scene in disbelief....

"But that's about it."

With a murmur in his heart, Yu Ziyu looked at the body of Hebing Bing, his eyes shining brightly.

If He Bingbing is not rescued, there will be consequences.

So, it's time to take action.

As for rescuing?

Humph, as a sixth-level person The life form was even called the 'Immortal Tree', and its main tree root turned into a green dragon. If he couldn't save even his subordinates, wouldn't it be ridiculous? Moreover

, he not only rescued him.

To return to the glacier and rebuild the foundation.

However, in this way, Yu Ziyu must pay for a treasure.

However, thinking about it, Yu Ziyu also suppressed the reluctance in his heart. Compared with the so-called treasure, the life of the glacier is more valuable.

Moreover, , Yu Ziyu believed that Glacier would repay him tenfold in the future.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu's spiritual power surged fiercely


There was a loud noise, and the entire void was shaken.

Immediately afterwards, in the disbelieving eyes of Nine-Tails, Bull Demon and others, a green light group like a heart appeared in the void.

The heart of the tree, the treasure that Yu Ziyu gave birth to, is equivalent to his second life, nurturing boundless vitality.

And as he stepped into the sixth level of extraordinary, this treasure also had the quality of the sixth level.

Not to mention other functions, this alone can be called a treasure.

That is, it can bring people back to life.

If a being below the sixth level has a soul left behind, it can be brought back.

And every time it is pulled back, it only loses most of its power, which may be recovered later.

However, now...

Just such a tree heart turned into a green stream of light and shot towards the glacier.


A sound broke through the air, and the moment this half of the heart touched the body of the glacier, it melted violently.

Immediately, a bright green light erupted.

As dazzling as a star.

But you can vaguely feel the endless vitality flowing in the body of the glacier....

"Glacier, today, I will give you a second life with the sixth level treasure....I hope you will cherish yourself..."

The vast sound echoed in the void.

And Yu Ziyu’s tree heart slowly emerged to the heart of the glacier.

"bang, bang, bang..."

One sound after another, like a beating heart.

The blood of the Titan clan is also constantly intertwined with the green heart transformed by the tree heart....

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