"Blah blah blah, blah blah..."

It's like a river flowing backwards, with blood rushing through it.

Visible to the naked eye, countless purple 'Titan blood' gradually changed color after flowing around the body of the glacier.

In particular, after some blood surged through the green heart, it showed an indescribable deep green color.

That's erosion!!

The endless vitality is eroding the bloodline of the Titan family.

However, this is not a bad thing.

Vitality, in addition to facing individual dark forces, is definitely the greatest tonic for other energies.

Visible to the naked eye, countless purple blood becomes richer and richer in vitality after flowing through the green heart. until...

"Bang, bang..."

Vibrating like thunder, each mutated beast can hear the beating like a heart.

So powerful, so deafening.

It seems that an indescribable strong man has awakened from his deep sleep.

Even the void has an indescribable power.

And just then


Suddenly there was a long roar, the elephant's trunk was rolled up into the void, and the glacier's body was shaken.

"Click, click..."

One after another, there was a crisp sound like the sound of bones.

The glacier's body is growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just a few breaths, it has expanded several times to four to five kilometers.

At a glance, it looks like a prehistoric beast standing up from the ground.

But, this is not the end yet


There was a sudden roar, and countless purple torrents rolled back and rushed towards the body of the glacier.

And this is the power of void.

Although Yu Ziyu exchanged the blood of the Titan family for the glacier.

But, the problem is, this bloodline comes from Yu Ziyu's purple dragon.

And Yu Ziyu's Heaven-Bearing Purple Dragon is the most unique type of Titan bloodline.

Just because it merges with the void and can absorb the power of the void.

Although, the current glaciers cannot perfectly integrate this bloodline.

However, even if the fusion of one or two of ten can rob part of the void power, it is a great blessing.

And this is the terrifying thing about Yu Ziyu, an extraordinary sixth-level strongman, trying his best to shape an ordinary fourth-level strongman.


There was another roar, and the wind and waves surged.

Layers of ripples, like ocean waves, spread in all directions.

The breath of glacier comes from nothing.

It is increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye....Up to now...fourth level...

Middle stage of fourth level, peak of fourth level...

Until there is a crisp sound of 'click'

"Demi god..."

Amid the murmurs, the Nine-Tails, Bull Demon and other strong men all looked at the figure in the void that roared up to the sky in disbelief.

Shrouded in greenery, the elephant's trunk is curled high.

The body is growing at a terrifying speed...

And this is today's glacier.

A more accurate name would be 'Titanus!'’...


There was a sudden long cry, which seemed to be the return of consciousness.

The giant elephant in the distance lowered its head respectfully.

"Subordinates, there is nothing to repay."

In the midst of the excited voice, Bingglai's voice was a little trembling.

He thought he was dead, but he didn't expect that he would be resurrected by his master with unnatural means.

It even reshaped the foundation.

Now, Bingglai feels like it is Becoming stronger all the time.

Even when breathing, there is countless void power surging towards the body.

More importantly, the heart has a steady flow of vitality.

And that is creation.

The real creation.As long as he does not exhaust the vitality of his heart in one day, his growth will never end.

However, will the vitality of that heart really be exhausted?

Feeling the indescribable terrifying vitality, Glacier They were all shocked

"This is what you deserve..."

A calm voice echoed in the void.

Yu Ziyu also took a deep look at the current Titan. good. it's actually very good.

The changes in the glacier exceeded his expectations.

With the 'Heart of the Tree' as its heart, it draws infinite vitality, and with the blood of the Titan family as its guide, its body grows infinitely....

Then, he was able to absorb the power of the void... what does that mean?

No need to say more.

Just seeing this huge elephant in front of him, Yu Ziyu also understood...Soon, a behemoth"carrying stars" will emerge from the solar system.

The four legs stand in the void, and the elephant's trunk is curled up in the sky.

Even the stars are carried on its back, and countless lives take root on its back, multiply and even grow.

This is a walking 'world', and it is an extremely terrifying life form.

At that time, Yu Ziyu could even dispatch countless legions to the back of the glacier.

From then on, Glacier, the eighth divine beast of this misty mountain, can transform into the most terrifying 'star battleship', leading hundreds of millions of legions to conquer all races.

"Tsk tsk..."

Just thinking about it gave Yu Ziyu a sense of imagery.

I have to say that this is what he expected....

"Titan giant elephant..."

With a smile, Yu Ziyu once again looked at the respectful expression on the glacier not far away, and said with a smile:

"Let's integrate the current strength... Judging from your current situation, the integration is less than 40%...Not enough..."

"Yes, master..."

In the very respectful response, Glacier also looked excited.

Integration, we must strive to integrate today's power.

You must never live up to your master’s expectations.

And at this moment, as if he thought of something, Bingglai also turned around and looked at the figures looking at him.

There are still familiar figures, but most of them are in disbelief.

Even difficult to accept.

But, yes.

Yu Ziyu's current methods are really outrageous, so it's no wonder Bai Hu and others can't accept it.

However, no harm.

The facts are before our eyes


Taking a deep breath and looking at the brothers and sisters, Bingfeng also said loudly:

"Brothers, I'm back..."

A roar, really like the roar of a god and demon, shook the entire small void world.

And all this is because, in just a short period of time, the glacier has grown to a height of 10,000 meters, turning into an indescribable behemoth.

Even the figures of Kyuubi, White Tiger and others were as insignificant as dust in his eyes.

"Oh my god, Lao Ba is really back"

"Moreover, the battles that came back were not ordinary horrors."

Looking at each other, the expressions of White Tiger, Bull Demon and others are getting weirder.

What the hell is this?

The legendary 'the sun is one foot taller, the night is ten feet taller' is already scary.

But now, their eighth brother is...One second is one foot taller, one minute is one foot taller...

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