The Void Clan!!

Strong, very strong.

It's so powerful that it's a bit scary.

They are terrifying creatures that dwell deep in the void.

However, the depths of the void, desolate and boundless, are far different from the beauty of the starry sky and the universe....

And, more importantly, because void creatures are born with an ominous nature and are somewhat repelled and out of place by the starry sky, all races regard them as enemies.

As far as the Fallen Titan knows until now, wherever void creatures appear, a large number of powerful men from all races will arrive and forcibly suppress them.

And he was lucky enough to escape, and he was hunted by thousands of people and grew up to this point. so...

The Void Clan and the Ten Thousand Clan need no words!!

Born to be an enemy.

Although the Void Clan often fights among themselves to devour each other and grow...

But in today's Void Clan, there is an unwritten rule.

That is the existence that has stepped into the fourth level of the extraordinary, and is not allowed to devour the same race....

And this is because of the formidable enemy of 'all races'.

In this way, it is understandableWhen Luo Taitan noticed the appearance of the Void Emperor, a sneer appeared on his lips.

Rather than worrying about that unknown monster that suddenly stepped onto the sixth level of the Extraordinary, we should probably be more worried about the Ten Thousand Races.

With the existence of this Void Emperor, it is no longer just a dream for the Void Clan to seize a star field.


Amidst the sudden laughter, the Fallen Titan said nothing, and said to a void creature not far away:

"Go, look for that Void Emperor, invite him over, and conspire with the Titan God Domain..."

"Yes, my lord."

In response, a humanoid creature covered in purple but a thousand meters high shot fiercely into the depths of the void.

This was a small Titan, but it was eroded by a void creature and transformed into a Void Titan. However, compared to To match the power of the Fallen Titan, this little Titan is only at the fourth level of Transcendence.

However, even so, he is still the right-hand man of the Fallen Titan.

After all, there are too few people around the Fallen Titan.

Until now, he has been searching, and he has finally found the fallen Titan. Hundreds of clan members gathered.

And this is the biggest tragedy of the Void clan.

The vast depths of the void have caused the Void clan's power to be extremely scattered.

Like now, a transcendent fourth-level Void Titan is sent to search. According to the Fallen Titan It is estimated that it will take at least dozens of years, or even hundreds of years, to find it.

However, it's okay.

At their level, the most indispensable thing is time.

And decades, even hundreds of years, For the starry sky, it is just a snap of the fingers....

However, at this moment, what this Void Titan didn’t know was that...Compared to his speed, in a void not far away from Yu Ziyu, a strange void creature covered in purple, like an octopus, but with eyes that took up most of its body, was suddenly startled.

"Emperor of the Void?"

The mental fluctuations from Ming Ming kept beating violently, as if he was thinking.

For a moment, as if he thought of something, this void creature swung his body and rushed towards Yu Ziyu.

"I’m really curious about the body structure of the Void Emperor..."

Amid the constantly beating mental frequency, that purple eye was already flashing crazily.

And this is the 72nd king of the Void Clan. He bears the name of 'knowledge', desires knowledge, and is a terrifying creature who is good at creation.

Aliens from the Void Clan are also rare, terrifying beings with innate wisdom....

At this time, Yu Ziyu, who had just completed his breakthrough, did not pay attention to the frequency coming from far away.

Rather than caring about those things, what is more important right now is separating the Titan bloodline.

For him now, who is burdened with the name of 'hunger', the Titan bloodline is of little use.

After all, 'hunger' is the prototype of devouring power.

If he could really master the power of 'hunger' or even 'devour', and grow himself through continuous devouring, then what use would the power of the Titans be to him?


With a playful smile, Yu Ziyu's strength surges

"Tick ​​tock, tick tock..."

One sound after another, visible to the naked eye, drops of blood without impurities were dripping from Yu Ziyu's purple tail.

Purple, crystal clear, but the purest Titan bloodline.

But just these few drops of Titan blood are as huge as a lake.

It's really daunting.

Just, at this moment...

"Thorns drained Lao Ba’s blood"

"Yes, my lord..."

In response, a bloody figure suddenly walked out from the depths of the small void world.

This is Thorn, the Blood Queen, who is best at controlling blood.

Now, having already reached the fourth level of Transcendence, it is really not difficult for him to drain Lao Ba's blood.

Like now.

Raise your hand slowly...


Along with the terrifying suction force, Lao Ba's body shook violently.

Immediately afterwards


With a shrill wail, Lao Ba's body continued to crack.

Along with it, countless red blood continued to fly out.

And these red bloods merged in the sky and turned into a giant bloody elephant, looking up to the sky and neighing, seeming to be mourning and fearful.

After all, the blood has the residue of Lao Ba's spirit and will. Even if it is drawn out, it will naturally gather into Lao Ba's appearance.

Just, at this time.

Turning his eyes, he looked at Lao Ba not far away, whose body was constantly declining and was almost turning into a mummy. Thorny Thorns was also a little unbearable.

"I said, drain his blood..."

Hearing Yu Ziyu's voice, Jingji was startled, and then said worriedly.

"Master, if this continues, the glacier may die."

"I don't want to say it a second time."

The faint voice sounded in the void, but it had an indescribable coldness.

"Yes, master."

Clenched his teeth, a look of determination appeared on Jiajiang's face.


As greater suction surges out, the last remaining blood color of Glacier's body fades away....Only the body that became increasingly pale and corpse-like was crumbling.


As if smelling the breath of death, Bingglai raised his head tremblingly, looking at Yu Ziyu with a pair of eyes full of reluctance.

"You'll be fine..."

Yu Ziyu's murmur sounded in Bingfeng's heart, seeming to comfort him.

But just for a moment, Bingglai's body trembled violently.

He slowly lowered his head, and what he saw was a blood-stained heart....

And that figure that has always been extremely mysterious, Zi Si!!

At this moment, he was holding a claw on the heart of Glacier, and his expression was indescribably cold.

Some are unbelievable, and some are unbelievable.

But the fact is before our eyes.

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