
With a hoarse call, Yu Ziyu's gaze, like the sun and moon in the sky, also looked at the mammoth approaching not far away.


In an instant, there was an extremely strong pressure, which was like a tsunami.

The space is even more rippled.

This is because Yu Ziyu is not familiar with this body.

After all, although the body of the Tongtian Purple Python is just the root of Yu Ziyu's void tree.

But after Yu Ziyu broke through and stepped into the sixth level of Transcendence, as a part of Yu Ziyu's body, the Tongtian Purple Python was also promoted.

However, the amount of energy required to reach the sixth level of extraordinary is too huge, and Yu Ziyu has been obsessed with polishing his body, so he has no time to pay attention.

So...Tongtian Zijiao has not completed a complete promotion until now.

However, it’s soon!

Carrying the power of 'void', the Tongtian Purple Dragon can absorb power from the void, and it has the giant beast of the void as a reference to constantly correct its posture.

To this day, he is only one step away from reaching the extraordinary sixth level.

But now, Yu Ziyu's consciousness has arrived, and he has just integrated his strength to achieve a real breakthrough.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu glanced at the glacier mammoth and said:

"Let me break through first."

As he said that, Yu Ziyu ignored the Glacier Mammoth's surprised gaze and fiercely crossed his body.


The void vibrated, and the purple snake-like body kept winding, entrenching the entire small void world.

Looking up, the depths of the clouds and mist in the small void world were like a purple Great Wall, winding its way, and even the clouds and mist were receding.

There's something unspeakably terrifying about it. at the same time,

"Click, click..."

One sound after another, the void shattered.

Immediately afterwards, under the horrified gaze of the glacier mammoth, countless purple torrents were already rushing towards Yu Ziyu's body along the broken space.


Amidst the shocking screams, Yu Ziyu soared into the sky, like a ray of purple light that penetrated the entire small world.


With a loud noise, the space shattered, and Yu Ziyu came to the depths of the void that were closely connected to the small world of void.

And this is where it really comes

"Make a real breakthrough."

With a murmur in his heart, Yu Ziyu rolled up the dragon's tail fiercely, but it rolled up the giant void beast that was as huge as a planet.


‘With a click, the dragon's tail exerted force, but it shattered the bones of the giant beast in the void.


The shrill wail resounded through the void, but it didn’t wait for this sound to spread.


There was a loud noise, and the entire body of the void beast exploded to pieces.

What's more, due to the tremendous suction coming from Yu Ziyu's body, countless body fragments of the giant void beast kept pouring towards his body.

In just a moment, the entire giant beast in the void was swallowed up by Yu Ziyu.

Along with it, a mysterious, deep pattern like a black hole appeared on the forehead of Yu Ziyu's purple python.

The mark of the King of the Void.

Now, Yu Ziyu has also successfully usurped the King's Mark of the Void Beast and become a new generation of King of the Void.

He already controls the power of the void, so it is not difficult to usurp the mark of the void clan.

And this, the Mark of the Void, is somewhat like the power of a god.

Mysterious and mysterious, it is an extremely terrifying force.

It is also of great benefit to Yu Ziyu

【The seventeenth king of the Void Clan, adhering to the desire of"hungry", is a real meal beast. ]

Glancing at the extra words on the attribute panel, Yu Ziyu also grinned.

"The Seventeenth King...not bad..."

Serial numbers are not proof of strength.

It’s just that the Void clan has successively reached the fourth level of extraordinary ranking.

For example, the Seventeenth King of the Void proves that the Void Behemoth is the seventeenth Void Clan to advance to the fourth level.

And with his original strength, he would definitely be in the top ten, not to mention the top five.

After all, he is only the fourth level of Extraordinary, but his body size rivals the stars.

I have to say, he is really a monster.

And now...This seventeenth king turned into an even more terrifying monster.

Extraordinary sixth level!!

Tsk tsk.


It's even more unimaginable.

If this were known to other void creatures, or even the Titan God Realm, they would all be dumbfounded.

After all, the Titan God's Domain has now spent a lot of effort to deal with an extraordinary fifth-level void creature, but it is not enough to kill it.

Instead, he fell into a quagmire.

At this time, if they knew that an extraordinary sixth-level monster appeared in the Void Clan, they would probably not be able to imagine the scene........

However, at this moment, what Yu Ziyu didn't know was that just when he was stealing the power of the Seventeenth King of the Void, bearing the name of 'hunger', and even stepping into the sixth level of the extraordinary, deep in the boundless void, a Another creature from the unknown was a shock.

The palpitations coming from the depths of their souls made them immediately raise their eyes and look at the end of the void.

"How can it be? At this time, could he actually become the Emperor of the Void?"

"no, impossible..."

There were low roars one after another, countless strange shapes, but all of them were extremely terrifying creatures, and their faces changed drastically.

At the same time, in the Titan God's Domain, the void behind

"This is?"

In a moment of surprise, a giant in the form of a human, with black flames burning all over his body, suddenly stood up from its throne the size of a planet.

He is the third king of the Void Clan, who bears the name of 'greed', and more It was by accident that he eroded the genius of the Titan clan, and thus transformed into the 'Fallen Titan', and also opened up his wisdom.

However, what did he notice now? From the unknown distance, there was an aura that made him feel palpitating..And that is the aura of the Void Emperor?

"Are you kidding me? Even I have only just stepped into the fifth level of the extraordinary, and there are still hundreds of thousands of years before I can break through to the sixth level....Now, actually...?"

Amid the disbelief in his voice, the King of the Void looked a bit in disbelief.

However, not long after, as if he thought of something, he suddenly calmed down his emotions and his brows relaxed....

"However, it would be really good if the Emperor of the Void really appeared at this time. After all, the Titan God's Domain is still quite tricky."

Thinking of the oppressive life in which he was recently hunted by the Titan God Realm and couldn't take care of himself, a cold smile appeared on his face. In the

True God Realm, he couldn't help but the Titan God Realm.

So what about the emperor of the Void Clan?


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