"Ten mythical beasts, unique...It is irreplaceable."

This sentence is not what Yu Ziyu said casually. It is the determination in Yu Ziyu's heart.

In addition to the ten sacred beasts under his command, the guardians on the left and right, and even the generals of the elements, are all unshakable.

These are the people who have accompanied Yu Ziyu from his childhood to the present....He is Yu Ziyu’s true confidant.

Not just any strong person can replace him.

At this time, hearing Yu Ziyu's voice, Mammoth gritted his teeth, suppressed the emotion in his heart, and responded:

"Master, I know I was wrong..."


In response, Yu Ziyu left her last words before leaving:

"Get ready, in three days, I will exchange a bloodline for you..."...

Time passed slowly, and three days passed in the blink of an eye.

And on this day, deep in the starry sky...

The strong gather.

The top ten mythical beasts are all here.

There are also guardians on the left and right, the elemental ice dragon and the snake queen, standing on the left and right of Yu Ziyu's body.

However, at this time, the eyes of each strong man were serious and dignified.

Just because the master wants to change his bloodline for the eighth divine beast, the glacier mammoth.

Moreover, it is said that it is still the terrifying Titan bloodline.

Yes, Titan blood.

The eldest sister of the First Divine Beast personally admitted that the master used his own essence and blood of the purple dragon as a guide to replace the glacier mammoth with Titan blood.

From then on, the glacial mammoth will transform into a true starry sky beast, carrying stars on its back and walking deep in the starry sky.

Of course, the premise of all this is that the blood transfusion is successful.

And at this moment, the Nine Realms of Heaven, the small world named Void,...

This is a small world of crime and punishment, enough to banish all strong men.

However, now, in the deepest corner of this small world, there is a behemoth the size of a star, rising up into the sky and screaming.

And around him, there was a snake-like purple body that kept sliding, but it firmly entangled and even bound this behemoth.

This is the sky-reaching purple dragon, and a void king in the depths of the void. In the name of 'hunger', it can devour everything, and it is a giant beast that can continue to grow.

The open mouth of this giant beast is a black hole, and the extremely complex structure of its body is enough to convert everything it swallows into the materials it needs.

Theoretically speaking, it is a kind of monster similar to a Titan, but a purer monster than a Titan.

At least, the Titans still need to practice, but this giant beast only needs to continue to devour it to grow....

Therefore, the Tongtian Purple Dragon has been constantly analyzing the body structure of this giant void beast, and is constantly devouring his blood, hoping to master the power that belongs to this giant void beast.

Until now, Tongtian Purple Dragon has achieved some achievements.

Visible to the naked eye, the extremely complicated and extremely complicated purple lines on the body of the Tongtian Purple Dragon are 40 to 50% similar to the giant void beast.

More importantly, the aura of the Tongtian purple dragon is somewhat close to that of the giant beast in the void.


But at this time, he seemed to have noticed something. Amid his screams, a pair of purple eyes as cold as snake eyes opened deep in the small world.

He slowly raised his eyes and saw a purple vortex in the sky not far away.

In the depths of the whirlpool, the Tongtian Purple Python saw a giant elephant as big as a mountain slowly approaching.

He even saw the Nine Tails and the Bull Demon behind the whirlpool....Wait, one after another, the strong men are looking at this place worriedly....


There was another roar, and the void shook.

A great consciousness has arrived, and immediately afterwards, a clear color appears in the depths of the eyes of the Tongtian Zijiao.

And this is when Yu Ziyu takes over this body.

It is worth mentioning that, in addition to the blue dragon transforming into the heaven of the nine small and large worlds, the purple dragon that reaches the sky is more of an extension of the roots of Yu Ziyu's tree.

When Yu Ziyu's consciousness did not come, he only had instincts...

Yes, instinct.

It can attack and defend, but it has no consciousness to control the body.

A person's strength can only be used at three or four levels.

And Yu Ziyu's other body, the body of the Void Elf, is Yu Ziyu's puppet that walks remotely in the human world.

It also requires Yu Ziyu’s control...

Until now, the bodies of the blue dragon, the sky-reaching purple dragon, and even the void elf cannot be said to be 'clones'.

After all, a body without self-awareness cannot be called a 'clone'.

And Yu Ziyu doesn't need a clone.

There are too many variables in the clone, and it may even devour the master.

That's fine these days.

If you need to use that body, just come to consciousness.

As for why Yu Ziyu wanted to refine existences like the Azure Dragon, the Heaven-reaching Purple Dragon, and even the Void Elf, he couldn't blame him.

After all, his body is a tree.

Roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds are all extensions of his body.

Individual polishing is also normal.

It's just that compared to his increasingly powerful body, it's difficult to fully control his consciousness.

In particular, with the point of evolution, individual bodies are constantly strengthening, such as the main tree roots and the void tree roots. The power is far beyond the understanding of ordinary people, and they have even transformed into green dragons and even sky-reaching purple pythons.

With such an existence, unless Yu Ziyu's consciousness comes fully, it will be difficult to exert their true combat power.

And this is also the biggest reason why Yu Ziyu longs for the Taoist sect's first magical power - transforming three pure things into one qi.

He asked for nothing more.

I just want to use my own power to control the green dragon, the sky-reaching purple dragon, and even the body of the void elf at the same time.

Therefore, from this aspect, they are more of the evolution of Yu Ziyu's combat power.

They need to be sacrificed only when there is a real battle.

Of course, now, Yu Ziyu plans to use the Titan blood of the Tongtian Purple Dragon to exchange blood for the glacier mammoth.

Therefore, it is also necessary to have consciousness to control the body of the Tongtian Purple Dragon.


The neighing gradually began, and Yu Ziyu didn't care when looking at the weak giant beast in the void.

Instead, he turned his gaze and looked at the glacial mammoth that looked like a mountain peak not far away.

Glacier mammoths were huge.

But from the perspective of Yu Ziyu, who is now in the sky, he is as small as a speck of dust.

You must know that Yu Ziyu's current body is enough to wrap around the stars. Its huge posture will make even a strong man in the true god realm extremely horrified when he sees it.


Looking at the familiar eyes, Glacier Mammoth also called out tentatively, with an indescribable nervousness on his face.

And all this is because the purple body in the distance is too huge.

The body goes straight through the nine heavens, but it spirals up.

A pair of eyes that flicker and fade, even more like the sky, the sun and the moon...

And this is the terrifying posture Yu Ziyu obtained after devouring the flesh and blood of the giant beast in the void for a long time and growing continuously.

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