However, after repeatedly suffering losses, Yu Ziyu and others were also cautious and did not give the Wizard King the slightest chance.

Even the great sage showed his civilizational heritage.

This is an infinite prison.

It is similar to the robe of the first generation of wizard civilization.

But alas.

Moreover, he also has the blessing of the wizard world.

Actually escaped the wireless prison


With a sigh, the great sage looked at the palm of his hand.

There, there was a black crystal emitting dazzling light.

Looking carefully, it seemed to be a small prison, with everything in it.

There were forests of bones.

There were The blood is like a sea.

This is an infinite prison.

Originally, the Great Sage wanted to repay the favor of the Wizard King for using the first-generation robe to imprison them.

But he did not expect that the Wizard King would react so quickly.

"For top Eternal Lords like the King of Wizards, there is only one chance"

With that said, the Great Sage also put away the Infinite Prison.

Although the Wizard King is scary, it is difficult to threaten them.

After all, it is one against three.

Even very leisurely

The Great Sage doesn't mind this.

Moreover, he was vaguely aware of the terror of the Transcendent.

The great sage didn't dare to think about it.

Even the famous wizard king and the ultimate existence standing deep in the dimension have not taken that step.

So, How could an unknown guy take this step?

"An illusion, definitely an illusion."

Muttering in his heart, the Great Sage has repeatedly suppressed the speculation in his heart.

However, even so, the Great Sage is extremely afraid of the transcendent.

As a top eternity, the Great Sage trusts his own intuition.

Therefore. , he believed that the transcendent was not simple.

However, at this moment, Yu Ziyu, standing in the chaos, suddenly raised his eyebrows

"what happened?"

The Transcendent and the Great Sage both looked shocked.

"I can feel the terrible aura coming from the depths of the dimension."

"Moreover, he seems to be a strong person in the wizarding civilization"

Listening to Yu Ziyu's voice quietly, they were also startled.

The great sage's eyes narrowed slightly and he sighed helplessly.

Wait for the wizard civilization to slow down.

Wait for them It must be overwhelming revenge.

But then, it will be the real terror

"but before that...We can't make life easy for wizarding civilization."

Yu Ziyu showed a cold look on his face.

This time, he and the wizard civilization were completely at odds.

How could they make it easier for the wizard civilization.

Moreover, he knew the great sage's worries very well.

This was also his worry.


"The transcendent obeys the command..."


In response, the Transcendent looked serious.

"You try your best to hold back the Wizard King"[]

"If possible, be determined to destroy wizard civilization..."

Hearing Yu Ziyu's words, the Transcendent smiled.

Destroy the Wizarding World? interesting.

Since that's the case...He also needs to consider using his full combat power.

At the same time, Yu Ziyu also looked at the great sage

".Sage, are you interested in charging with me?"

"How to say?"

"There is a wolf in front...If there is a tiger behind, what do you think will happen?"

Yu Ziyu said half-jokingly

"The wolf is the enemy of the dimension. If the tiger is the enemy, is it us?"

The sage's eyes narrowed slightly.


"It would be great if we could hit them hard."

Yu Ziyu also had a chill on his face when he said this.

But it is different in the dimension.

There, it is extremely dangerous..

Not to mention the blessing of heaven and earth.

Even the strong men of wizard civilization are extremely afraid.

If they are attacked in such a place, it will be troublesome.

(Zhao’s) So...

"Sure enough, it has to be you..."

At this time, I thought of such a method.

You know, those are most of the elites of the wizard civilization.


With a roar, the two figures quietly disappeared into the chaos.

The Wizard King was left alone and his pupils shrank.

"What did they go to do?".

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