The King of Wizards has a bad feeling in his heart.

He wanted to stop it.

But what was waiting for him was the Transcendent slowly approaching.

Divine power surges.

The smell is weird.

At this moment, the transcendent seemed to have opened some shackles.

There's something unspeakably terrifying about it.

Especially with the dark mist surrounding him.

That seems to be some forbidden power. indescribable.

But there is a feeling that makes even the Wizard King tremble.

"This guy..."

With his eyes slightly focused, the Wizard King felt a chill coming from the soles of his feet.

Subconsciously activated the power


In the sudden roar, the entire body of the Wizard King flew out upside down.


The Wizard King looked stunned.


When did this guy come to him?

He even punched him away.

Even the Wizard King reacted.

However, this is not the end.

Just because, more The terrifying Qi machine has locked him.

Along with it is an extremely indifferent gaze, staring at him.

That is the transcendent.

He has activated the taboo posture.

In this posture , his strength and speed will greatly increase.

However, as a price, he will speed up the integration with the avenue.

If the speed of his integration with the avenue reaches 100%, then he will be completely dead and buried forever. In the chaos.

But, it's okay now.

His integration with the avenue is only 63%.

This is what he has barely accumulated over countless years.

"This time, if you activate the taboo posture, let’s say at least three or four more points."

With a sigh, the Transcendent has no fear at all.

Although this is the countdown of his life.

The distance is 100%, the closer.

The closer his deadline is.

But....Even if the body and soul are destroyed, so what?

What he desires more is a hearty battle

"If there is a choice between immortality and fighting to the death..."

"I feel that fighting to the death is a good choice."

With a chuckle, a look of excitement appeared on the faces of the Transcendents.

This is a look that rarely appears on the faces of the Transcendents.

Only when fighting can he show such a smile.

Only when fighting can he will be so excited


There was a loud roar, like thunder, and the Transcendent rushed out like an arrow off the string.

And at this time,

"fallen angel...reset."

The soft narration resounded in the hearts of countless fallen angels.

That was Yu Ziyu's whisper.

"Yes, master."

In response to the chorus, countless dark figures were shocked.

Immediately, they all shot towards the chaos.

From a distance, it looked like a black heavy rain, going upstream and straight into the sky.

And right here Soon after,

"I'm waiting to meet the master"

"I'm waiting to meet the master."

Greetings in unison, countless dark shadows all prostrate themselves in front of a great creature.

They are fallen angels. They are the legendary dark angels who turn their backs on the light.

They are also the wings of Yu Ziyu

"Come, come with me and descend into the depths of the dimension"


Responding in unison, countless fallen angels flew towards Yu Ziyu's back.

Visible to the naked eye, these fallen angels turned into jet-black feathers one after another, intertwining and flying between the heaven and the earth.

In the end, it actually turned into sixteen pairs of dark wings behind Yu Ziyu.

These are angel wings.

It is also Yu Ziyu’s wings.

In fact, they are the formation of fallen angels and the evolved black wings.

Not only can it give the host more terrifying speed, but it can also be turned into a terrifying weapon to kill enemies.

In practical terms, they even have the power to threaten eternity.

And this is also the further sublimation of the Fallen Angel Legion.

In their words:"We are willing to become the wings of the Lord of Time and Space to help you sweep everything." (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And now, they have done it.

Utilize the top formation - Feather Formation...Intertwined into wings

"Let's go."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu activated the sixteen pairs of wings behind her.


Amid the sudden roar, chaos shook, and a dark shadow broke through the chaos and headed straight into the depths of the dimension.

Chaos is divided into matter and illusion.

Materials and nature are the so-called thousands of civilizations.

It’s the world, it’s the planet.

It’s also the mainland.

And illusion...It is the so-called dimensional gap, which is the void...

They are bizarre and incompatible with the material world.

The creatures inside have exhausted the changes in the world.

Some are as big as stars[]

Some are as small as ants.

It also brings together the weirdest things in the world.

For example, it has three eyes, six arms, and two wings, but it looks like a celestial dog.

Some have countless tentacles, but no faces.

However, this is not important.

The important thing is that the dimensional world goes from shallow to deep.

The deeper you go, the scarier it becomes.

Just like a high-dimensional demon, he is in the deepest dimension.

They are existences that stand at the apex of the dimension.

In Yu Ziyu's words, they may even be the ultimate civilization sealed in the deepest dimension.

It's indescribable, even more indescribable.

Very scary.

As for the wizard civilization, if it wants to conquer high-dimensional demons, it must pass through one dimensional world after another.

It's like opening up a direct channel to the dimension.

Now, what Yu Ziyu has to do is to block this passage.

Even worse, destroy it

"If the passage is destroyed, they will inevitably be lost in the gap between dimensions."

"If you want to come out, it will take countless time and effort"

"Not only that..."

Grinning, Yu Ziyu looked at the great sage

"This time, we are likely to collide with the Dark Witch King and the top eternity hidden by their wizard civilization. Are you confident?"

"What do you think?"

The great sage smiled, but the power in his body was already surging.

He is a veteran top eternity, and is not afraid of all powerful people.

Even if he is the King of Wizards, such beings can only overwhelm him.

But It is absolutely impossible to completely suppress or even kill him.


He is confident and confident

"This time, if we meet on a narrow road, I will use my trump card to seal one of them."

"buy time for our future"

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