With the Great Sage outside, fighting and holding back the Wizard King, Yu Ziyu and others clearly felt that the world's suppression had weakened a lot.

"It seems that the great sage works very hard."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu also looked at the Transcendent



Far from enough.

Grinning, the Transcendent also said bluntly:

"Then smash the world to pieces and get out"

"give it to you."

He is not good at attacking.

It is better to leave this kind of matter to the Transcendent.

Moreover, the Transcendent also wants to challenge his own limits.


Accompanied by 16, a will that can make the whole world tremble also arises.

"Fist is power."

"Strength is fist..."

At the same time, the face of the Wizard King, who was fighting the Great Sage, also changed drastically.

"not good."

It was the robe of the first generation, the heritage of their civilization.

It has incredible power.

This is far beyond the imagination of the wizard king.

But now, the great sage takes action with all his strength, and his divine power surges.

It is actually difficult for him to be distracted and continue to strengthen the first-generation robe. robe.

So, what is waiting for him is...

"well...One wrong step, every wrong step."


Amidst the sudden roar, a terrifying energy gathered at the top of the tower and surged towards the first-generation robe.

This is the unique divine power of the wizard family.

With the blessing of this force, the vibrations of the first-generation robe gradually subsided.

It seems to have stabilized.

However, the Wizard King knew that this was just the beginning.

At this time, the great sage seemed to have noticed the movement of the first generation robe, and he also grinned.

"God of Storms..."

"All kinds of things..."

"Think faster..."

One word after another, the words resounded throughout the world.

That's the great sage, doing his best.

Unimaginable divine power surged in the chaos, causing the Wizard King's face to change again and again.

The Wizard King couldn't help shouting.

He had heard about the Great Sage countless times. He knew very well what this guy was like.

Although he came from the immortal world, he was extremely kind.

He was kind to everyone.

Even, kind. Their wizarding civilization also has a certain friendship.

What does it mean? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It means that his determination is beyond imagination.

It also means that he really wants to kill the wizarding civilization.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

There was a continuous roar, and the chaos was shaking.

This is a top eternity full force.

It was his desperate fight

There, on the top of the wizard's tower, a gray robe with a sense of age lay quietly.

"take advantage of now...."

The great sage shouted violently

"What are you waiting for?"

A voice came out from the ancient robe.

It was Yu Ziyu's voice.

He has been in contact with the great sage.

And now, the time is ripe.

"Click, click..."

"Swish, swish..."

Two 470 streams of light rose into the sky.

There was a stream of light, as dark as ink, like the dark sun coming.

A stream of light, gray, like a long gray river....

They came out.


After narrating again and again, Yu Ziyu and the Transcendent looked into the distance.

There, a figure stood quietly.

That was the King of Wizards.

He wore a nine-color mask, and his expression could not be seen.

But it kept coming. The flashing nine-color light revealed that he was not at peace in his heart.

"Much faster than I thought."

With a sigh, the King of Wizards was helpless.

He thought that these three guys were troublesome.

But he didn't expect it to be so troublesome.

He successively sacrificed the Gate of Truth and the Robe of the First Generation of Civilized Heritage in order to gain the upper hand.

And the cracking speed was still so fast.

"The real key is indeed this young man."

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