"As expected of the Dark Witch King, his methods are really not simple."

Although I don't know how the Black Witch King did it.

But looking at this scene, Yu Ziyu's eyes narrowed slightly. This was the first time he saw someone who could directly summon an eternal level existence to fight for him.

Similar to a puppet.

But the method is more advanced. Mysterious.

However, Yu Ziyu’s eyes were more focused on the earthy yellow river.

"Blah blah blah, blah blah..."

The river flows continuously, and the force of the mist is diffused.

There is also an indescribable aura spreading.

That's death.

It's despair. even more

"The river of hell."

In a daze, Yu Ziyu also recognized this river.

In the chaos, there are several forces that have existed forever.

One is time.

The other is space.

There is also death and fate....

These are the fundamentals of chaos.

It is also the most incredible power

"As forces continue to gather, there will be qualitative changes."

"Therefore, along with time, there is a long river of time, traveling through ancient and modern times."

"To this day, the flow continues."

Speaking of this, 180 Yu Ziyu also looked at the khaki river again.

"However, I didn't expect that there was actually a underworld"

"It is said that only by truly understanding death and touching its existence can one feel the underworld."

Understand death here, touch death.

It does not mean the reincarnation of mortal life and death.

That is, reincarnation.

Although the body decays, the soul is still reincarnated.

The real death is the death of the soul.

It is completely erased from the chaos.

If the reincarnation of life and death of mortals can still be affected, even controlled, and reversed, then the real death cannot be touched even by Yu Ziyu.

It is the farthest distance.

It is complete disappearance.

"When I was reborn as a tree, it was reincarnation..."

"If you truly die, you cannot be reborn."

While sighing, Yu Ziyu's eyes narrowed slightly.

【Huangquan - the legendary spring of the Nine Hells, the spring that communicates with death, can erase all traces. Even if the Eternal Venerable enters the Huangquan, he will gradually disappear under the baptism of the Huangquan. ]

Looking at it in a daze, Yu Ziyu also noticed the horror of this underworld.

No wonder, even he felt ominous and depressed.

However, at this time, Yu Ziyu noticed the figure of the Black Witch King, which was already standing on the palm of a death giant, and slowly turned around

"You are pretty good, let's have a good discussion if we have the chance."

The voice of the Black Witch King, hoarse and deep, actually sounded in Yu Ziyu's ears.

Obviously, he was aware of Yu Ziyu's position.

"Hum hum..."

With a cold snort, Yu Ziyu looked at the Black Witch King who was about to leave, and also sneered.

"You don’t think you can really leave so easily, do you?"

As the words fell, Yu Ziyu raised his right hand


As the dark light bloomed, the sound of pages turning continued to sound.

Looking for the sound, a mysterious-looking book wrapped in black cover appeared in Yu Ziyu's right hand.

This is the forbidden magical power - Genesis, a condensed divine book.

Has incredible power.

Yu Ziyu placed him in the deepest part of the starry sky as the last line of defense for the starry sky and the earth.

Now that he is in the starry sky, he can naturally summon this sacred tree

"God said, let there be light."

Yu Ziyu's voice suddenly became extremely majestic and vast.

It shocked the whole chaos.

Even the face of the Black Witch King in the distance changed drastically.

Just because, at this moment,


Infinite light burst out in the chaos.

This light came suddenly.

Even the Dark Witch King didn't notice it.

It's as if chaos is day.

Even the Dark Witch King has trouble discerning the direction

"God said, you will be burned in the light."

Yu Ziyu spoke again.

His voice was still the same as before.

But at the next moment,


Suddenly coughing, a mouthful of blood spit out from Yu Ziyu's mouth. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

At the same time, the pages of the book in Yu Ziyu’s hand kept turning, and one after another turned into fly ash.

This is two pages, enough to hurt eternity.

But now, six of them were burned in a row.

And at the moment when the paper keeps burning,


A sudden scream sounded at the end of the chaos.

Visible to the naked eye, at the far end, a figure shrouded in pitch black robes suddenly burst into flames.

The radiance that permeated the entire chaos seemed to be constantly gathering.

Visible to the naked eye, everything around him turned into darkness.

And all those thousands of rays of light gathered together.

They gathered towards the distant figure.

It actually condensed into a point


Looking from a distance, it seems like endless light is shooting from all directions, penetrating this figure.

Time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye, the light disappeared.

Everything is gone.

Left alone, Orochi, Soul Mother and others looked at each other in confusion.

Just now, they didn't know what happened.

Just a feeling, a light flashing in front of my eyes.

Immediately afterwards, there was a scream.

At the same time, Yu Ziyu, who was still standing quietly beside Chaos Bell Zhenling, also staggered.

"Is this the power of taboo?"

Yu Ziyu raised his eyes and looked around him.

At some point, mysterious black runes appeared on his body.

These runes were like living creatures, constantly squirming on his body.

Every time he squirmed, there was something Severe pain came.

This was the price of using the forbidden divine book.

Not only did it consume most of his power, but he also suffered the backlash of the taboo.

However, he looked miserable.

The Black Witch King on the other side was definitely not having a good time.

Even more miserable than Yu Ziyu.

As for the Black Witch King being directly burned and killed, that is impossible.

Yu Ziyu did not hear the prompts.

If he killed the Black Witch King, various prompts would probably sound at this time.

"It is indeed an ancient existence on the verge of death, and this cannot be erased."

Grinning, Yu Ziyu also knew it.

His purpose was not to kill the Black Witch King.

He just simply wanted to try the power of the forbidden sacred book. By the way, the Black Witch King realized the horror of the starry sky.

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