
A sudden roar sounded deep in the wizard's station.

Along with it, a dark figure slowly emerged

"Ahem, cough, cough..."

Listening to the continuous coughing, figures appeared one after another as if teleporting.

Staring in confusion, Black Moon Wizard and Star Singer were both silent. what happened?

How can this be?

Lord Black Witch King, how could he be in such a mess~?

The current Black Witch King is scorched black all over.

It seemed like it was burnt.

It also exudes an extremely dead-like smell.

"Lord Black Witch King, what are you doing?"

The star singer covered her mouth in disbelief.

This was the first time in countless years that she had seen the Dark Witch King in such a miserable state.


The Dark Witch King waved his hand, indicating that it was okay.

But the next moment, his whole body went limp and he collapsed on the chair.

Unimaginable pain enveloped him.

From the inside out.

Until now, he felt the burning heat that burned his soul

"Well, really good."

The eyes of the Black Witch King flashed and he looked in the direction of the starry sky and heaven and earth.

Is this the most powerful man of the unknown civilization?

It's really scary. He actually has such methods.

Does this count as his death?

It should be counted. Well.

After all, he used his trump card.

If he didn’t use his trump card, he might

"If you replace it with other top eternity, you may really suffer a big loss."

Speaking like this, the Black Witch King also raised his hand.

The underworld surrounded his body.

Visible to the naked eye, his body gradually recovered.

The scorched blackness all over his body faded away.

The skin seemed to be reborn.

This was reshaping the body.

With the help of the underworld , to reshape the body.

Unlike ordinary eternities, the Black Witch King does not pay much attention to the physical body.

He is the law of practice. His understanding of the law is beyond imagination.

As for the physical body, it is dispensable.

Therefore, this physical body It wouldn't be a big problem if he burned it.

However, what really bothered him was the heat that remained deep in his soul.

That heat was endless.

It seemed that it was going to burn him out from the deepest part of his soul.

"Must be removed as soon as possible."

With a sigh, the Black Witch King also looked at the many powerful men.

"Are you ready to retreat?"

"Also, never go in that direction."

The Black Witch King pointed in the direction of the starry sky civilization.

"Which direction?"

Xingyu singer raised her eyebrows.

"Even I suffered a big loss there, can you imagine?"

The Black Witch King said softly.

But it shocked everyone.

"How can this be?"

"Are you kidding me?"

They exclaimed again and again, but Star Language Singer and Black Moon Eternal looked at the current body of the Black Witch King.

Even they could clearly sense the seriousness of the Black Witch King's injuries.

You know, this is The Dark Witch King.

A legendary existence.

His strength is terrifying and beyond imagination.

In this way, in the eternity of wizard civilization, everyone has suffered great losses at the hands of the Dark Witch King.

But he was so seriously injured. this...

"We get it."

Responded in unison, many strong men also understood.

Retreat, must retreat.

Even the Black Witch King suffered a big loss in front of that civilization. What about them?

Are they looking for death if they don't retreat?

However, they never thought of it. , the Divine Blood World that has been at war with them for so long actually has such a terrifying civilization behind it.

"They're not watching the show behind their backs, are they?"

"I guess they're gathering information."

"At present, it seems that our intelligence has been collected by them." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"These despicable guys."

After repeated discussions, the Star Singer and others couldn't help but feel terrified.

Such a terrifying civilization was actually peeking from behind.

Just thinking about it made my back shiver.

That is to say, this civilization did not intend to destroy them.

If there were, they would have been dead.

Not long after that, the Supreme Council of the Wizarding Civilization was convened again.

However, at this time, a piece of news spread throughout the Wizarding Civilization

"What, the Dark Witch King returns with a heavy blow?"

"real or fake? The Dark Witch King was severely injured, how could this be possible?"

"Oh my God, that's the Dark Witch King"

"I'm stupid."

During the continuous discussion, countless wizards were shocked.

Not only them.

Even the Eternal Venerables hanging high in the nine heavens had solemn expressions.

And at the next moment, their eyes all looked at He walked towards a black throne not far away.

There, a hazy figure sat.

This was the projection of the Dark Witch King.

He rarely attended meetings in person.

Most of them were projections.

"Lord Black Witch King, is this true?"

A bold Eternal Venerable suddenly asked

"Hum hum..."

Along with the weird laughter, the Black Witch King raised his eyes and looked at everyone.

Obviously he didn't say anything.

But they seemed to understand.

Just because, at this moment, a picture appeared in everyone's mind.

There was a scene where he, alone, was trapped in the star formation in the sky, fighting with thousands of stars.

There is also a scene of him fighting the three eternities alone.

What's more, the infinite rays of light in the chaos gathered at one point, annihilating his entire body.

Staring blankly, all eternity is silence.

Especially the scene where infinite brilliance converges into one point.

It makes all eternity shudder.

They have no doubt that if they were there, they would definitely die.

"So it seems that this is a powerful eternity carrying light?"

"I have never seen such a terrible light"

"Infinite brilliance and blazing heat, tsk tsk, it’s really scary"

"Is there such an eternity?"

In the midst of the discussion, everyone was shocked.

However, at this time, most wizards raised their eyes and looked at the figure not far away.

That was the wizard king of the wizard civilization.

He hung high in the sky and earth, looking down all living things


Said softly, as if sighing.

The wizard king immediately turned his eyes and looked down at the black wizard king.

"I never thought that even you could suffer a big loss"


With three simple words, the Black Witch King also admitted his mistake.

This was indeed his carelessness.

If he had been prepared, he would not have done this.

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