Vast chaos, boundless.

However, at this time, an unimaginable battle broke out here.

One after another, real dragons swooped down.

Their figures are as far as the eye can see.

Some just keep extending, just to chase that dark figure.

And this is no exaggeration.

What is really exaggerated is that above the heads of these real dragons, there are actually two beautiful figures, standing quietly.

One is naturally the Vengeful Valkyrie.

She was holding a blood-colored spear, and as her eyes flashed, divine light burst out.

Another beautiful figure is the Soul Mother.

She was surrounded by ghosts, and there was a smile at the corner of her mouth.

"There are such strong people."

The Soul Mother chuckled and raised her big hand. Countless illusory figures surged out like a tide, chasing the Black Witch King.

These are the three eternities in the starry sky.

They all besieged them.

Just to keep the Black Witch King. Here.

But compared to them, the Black Witch King is even more afraid of the guy hiding in the darkness.

He is mysterious and terrifying.

"Why hasn't this guy shown up yet?"

The Black Witch King shook his head helplessly.

Immediately, he continued to parry the offensive of the Big Snake, Soul Mother and others.

They are both eternal.

The gap between them is huge.

Not to mention that these three are besieging them together.

Even if two more come. , he can withstand it.

Of course, the premise of all this is that the two strong men who come will not be as terrifying as the Transcendent and Yu Ziyu.

If they are like the two of them, then I'm sorry, even with the methods of the Black Witch King , had no choice but to escape.

However, at this moment, what the Black Witch King didn't know was that there were two figures in the distance, watching all this quietly.

Among them, naturally included Yu Ziyu.

The other one was Chaos Zhong Zhenling.

With the cover of Chaos Zhong Zhenling, even the Black Witch King cannot detect the reality of Yu Ziyu.

"What, you don’t plan to take action and leave the Dark Witch King here?"

Chaos Bell Zhenling is very curious.

"I wouldn't mind if the Transcendent was here."

Grinning, Yu Ziyu also thought of the Transcendent.

Unfortunately, he is in the Divine Blood World.

"Are you not sure?"

Chaos Zhenling seems to have noticed Yu Ziyu's scruples.


While nodding slightly, Yu Ziyu looked at the Chaos Bell Zhenling.

"If I cooperate with you and we work together, is there any hope of keeping him?"

"Not sure."

Chaos Bell Zhenling shook her head, and she was not sure.

She had a very clear understanding of her own strength.

But she didn't know the strength of the Black Witch King.

For such a top eternity, few people probably know the depth.

So... , before seeing the Black Witch King’s trump card, the Chaos Bell True Spirit cannot guarantee anything.

"Let's see if these guys can force out the Dark Witch King's trump card."

With that said, Yu Ziyu also folded his hands across his chest.

He chose to watch quietly.

As for taking action, that was impossible.

At least, it was impossible for Yu Ziyu to show his true self in front of these powerful men without the certainty of a decisive blow. Body.

And this is also Yu Ziyu's habit.

His greatest advantage is Gou. His biggest weakness is also Gou.

At this time, in the chaos, the battle is becoming more and more anxious.

It can even be said to be fierce.

Especially the big snake.

He had just stepped into eternity, and every move he made was filled with unfathomable power.

And he vented this power to his heart's content


The big snake roared.

All nine heads opened their mouths.

A flash of spiritual light was locked in the throat.

Nine beams of light reaching the sky spurted out from his mouth.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Amidst the continuous roar.

The nine beams of light intertwined at one point, forcing the Black Witch King back again.

And at this moment, Soul Mother also gave a soft drink:

"Thunder mother."

As she finished speaking, a hazy figure intertwined with lightning appeared beside her. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This is the Mother of Thunder.

It is the lightning that fell from the calamity cloud and gave it the soul.

Therefore Give her her real name - Thunder Mother.

It means the Mother of Thunder.

Its appearance also makes countless thunder lights appear in the chaos.

These thunder lights are extremely bright.

They shine in all directions.

But they are all directed towards The Dark Witch King rushes


Suddenly sighing, the Black Witch King also has a headache.

Fighting with multiple Eternal Lords is just like this.

The methods are endless.

The key is that these guys are his first contact.

He really can't understand their power.


As if he thought of something, the Dark Witch King also grinned.

"Then have fun with them."

As he said this, the Dark Witch King raised his staff high

".Blah blah blah, blah blah..."

Like the sound of flowing river water, an extremely turbid yellow river surged from the end of chaos.

This is the river of nine hells.

In the starry sky, it is called Huangquan.

It is the river of the dead.

And now, the Dark Witch King has summoned Huangquan.

Along with it, hazy figures emerged from the underworld one after another.

However, the appearance of these figures made Yu Ziyu's expression change slightly from afar.


Amidst some astonished voices, Yu Ziyu also looked at these four figures.

There were four eternities.

But they were different from ordinary eternities.

Their auras were strange and unpredictable.

Sometimes they were strong, sometimes they were depressed.

Moreover, their shapes were also different..

One is extremely petite, with a tail on his back.

But most of his body seems to have been corroded. His true appearance cannot be seen. One is extremely huge (Zhao Haozhao), but his body has countless eyes.

Looking at it blankly, Yu Ziyu also had a solemn expression.

He knew that the Black Witch King was serious about coming.

But at this time, what Yu Ziyu didn't know was that these creatures were all the ones the Black Witch King had killed over the years.

Not many.

Only four or five.

But the problem is...For most of eternity, there are only a few battles at this level.

The Black Witch King actually killed four or five of them.

Moreover, what is even more terrifying is that he can actually summon Song from all the eternities he killed.

How can this be?

But at this time, it was not just Yu Ziyu who noticed something was wrong.

Even Orochi, Vengeance Valkyrie and others' expressions changed drastically.

The breath of the dead pervades the chaos.

One after another, the figures let out terrifying roars.

Then, all of them roared out..

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