The Black Witch King is the one Yu Ziyu is most afraid of now.

In a future timeline, this person almost destroyed the entire Starry Sky while Yu Ziyu was away.

This is the future.

Although, it's not true.

But it was enough to make Yu Ziyu fearful and even angry.


Yu Ziyu has no good impression of this person.

If he could kill him, he would never say another word.

However, now, he actually appears in the starry sky

"Although Qinglong and the Beyonder teamed up to drive him away, this was not the end."

"Even, it's just the beginning."

The corners of Yu Ziyu's mouth raised slightly, setting off a subtle arc.

He had a feeling that he and the Black Witch King would have a lot of entanglements.

At this time, the Divine Blood World was nearby.

A"four, three, three" figure, not It arrived as expected.

This is the Black Witch King.

He stood quietly, overlooking the entire civilized battlefield.

The terrifying power surged, and there was a trembling feeling that shook the chaos.

At this time, he looked down at the civilized battlefield The battlefield.

Smiling eyes.

Rich dark power permeates the world.

Despair, fear...

Negative emotions don’t sink.

Isn't this his paradise?

Grinning, the Dark Witch King stepped out


With just one step, the chaotic space continued to shatter like glass.

What was even more shocking was that the howling sound of the Guigu wolf resounded throughout the battlefield.

At this moment, the scream...Roar.

Keep echoing.

Visible to the naked eye, countless shadows are gathering towards the figure that suddenly appears.

"what is that?"

"Wait, why did a figure suddenly appear?"

"This guy is..."

With repeated exclamations, countless figures looked at the figure above the chaos.

But the next moment, countless figures were all shocked


It was like a thunder sounded in my mind.

Countless figures didn't even have time to react before their heads exploded.

Until the end, their remaining consciousness was only one sentence:

That is - who is this?

And this is the existence that the Black Witch King and even the demigods find it difficult to look directly at.

Not even just demigods.

Those dominant-level beings looked at this figure. My mind is blank.

It seems that I have lost any ability to think.

It wasn't until not long after that they had a shocking hairstyle and large beads of sweat overflowed from their foreheads.

"This guy is..."

With widened eyes, the masters of the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth, as well as the masters of the mutant civilization, were all frightened to the extreme.

"I'm waiting to meet the Dark Witch King..."

"I'm waiting to meet the Dark Witch King..."

A chorus of greetings rang out from the wizard camp.

Countless wizards let out earth-shattering cheers.

The Dark Witch King is the big boss of their civilization.

But on the civilized battlefield, the Dark Witch King is definitely on their side.

His arrival is enough to change the entire situation of the war.

To put it bluntly, his arrival means that the trumpet of victory has already sounded.

Therefore, every wizard was extremely excited.

Even the top powerhouses such as Black Moon Eternal and Star Language Singer all bent down and saluted.

"Lord Black Witch King, why are you here?"

Black Moon Eternal looked puzzled.

"quack quack..."

Like the hoarse laughter of glass friction, the Black Witch King took a look at Black Moon Eternity and said,"

Black Moon, you disappoint me."

Hearing this, Black Moon's eternal body shook violently.

Immediately, he clasped one knee on the ground and said excitedly:

"Please forgive me, Lord Dark Witch King."

"But, I don’t know what the villain is guilty of?"

Although Black Moon Eternal is also an Eternal, he does not dare to be presumptuous in front of the Black Witch King. In these years, not twenty or thirty Eternals have died in the hands of the Black Witch King, only seven or eight.

This One person is so ruthless as to be unimaginable. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In addition, he is also the source of darkness in the wizarding civilization. His status is extremely high.

Therefore, Black Moon Eternity is also to him Both respect and fear

"Did you know that behind the civilizations you have been at war with for thousands of years, there is an even larger civilization?"

"They've been watching you"

"Even many members of the wizarding civilization were exposed under their noses...."

The Black Witch King said in an extremely hoarse voice


Hearing this, Black Moon Eternal couldn't believe it.

"How can this be?"

But at the next moment, countless pictures appeared in Black Moon's eternal mind.

Seeing these pictures, Black Moon was dumbfounded.

These pictures were not only pictures of the Black Witch King finding the starry sky and earth.

There were also pictures of him fighting against the Transcendent of Starry Sky and World. Picture.

Even someone as powerful as the Black Witch King suffered a big loss in front of this civilization.

"There is such a terrifying civilization behind the divine blood world?"

Hei Yue Yong took a breath.

He also understood that he had committed a big crime.

Such civilization was hidden under his nose.

He was definitely negligent.

"Hum hum..."

The Dark Witch King snorted coldly.

He understands Black Moon Eternity.

Let him command many legions.

But this guy is probably doing research and experiments in the Wizard Tower.

As for the battlefield, and civilization. He certainly paid little attention.

This guy is not commander-in-chief material.

Shaking his head helplessly, the Black Witch King continued to absorb the negative power on the battlefield.

The injuries that were still aching were beginning to recover.

Not only that.

His aura was still rising faintly.

Visible to the naked eye, behind him, a huge and 3.3 ferocious black shadow was slowly swaying.

Like a ghost, there is something indescribably terrifying.

However, at this moment, as if he noticed something, the Black Witch King suddenly raised his hand


Accompanied by a terrifying roar, a black cat-like creature was clenched tightly by the giant palm transformed by his boundless negative power.

"Lord Black Witch King, this is the eternity of the divine blood world..."

Black Moon Eternal explained in time.

But the next moment,


There was a sudden shout, and from the far end of the chaos, a figure came at extremely high speed.

Before anyone arrived, the terrifying wind and waves erupted violently.

That was the Transcendent. It came at a speed that exceeded the limit, bringing it with it. With the breath of destroying everything...

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