The indifferent voice sounded in the chaos, but it was chilling.

Even the Dark Witch King was shocked

"What's this?"

Looking at the light that condensed into a point in the distance, the Black Witch King finally smelled a hint of crisis.

He did not hesitate.

He did not dare to hesitate.

The Black Witch King immediately raised his hand and caught the giant beast in front of him.


Amidst the sudden roar, the giant beast let out a shrill scream.

Shen Nian even cursed angrily:

"Dark Witch King, you guy..-."

"Use me as a shield?"

Dark Witch King, at this time, there is no time to pay attention to the giant beast.

Taking advantage of the time that the giant beast resisted, a black vortex appeared behind the Black Witch King.

His whole body flew backwards towards the black vortex.

From a distance, it seemed as if his entire body had been swallowed by a black whirlpool.

However, even in this way, a lot of that terrifying light fell on his body.

Visible to the naked eye, wisps of blue smoke.

As strong as the Black Witch King, there was a look of pain on his face.

Obviously, this white light was not so easy to bear.

The Black Witch King left.

However, his departure made the Transcendent's face turn slightly. Changed. He seemed to want to say something.

But before he could speak, Qinglong's weak voice came.

"There is a starry sky and a world around here. If you fight with all your strength, it will definitely affect the starry sky."

"When the time comes, the consequences will be unimaginable."

Listening to Qinglong's weak voice, the Transcendent was silent for a long time.


"However, now that he has found the coordinates of the starry sky and heaven and earth, there will definitely be many opportunities for confrontation in the future."

Hearing this, Qinglong smiled bitterly:

"Not only will it be less, but I am afraid that I will fight every day."

With that said, Qinglong also emerged from the forbidden divine book.

This time, he consumed a lot of energy.

After all, he is only half a step into eternity.

Even in the starry sky, with the power of heaven, he has eternal fighting power.

It is difficult for him It poses a substantial threat to the Black Witch King.

However, fortunately, Yu Ziyu left behind the forbidden sacred book - Genesis.

This book has omnipotent power.

As long as there is enough paper, it can be continuously consumed, and then exchanged for incredible Power.

And he, Qinglong, is the wish-making dragon.

He also has omnipotent power.

The two powers are very consistent.

Now they work together well.

With just one blow, he forced the Black Witch King back

"light of creation...It is the light of hope, the divine light that gives people peace and hope. The blow to this evil creature is devastating."

Qinglong is thinking about whether he should major in this kind of power in the future.

The rest of his friends are quite evil.

The Purple Dragon of the Void is an evil dragon, and the power of the void is also extremely evil.

The body of the sea of ​​blood is naturally not used Say more.

Devouring blood and refining flesh and blood.

It must be evil to the extreme.

As for the deity, he doesn’t seem to be a good person.

Therefore, he should consider majoring in some radiant power.

Not only can it cover up something for the body, but it can also be used at critical moments. moment to catch your opponent by surprise.

Just like now...The Dark Witch King suspects that there is a great eternal glory in the starry sky and the earth?

At this time, somewhere in the chaos

"There is such eternity?"

The figure of the Black Witch King appeared here at some unknown time.

He looked at the missing half of his body and didn't care much.

He hadn't seen any big winds and waves in so many years. Although such an injury looked terrible, it was just that.

Like that.

Grinning, the strong power of despair has gathered, constantly repairing the wounds.

"The power of despair has lost a lot, and it seems that it will destroy a few more worlds and spread despair."

The Black Witch King sighed, but the smile on his face became stronger and stronger. It is a blessing to meet such a powerful person.

Moreover, this must be the civilization behind the divine blood world.

A person who is beyond cognition, but really terrifying civilization.

Whether this civilization is a small civilization or a large civilization...

Just because these two strong men are extraordinary.

Therefore, the Black Witch King's emphasis on this civilization is constantly increasing.

Asking for flowers 0 (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) He even contacted the distant wizard king immediately. for this...The Wizard King also raised his eyebrows.

"A strong man that even you care about."

The Wizard King is sitting high on the throne, looking down at all living beings.

There is also a hint of complexity in his expression.

At this time, a strong man that even the Black Wizard King takes seriously appears.

To be honest, his luck is quite bad.

If it were in the past, he would still be there. I will go to the meeting in person.

But now, no.

He needs to sit in the wizard civilization.

Who knows whether high-dimensional demons will suddenly appear here.

High-dimensional demons have a characteristic.

That is to give priority to hunting the civilization that has been hunted before.

In In their opinion, it was their mistake that the civilization they hunted before was not completely destroyed.

They need to correct it.

Therefore, if high-dimensional demons suddenly descend on Chaos and even notice the existence of wizard civilization, then what awaits them must be A large-scale invasion.

In this way, the Wizard King must take control of the wizard civilization.

However, at this moment, the Wizard King still reminded:

"Since he is so strong, he must be careful"


The Black Witch King replied with a smile.

Although he doesn't like fighting, it is good for him to meet such a strong person.

Therefore, he needs to make a good decision.

However, before that, he needs to go to civilization. The battlefield.

There, he could absorb more fear and despair.

At that time, he could also use some secret techniques.

Many of his secret techniques were based on more despair and fear.

Without these Most of the support he received from secret techniques could not be used.

Therefore, it was necessary to absorb more despair and fear.

However, he did not know that his arrival had already alarmed another person.

He stood in the chaos, silent. For a long time.

A hint of coldness flashed across his face.

"It is indeed you, Dark Witch King."

With the help of the forbidden sacred book, Yu Ziyu got a glimpse of this talent...

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