The Transcendent is coming.

After noticing the movement of the Black Witch King, he rushed over immediately.

A punch blasted out of the room, carrying the aura of destroying everything.

Even someone as powerful as the Black Witch King has to be cautious.

He let go of the right hand that grabbed the Yuan Devouring Beast, and immediately dealt with the Transcendent.

At their level, it's hard to tell the winner.

But the problem is that you can't give it a chance.

Even if the Dark Witch King gives the Transcendent a chance.

What awaited him was an attack like a violent storm.

Extremely dense and terrifying.

Therefore, those who transcend dare not be careless


With a sudden punch, the body of the Black Witch King turned into a black comet and flew backwards under the eyes of countless people in disbelief.

Don't know where it flew to.

Seeing this, the Beyonder took advantage of the situation and gave chase.

At this time, the element-devouring beast took a deep breath

"What kind of monster is this?"

The Yuan Devouring Beast couldn't believe it.

The Dark Witch King's power was not strong.

But in his hands, all he felt was despair and powerlessness. 24

He didn't even have the courage to resist.

Even the Yuan Devouring Beast, in All that can be done at that moment is to wait for death.

This is the Dark Witch King.

He is a gathering of the despair of all living beings. He is a collection of all negative emotions.

Just fighting with him will shake your will.

Touching his power will even more He can't help but recall the most terrifying things in his life, and he doesn't even have the courage to resist.

Unfortunately, this time, he met the Transcendent.

This is a piece of wood. He doesn't know what emotion is.

He doesn't know what fear is.

He only knows that fighting , and fight again.

Therefore, it is very difficult for someone as strong as the Black Witch King to encounter the Transcendent.

However, it is okay.

It can be resisted.

From this, we can also see how terrifying the Black Witch King is.

The Black Witch King can be regarded as a mage.

The Transcendent is It is the ultimate in physical cultivation.

Logically speaking, when the Transcendent is close, the Dark Witch King will be unable to withstand it.

But he not only withstood it. He also fought back.

Not only that, the Transcendent defeated the Dark Witch King.

I don’t know what it feels like to transcend. Or, like a ruthless machine, it is immune to the interference of all the negative emotions of the Dark Witch King.

But even this...The Dark Witch King also had back and forth with the Transcendent.

This doesn't mean how terrifying the Dark Witch King is?

It means that this guy's methods are extremely weird and beyond imagination.

So, at this time, the Dark Witch King and the Beyonder were fighting at the end of chaos.

On the other side, when the legions of the wizard civilization saw the arrival of the Black Witch King, their morale increased greatly.


"Fight for wizard civilization"

"Rush and crush them."

Shouting again and again, countless wizards seemed to be going crazy, rushing towards the divine blood world.

However, at this time, the black moon was eternal, the star language singer looked at the black wizard king flying backwards, her eyes flickered, no. Believe it or not

"What a joke, the Dark Witch King was knocked away by a punch. Who is that guy?"

"There is such a terrifying existence in this civilization"

"No wonder even the Dark Witch King is angry."

After a series of discussions, Black Moon Eternal also knew that he had made a big mistake.

Under his nose, there was such a strong person...

If the Dark Witch King hadn't arrived in time, all of them would have been like each other's playthings, letting others play with them. so...


Black Moon Eternal shouted with a cold expression.


There was a sudden roar, and a black moon rose from the end of the chaos.

Like the moon rising over the sea.

The fog is hazy.

Light and shadow are constantly blurring.

Visible to the naked eye, one after another dark power surges towards the Divine Blood World.

That is the eternal power of the Black Moon.

This dark power can confuse people's minds.

It can even cause creatures to mutate.

When invading the world, Black Moon Eternal only needs to sacrifice this round of black moon, and the whole world will evolve towards the wizarding world.

And the speed of evolution is extremely terrifying. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Of course, this is not a good thing.

Not to mention, the world would be more adaptable to wizard combat.

What's more important is that this kind of evolution comes at the cost of consuming the life and potential of all beings.


The blow to all spirits is devastating.

However, seeing Black Moon taking action forever.

Moreover, it is still such a terrifying dark power.

The court of life, hidden deep in the divine blood world, cannot sit still anymore.


He took one step forward and the chaos shattered.

It seemed like it wasn't enough to bear his size.

A golden and huge figure, manifested in chaos.

A breath of judgment over everything also filled the air.


The Court of Life roared loudly, and endless golden light continued to bloom with him as the center. It spread towards the distance like ocean waves.

At the same time, a majestic and towering palace emerged from the chaos.

Even countless legions and the Black Moon Eternity is in the palace.

This is the area where the life court opens - the supreme court.

Here, he can judge all living beings.

Its combat power can also be maximized.

"Black Moon, you slaughtered all souls, I declare you guilty."

The Life Tribunal shouted violently, and then, a golden thunder fell from the sky.


Accompanied by a loud 110 sound, as strong as the black moon, everyone was stunned forever.

There was green smoke coming out of his head.

However, he didn't care.

The black moon behind him exudes an inexplicable brilliance, erasing all traces.

Then, Black Moon grinned eternally

"I want to see what methods you have."

As he said that, the black moon behind the black moon eternity shot out a brilliant beam of light.


Just hearing a roar, this beam of light headed straight towards the Court of Life.

Black Moon is eternally strong.

The combat power is almost as high as eternity.

However, the Court of Life, backed by the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth, occupies the highest point of judgment.

Not to mention defeating Black Moon.

It's not difficult to hold off if you think about it.

But, it's not just them.

Yuan-eating beasts, divine speed and eternity, these guys rushed out one after another.

They turned into streams of light and tore apart the chaos.

Kill towards the wizard civilization.

Seeing this, the most powerful wizards also walked out one after another.

"Boom, boom, boom...

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Suddenly, an all-out war between the Divine Blood World and the Wizarding Civilization started in an instant.

No, this is not the divine blood world.

But the mutant civilization..

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