The giant beast is very scary.

It was actually able to withstand the attack of the Transcendent.

Although, the Dark Witch King is assisting him.

He also used his own power to gather armor for the giant beast.

But the terror of the behemoth can also be seen.

There are not many strong men who can resist the fist of the Transcendent head-on.

However, it doesn't know that this will only make the transcendent more excited.

A look of excitement appeared on his originally indifferent face.

The whole aura began to change.

Even the painting style of the Transcendent has begun to change.

Yes, the style.

If we say that the previous transcendents were dull and dull.

Then the current Transcendent has gradually acquired the temperament of a top powerhouse.

Horrible and suffocating.

A huge sense of oppression made the giant beasts tremble.

"What's going on with this guy?"

The giant beast didn't know how powerful it was.

But the next moment, a fist hit his body. It was obviously the same fist.

But it seemed to be several times, even dozens of times more terrifying than before.

It was just one punch. , there was a huge hole in the huge body.

One punch, blasted through.

So terrifying!!

And when the Black Witch King saw it on the side, he was not surprised but smiled instead.

He noticed 507 the terror of the transcendent.

But because of this, he was also excited

"I haven't met such a strong person for a long time."

Sighing from the bottom of his heart, the Black Witch King raised the staff in his hand.

"Despair is coming!!"

With a loud shout, the endless darkness condensed into huge skulls one after another....Rushing towards the Transcendent.

This is where despair comes.

The power of despair that could overwhelm the world.

Anyone who touches it, even the Eternal Venerable, will be lost and despair.

Combat strength is greatly reduced.

Simply put, this is oppression materialized.

It can once again magnify the terror of the Dark Witch King.

Therefore, they are both top eternity.

The Dark Witch King looks much scarier than other top eternities.

However, the next moment,

"Boom, boom, boom...."

With one roar after another, countless huge skulls transformed from despair hit the body of the Transcendent.

But what shocked the Black Witch King was that the Transcendent was unmoved.

Not only is the mind unaffected.

On the contrary, the fighting power becomes more and more terrifying

"Is this guy's mind (bcch) so tough?"

The Black Witch King raised his eyebrows.

But at this time, what the Black Witch King didn't know was that the Transcendent took that half step faintly.

It merged with the Tao.

A black villain was created in his body.

To a certain extent To put it bluntly, he is about to become a puppet of the Dao.

Since he is a puppet, how can he have a mind.

In other words, how can his mind be shaken by the Black Witch King.

Unless the terror of the Black Witch King can shake the Dao.


However, the huge skulls kept hitting the body of the Transcendent.

Let his body retreat steadily.

The battle continues.

The battle between the Dark Witch King and the Beyonder is beyond imagination.

Its terrifying power even affects the entire chaos.

Between the ripples, a huge and bright world appeared faintly.

And that is the starry sky and heaven and earth.

Hidden deep in time and space.

Even the Eternal Venerable is difficult to reach.

But now, under the battle of the Dark Witch King and the Beyonder, the stars, heaven and earth have manifested themselves in chaos.

Not only that, the boundless wind and waves set off a vast chaotic storm, which even impacted the starry sky and heaven and earth.

Visible to the naked eye, the starry sky and heaven and earth are shaking.

However, at this moment, a terrifying will suddenly descended on the world.

To be precise, it was an eye.

Bloody eyes. (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Indifferent and ruthless.

It seems to carry the ultimate coldness in the world.

And this eye slowly opened on a black book.

If the transcendent were here, they would definitely exclaim

"The Forbidden Book."

Yes, the forbidden book.

This is a sacred book that Yu Ziyu transformed into the forbidden magical power - Genesis.

It is one of the trump cards of the starry sky.

It exists in the deepest part of the starry sky and earth, guarding the entire starry sky.

However, , what no one knows is that the forbidden sacred tree also carries part of Yu Ziyu's will.

Now, the terrifying battle has awakened this will.

It has also awakened the Azure Dragon of Heaven.


With a long roar, the green dragon appeared in the starry sky and heaven and earth.

As the dragon scales flickered, green light bloomed.

The stars and sky are all guardians.

Not only that.

There was also a blue dragon that had shrunk by an unknown amount and appeared next to the Forbidden Book, surrounding it.

"Is this the legendary Black Witch King?"

Qinglong knew some information from Yu Ziyu.

Therefore, he recognized this person

"Hum hum"

"How dare you come alone."

Qinglong grinned.

Looking at the Black Witch King who was constantly entangled with the Transcendent, he also had a bad look on his face.

Immediately, it fiercely plunged into the forbidden sacred book.

"Blah blah blah, blah blah..."

It was like the sound of pages turning continuously, and the whole starry sky was shaken.

An extremely terrifying force surged at this moment.

At this moment, the Black Witch King, who was still fighting the Transcendent, also changed his expression slightly. he felt it...

I felt a terrifying power surge in the distance.

"What power is this?"

The Black Witch King was puzzled, with a look of doubt on his face.

"God said, let there be light, and there will be light in the world."

An inexplicable voice suddenly sounded in the chaos.

Accompanied by it, the ultimate light burst out in the chaos.


Visible to the naked eye, everything is melting like ice and snow, even the countless black skulls summoned by the Black Witch King are gradually melting away.

The giant beast even let out bursts of screams.

This light is not an ordinary light.

It is the light of creation.

Can suppress all evil spirits.

And the giant beast is the embodiment of destruction.

Therefore, I can't stand this kind of light.

But it's not just the beast.

Even the Dark Witch King couldn't stand it.

In the burst of rich light, all the power surrounding the Black Witch King was melting away.

Even the barrier transformed by his despair is melting

"This light..."

The Black Witch King retreated rapidly.

But at this moment, infinite light converged on one point.

It's like a beam of light has condensed

"God says evil should be destroyed..."

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