Yu Ziyu stepped out and came to the Lord of Thorns.

He looked at the extremely pale Lord of Thorns and was about to say something.

But when the words came to his lips, he still paused.

The Lord of Thorns looked at him with too cold eyes.

Too cold.

Everything is left unsaid. so

"Better go."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also went to find the great sage.

This one had the help of Yu Ziyu.

Before, Yu Ziyu also set up a time acceleration formation near him.

It seemed that only a few hundred years had passed.

In fact, thousands of years have passed.

At this time, the great sage seems to have completed the preliminary refining.

No, it cannot be said that it is refining.

More accurately, it is taming.

Now, the king of beasts has appeared. Transformed into the real body, covered with chains, supporting the body of the great sage

"After that, if there is a war, the King of Beasts will fight for me for a hundred thousand years."

"After one hundred thousand years, I let him go."

The great sage briefly described the situation between him and the King of Beasts.


Nodding, Yu ZiHis eyes flickered too.

He knew why he and the Lord of Thorns had not reached an agreement.

He gave the Lord of Thorns no hope of leaving.

Without hope, there will naturally be no expectations. no expectations...nature...

With this thought in mind, Yu Ziyu was also ready to talk to the Lord of Thorns again.

But at this time, the great sage suddenly said:

"The wizard civilization once again launched an invasion against the undead civilization."

"The undead civilization and the five supreme beings all walked out, just to stop the wizard civilization"

"Among them, the Bone Emperor is still calling me..."

Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu also looked at the great sage

"What do you say?"

"Not urgent."

The great sage grinned.

"This can also be regarded as a test for them. If they can't stop it, then I will be very disappointed."

Speaking of this, the great sage said bluntly

,"However, you can also set up the teleportation array.


Nodding, Yu Ziyu also said:

"After the teleportation array is completed, our three major civilizations will be able to become a whole, although we dare not say that they can rival the wizard civilization."

"But with the support of several of our top powerhouses, even the wizard civilization does not dare to look down upon it."

Hearing this, the Great Sage also nodded.

He quite agreed.

The deterrent power of the top powerhouses is still very scary.

However, at this time, the Great Sage seemed to have thought of something, and also said:

"Didn't you ask me before, what top eternities do I know?"

As he finished speaking, the great sage also threw a scroll over.

After taking the scroll, Yu Ziyu opened it.

Immediately his pupils shrank.

Six names were printed in his eyes.

【The Roaring Emperor——...】

【Killing King——....】

Looking at them one after another, Yu Ziyu became more and more frightened.

Is this top eternity?

Top eternity, Chaos is close to the highest combat power.

Each one is terrifying to the extreme.

The Great Sage is just one of them.

The Dark Witch King and the Wizard King also count.

In addition, there are the Transcendents and now Yu Ziyu.

But Yu Ziyu didn’t know much about other top eternities.

However, now, seeing these top eternities, Yu Ziyu was silent.

The Roaring Emperor comes from a terrifying civilization - the Roaring Civilization.

In this civilization, words follow the law.

The Roaring Emperor is the best at the art of speech and spirit, and he has used speech and spirit to the extreme.

As soon as his words came out, the color of heaven and earth changed.

A roar shook people from ancient times to the present.

According to the Great Sage, he fought against the Roaring Emperor once, but there was no winner.

They just recognized each other's strength.

As for the King of Death, he is a mysterious existence.

It is said that his civilization has long been destroyed.

One person is left alone, walking in chaos. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But he is terrifying.

Any attack directed at him will come back to bite him.

Even if you have murderous intentions towards him, it will come back to bite you.

Therefore, he does not need to take action.

Just walking in a civilization is enough to destroy it.

Even for an ordinary eternity, all he can do when seeing this person is run away.

However, it is worth mentioning that this king of killing.

Seems extremely neutral.

He is not interested in disputes.

The only thing I like is to accept disciples.

He is not particular about accepting disciples.

Even if they are his enemies, he doesn't care.

According to him, even if the purpose of your efforts is to kill him, he is still willing to teach you.

But the premise is that you can look directly at him in front of him.

It takes courage to look him in the eye.

It requires an extremely strong will.

Because he seems to be the embodiment of death, the destroyer of life.

Just looking directly at it is like looking directly at your own death.

Very scary.

Watching quietly, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but feel moved.

Six top eternities.

These are the six great sages that I have met in my lifetime.

One is more terrifying than the other

"These six, the Roaring Emperor and the Killing King pose a relatively big threat to me."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also wrote down these guys.

At the level of top eternity, it's hard to say whether the combat power is high or low.

They may be able to restrain each other.

It's like the speed of eternity.

If he reaches the top, his terrifying speed will be enough to make everyone The expressions of all the sages changed greatly.

But in front of Yu Ziyu, he was just a toy.

A complete toy.

No matter how fast he was, he could only chase time and stick to space.

But he controlled time and carried space on his back.

He was the master of time and space..So he can easily control the speed of eternity.

Not only the speed of eternity,

Yu Ziyu can actually control most of the top eternities.

Even if he can't control it, he can still struggle with it.

Because his fear is that there is no absolute breakthrough.

Among mortals, there is a saying :"Deciding how much water a barrel can hold depends on the shortest plank."

This sentence is also suitable to be used here.

Determining the strength of a top eternity depends on his weaknesses.

If he has obvious weaknesses, then he will not pose a threat in Yu Ziyu's eyes.

On the contrary, the great sage is troublesome.

There are no obvious weaknesses.

He has mastered thousands of skills.

He even has four top-level magical powers! Billion!.

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