After accepting the scroll given by the Great Sage, Yu Ziyu also recorded the favor of the Great Sage.

This is extremely precious to him.

Every top eternity is a great horror.

Unimaginable horror.

Moreover, each of them is a mysterious existence.

Its abilities, laws, and talents are all mysteries.

But the great sage not only recorded them clearly, but also had a certain description of their power.

Just for this scroll alone, it is estimated that many Eternal Lords are willing to exchange countless treasures for it.

This is no exaggeration.

However, Yu Ziyu is now an ally with the Great Sage.

Yes, no need to say more.

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu also looked at the great sage and said:

"Then let's go back to the undead civilization and prepare the formation?"

"Are you finished?"

""060" The great sage looked shocked

"Don't be hasty, take your time regarding the Lord of Thorns."

Yu Ziyu smiled and didn't say much.

He had already thought about it.

If there is a chance, he would talk to the Lord of Thorns again.

This woman is very smart and should know that she is not.

Although Yu Ziyu is still hiding, but there is a faint expression The combat power that came out was definitely at the level of top eternity.

And a veteran eternity like her must understand how terrifying a top eternity is.

This is a taboo that ordinary people can't imagine.

Soon after, Yu Ziyu recalled Bai Hu and others, and followed The great sage rushed towards the undead civilization.

As for the Evergreen Civilization, the great sage left some people to guard it.

As expected, this place will become the great sage's private world.

There are one or two eternities like them. A private world is normal.

Just like Yu Ziyu, he also plans to evolve the nine realms of heaven into one world.

But, to be honest, Yu Ziyu feels that it is fast.

It is really fast.

In a short time, the nine realms of heaven will evolve. It’s a small world

"Over the years, the Nine Realms of Heaven have been absorbing the power of chaos, and even absorbed part of the origin of heaven and earth. If it hadn't been for a short time and still lacked some heat, I am afraid it would have evolved long ago."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu activated the power of time and space and increased his speed again.

Hundreds of years later, near the undead civilization, Yu Ziyu and the Great Sage arrived quietly.

However, before they could feel the undead civilization, they I have noticed the astonishing fluctuations.

I looked up and saw countless creatures colliding.

They were fighting and shouting.

The terrible battle swept the entire chaos.

And in other directions, there were even more eternal level fluctuations.

That was The Eternal Lord is fighting.

The fighting is extremely intense, blood stains the chaos, and the roar breaks through the sky.

"It was really tragic."

Looking at the countless creatures that are dying, Yu Ziyu is also sighing.

"The war of civilizations is like this"

"This is a battle of genocide and genocide!!"

The great sage had a complex expression.

He had seen too many similar wars.

He was even the initiator of many of them.

However, this time, they were targeted by a stronger civilization.

"That guy must be the famous Ye King of the wizard clan."

Suddenly, the great sage seemed to recognize something, and his eyes were surprised.

"King Ye?"

Yu Ziyu raised his eyebrows. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This name sounds very domineering.

"King Ye is proficient in the art of the Five Elements. He can control his own reincarnation, and he is also good at slavery. In the wizarding civilization, he is an extremely terrifying existence."

"It is said that in the wizarding world, he is one of the few beings who can be called the Black Witch King and the King of Wizards."

"Because it is bound to reincarnation, there is no real way to kill him in the wizarding world."

The great sage gave a brief introduction.

But there was no scruple in his words.

King Ye is indeed scary.

But the problem is, that is in the wizarding world.

This is chaos.

Without the wizarding world behind him, his combat power Extremely limited.

At most, he is close to the top wizards.

However, in the wizarding world, his combat power is a bit terrifying.

"Binding reincarnation, tsk tsk."

Smacking his mouth, Yu Ziyu thought of Hou Tu.

This guy seems to be the same.

But the difference is that King Ye is only bound to reincarnation, while Hou Tu is burdened with reincarnation.

He can't even leave reincarnation.

This is scary..

However, this has nothing to do with Yu Ziyu.

But now, his eyes flickered and looked towards the battlefield.

He saw King Ye standing on an extremely huge elemental life. He raised one hand and the five elements rotated, turning into one after another. The stream of light kept shooting out.

It was like a fort, firing terrifying beams in all directions.

Even the ruler as powerful as the Seventh Heaven Gate could not resist.

With just one blow, his body and soul were destroyed.

However, just before King Ye While harvesting lives wantonly, a roar came from not far away.

It was a knight riding a bone-white horse and looking extremely powerful.

"This is the King of the Undead Knights and one of our eternities..."

"He walks in the boundary of the netherworld, wandering between life and death, with the spear in his hand pointing directly at death...."

The great sage introduced.

Then, he saw the Undead Knight King rushing towards King Ye.


A sudden black light cut through the chaos.

The Undead Knight King charged with incredible speed.

Just, the next moment,


Accompanied by a shocking loud noise, an indescribable huge wall blocked the undead knight king.

There are countless mysterious runes on this huge wall.

As the runes flashed, inexplicable power flowed.

However, at the next moment, the Undead Cavalry 4.9 Soldier King roared, and the spear in his hand burst out with endless light.


As hard as this giant wall was, it could not withstand it and turned into fragments all over the sky.

But this was not the end. The figure of the Undead Knight King flashed and disappeared into the chaos.

However, Yu Ziyu, who was carrying space, clearly noticed that the Undead Knight King was approaching King Ye at an extremely terrifying speed.

"Walking in the boundaries of the netherworld."

Yu Ziyu narrowed his eyes slightly.

From his perspective, the Undead Knight King was running very fast in a mysterious space.

That space was a black line that continued to extend.

It seemed to have no end.

But it was the Undead Knight King. The whole body is lifted up.

That should be the so-called boundary of the netherworld.

A space that even Yu Ziyu has not touched.

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