What is worth mentioning is that such plunder by Yu Ziyu is extremely rare.

That is, it can only be applied if the objects are both the spirits of plants and trees.

It is impossible for Yu Ziyu to plunder existences such as the King of Beasts and the Great Sage. the reason is simple.

The spirit of vegetation has the purest energy in its body.

Ability to quickly integrate into oneself.

For countless years, people in the world have practiced with the help of heaven, materials and earth treasures.

Even if it lasts for eternity, it is only with the help of heaven, materials and earth treasures that they can achieve breakthroughs.

The utilization of natural resources and treasures has reached a certain extreme.

And this is also about Yu Ziyu.

If he is willing to give up himself to achieve someone.

Even if the opponent is valued for eternity, Yu Ziyu can greatly improve his strength.

To put it more exaggeratedly, those beings who are half-step beyond the realm of transcendence may also need it before they can take that mysterious step.

This is very possible.

It is also enough to prove that the treasures of heaven and earth are terrifying.

As for the spirit of grass and trees who attain enlightenment like the Lord of Thorns, Chaos is so great that it is hard to find one.

Yu Ziyu has also seen a lot of civilizations.

I saw the Lord of Thorns alone

"Really good"

"Next, he only needs to refine the poison remaining in 537's body, and this time the plunder will be completely over."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also noticed that time has passed. Ten thousand years have passed.

But it's okay.

He arranged time acceleration formations around him.

It seemed that ten thousand years had passed, but in fact it was only a few hundred years.

This is what carries time. Benefits.

Being able to control time at will is extremely convenient. Yu Ziyu’s time is inherently precious. If you can save in this regard, you must save.

Nowadays, the wizard civilization is still invading the divine blood civilization, and the prehistoric world is also in turmoil.

If Yu Ziyu is like the other eternal Same, practicing for thousands, or even tens of thousands of years at a time.

It is estimated that after his cultivation is over, the stars, heaven and earth will all change their owners.


With a sigh, Yu Ziyu raised his eyes and looked not far away.

There, the colorful sacred flowers had already stood quietly.

Seeing Yu Ziyu wake up from practice, the colorful sacred flowers brought a bowl of soup

"This is divine nectar, drink some"


Nodding slightly, Yu Ziyu also smiled (aecf).

The five-colored divine flower is the master of all flowers. It controls thousands of spiritual flowers.

Occasionally, it also collects nectar and keeps it for later use.

Like this divine nectar, it is the five-colored divine flower. The flower is made from the nectar of thousands of kinds of divine flowers. It is extremely precious.

It is of great benefit to eternity like them.

Watching Yu Ziyu drink the nectar of the divine flower one mouthful at a time, the colorful divine flower also asked:

"Have you succeeded?"

So be it. Now I am refining the toxins left in my body. When the refining is successful, everything will settle down.

Speaking of this, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but have a smile on his face.

However, at this time, looking at Yu Ziyu, the colorful divine flower Also reminded:

"Ziyu, I think the Lord of Thorns can be conquered?"

After being silent for a while, Yu Ziyu also sighed:

"The Eternal Venerable is extremely unruly and not easy to subdue. Moreover, I have robbed most of her power. Now she wants to cut me to pieces with a thousand knives."

"This is true."

Nodding, Wucai Shenhua said bluntly:

"However, the Lord of Thorns has a lot in common with us. We are both enlightened by plants and trees. You and I both understand the hardships along the way."

"This time, we rarely meet, and it is considered fate."

The colorful divine flower said a lot.

However, there was a kind of pity in her words.

If the Lord of Thorns was not the spirit of grass and trees, she would not be able to say a word.

But the Lord of Thorns is the enlightenment of grass and trees..

The five-colored sacred flower is the spirit of vegetation, and we know how difficult it is for vegetation to attain enlightenment.

So, I just said a few more words.

"If it can be conquered, I will definitely conquer it."

Yu Ziyu said frankly


Suddenly, there was a hint of hesitation on Wucai Shenhua's face.

"What's wrong?"

"I feel like this method is not very good."

"How to say?"

Yu Ziyu looked expectant.

"Look, do you want to make the Lord of Thorns our sister?"

"Forehead..."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

There was a moment of silence, and Yu Ziyu was also stunned. sisters.

Good guy.

If others don’t understand, doesn’t he still understand?

Yu Ziyu's women are all treated like sisters.

The meaning of the colorful divine flower is to make the Lord of Thorns his woman. but...

"I believe in Sister Tongtian and Sister Zhu Ran...Everyone will agree."

Colorful Divine Flower bit her teeth lightly.

To be honest, she shouldn't be like this.

But considering the Lord of Thorns' help to Yu Ziyu, she has no choice.

Although these sisters are all very talented and powerful, they all Because she has not set foot in eternity, her help to Yu

Ziyu is really limited. But what about the Lord of Thorns?

This is the spirit of vegetation that has truly set foot in eternity.

If she is willing to help Yu Ziyu, then Yu Ziyu's strength will probably skyrocket.

This is terrifying.

Moreover, the five colors Shenhua feels that there is a lot to be done.

They are both the spirits of vegetation, and they have a common language.

Besides, Yu Ziyu’s previous plundering is no different from what he did.

The Lord of Thorns has no secrets in front of Yu Ziyu.

Even the most precious Everything was plundered by Yu Ziyu.

Although Wucai Shenhua didn't know the situation of the Lord of Thorns, she guessed that this person was huddled in a corner with tears in his eyes.

This may be an exaggeration.

However, it is very possible.

No matter how powerful she is, she is still a woman.

No matter how powerful she is, she is still the spirit of vegetation. Along the way, she did not fall into the hands of thousands of creatures.

Instead, she fell into the hands of the same vegetation. In the hands of the spirited Yu Ziyu

"you said...Makes sense."

After a moment of silence, Yu Ziyu also affirmed the words of the Five Colored Divine Flower.

He had indeed gone too far.

But he had no choice.

What he lacked most now was time.

If he could do it in a short time, his strength would skyrocket.

Even if he has a guilty conscience, he will do it.

Besides, in the vast chaos, it is natural for the weak to eat the strong.

The Lord of Thorns must have understood this, so he did not resent Yu Ziyu.

Instead, he complained more about his own lack of strength.

With a sigh in his heart, Yu Ziyu I also decided to go out and have a good chat with this Lord of Thorns.

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