As a spirit of vegetation, Yu Ziyu is well aware of the difficulty of spiritual practice.

Compared with ordinary creatures, the time for the spirit of grass and trees to practice is almost several times, even dozens of times.

Therefore, it is much more difficult for them to set foot in eternity than for others.

But now, there is actually the same spirit of vegetation as Yu Ziyu, stepping into eternity. this

"I wonder what kind of living beings have cultivated to eternity?"

Yu Ziyu was a little surprised

"Guess it?"

The great sage smiled.

To be honest, he was extremely surprised when he knew that Yu Ziyu's body was a sacred tree.

In any civilization and in any world, the cultivation of the spirit of vegetation is very difficult.

In addition to the difficulty of cultivation itself, there are also , external factors.

For example, the prying eyes of interested people.

Think about it, it is normal.

In any world, the most favorite thing for practitioners is to look for treasures from heaven, materials and earth.

And the spirits of plants and trees who are successful in practice are the best, Is it a treasure of heaven and earth?


External factors are the biggest factor limiting the spirit of plants and trees.

Until now, Yu Ziyu has seen a lot of civilizations.

But he, an accomplished spiritual practitioner, didn't even see it.

It’s just 25, I didn’t expect it...

The great sage actually said that he has an eternal level of grass and tree spirit.

This really surprised Yu Ziyu

"This is really hard to guess."

Yu Ziyu smiled and tentatively mentioned some plants and trees.

For example, sacred flowers, sacred grass, and even sacred trees.

But all of them were denied by the great sage.

"this...Could it be that the fruit became essence?"

Yu Ziyu looked stunned.


Shaking his head, the great sage also said frankly:

"This person’s body is a thorn..."


The eyes were slightly condensed, and there was a hint of surprise on Yu Ziyu's face.

This is a type of plant, which originally refers to two types of plants: thorns and thorns.

Jing: thorns, without thorns; thorns, with thorns and thorns They often grow in the wild, so"thorns" are produced.

Hearing that this person's body is thorns, Yu Ziyu first thought of the sixth divine beast he sat down, the daughter of thorns.

Her body is not thorns.

However, she can control the vines.

On every bloody vine, there are astonishing barbs. ,

People who don’t know, really think that her body is also a thorn.

Therefore, this one is called the daughter of thorns by the world.

And now , What Yu Ziyu didn’t expect was to meet someone who stepped on the thorns of eternity.

This was very interesting.

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu also looked at the great sage, and immediately said:

"How to say? let's go?"


With a slight nod, the Great Sage also took the lead.

As for Yu Ziyu, he followed silently.

The chaos was vast, and at this time, two figures walked together.

This is Yu Ziyu and the Great Sage.

They shuttled through at high speed. chaos

"This civilization is a small civilization and has not yet emerged from chaos...."

"The only two eternities are also very ordinary"

"I was originally left to the undead civilization, but I never ran into the wizarding civilization."

The great sage was running at great speed and also told Yu Ziyu.

"I see."

Grinning, Yu Ziyu was also curious:

"Just the two of us?"

"Aren’t the two of us enough?"

The great sage's eyes flashed.

Civilizations are also divided into three, six, and nine levels.

Medium-sized civilizations and top-level civilizations are hard to beat.

But they are only facing a small civilization.

Moreover, they themselves are extremely extraordinary. They are all based on The existence of the apex is beyond imagination.

However, here, the great sage also valued Yu Ziyu's speed.

Carrying the laws of time and space, Yu Ziyu's journey was too convenient.

Normally, it takes tens of thousands of years to start.

Or even a hundred thousand years..

But with Yu Ziyu, it only takes hundreds or thousands of years to travel. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This speed has been increased by more than dozens of times.

And this is the scary thing about Yu Ziyu.

Also The great sage values ​​​​the most.

Having fought against chaos for a long time, he knows very well the significance of Yu Ziyu’s existence....

To be honest, if the wizard civilization had Yu Ziyu, its expansion speed would be doubled at least.

This is easy to understand.

Because, Yu Ziyu can take care of everything and become an army by one person.

With him around, a civilization's support speed and travel speed will skyrocket.

There is even a situation...

That was originally fighting against a legion.

But Yu Ziyu opened the portal.

In an instant, several legions arrived.

There is even the arrival of the Eternal Lord.

At that time, it was undoubtedly despair for any legion.

"In Chaos, the most indispensable thing is time, but the most lacking thing is time."

With a sigh, the great sage looked extremely complicated.


Nodding, Yu Ziyu also admitted this.

However, at this moment, the great sage suddenly opened his mouth to invite:

"Let's see each other's speed."

As he said that, the great sage no longer suppressed his own speed.


Suddenly, he turned into a flying rainbow and disappeared into the chaos.


After a moment of silence, Yu Ziyu was also stunned.

The test speed is 770.

Is this serious?

With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu waved her hand


There was just a crisp sound, and the space was torn apart, revealing a passage.

Yu Ziyu took a step forward and stepped into the passage.

And the next moment, he appeared beside the great sage.

This is Yu Ziyu's speed.

No matter how fast he is dealing with, he can use space to reach him in an instant.

Not only that...

He can also freeze time for a short period of time and then accelerate...

In terms of speed, even beings like Speed ​​Eternal cannot beat Yu Ziyu.

Therefore, the corners of the Great Sage's eyes twitched slightly, which also increased his speed again.

But no matter how fast he is?

Yu Ziyu can be here in an instant.

Not only that...He can also tear apart space continuously.

Just like now,

"Click, click..."

With a series of crisp sounds, Zi's figure disappeared in front of the great sage.

The great sage was left alone, staring blankly, with a complex look on his face.

He still underestimated Yu Ziyu's speed.

No, this is not speed anymore.

The two are not on the same level at all.

No matter how fast the speed is, it has its limit.

But Yu Ziyu unilaterally shortened the distance between them, even froze time and extended the traveling time..

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