This small civilization has a very good name.

Named: Evergreen Civilization.

According to the great sage, in this civilization, the four seasons are like spring and the green is as green as ever.

Therefore, he gave this civilization such a name.

However, Yu Ziyu was not interested in these.

What he really cares about is this civilization and those two eternities.

With the methods he and the Great Sage used, it would not be difficult to capture this civilization.

As for these two eternities, they cannot escape.

Moreover, he and the Great Sage have already assigned these two Eternal Venerables.

That thorn, the spirit of vegetation, belongs to Yu Ziyu.

The other one belongs to him

"I'm really looking forward to meeting you."

Yu Ziyu grinned, looking forward to it.

At this moment, in a corner of the chaos, there was a civilization that looked like a nebula.

However, this civilization, seen from a distance, was full of vitality.

From the appearance, it looked like It looks more like a green gem. It is extremely beautiful.

And this is the Evergreen Civilization.

This is a vibrant civilization.

Inside, there are towering ancient trees, and there are countless beasts, roaring

"Hoo, ho, ho."

"Hoo, ho, ho..."

One roar after another, the entire civilization is filled with a force called wildness. different from other civilizations...

For example, hunter civilization and mutant civilization, no matter what, they still have unique technology trees.

The civilization of mutants and various mutant technologies are dizzying.

The hunter civilization also has a race that has developed its own technology tree, and even used various high technologies to fight against the hunter clan.

As for the starry sky civilization, a hundred flowers are blooming.

But what about this evergreen civilization?

There is no so-called steel, and there is no so-called high-rise building.

There is just endless forest.

The forest area occupies more than 50% of this civilization.

And how terrible is this?


Just by looking at that huge creature, you can tell something.

Most of the beasts in the starry sky are only a few meters or tens of meters in size.

But this civilized beast can move hundreds of meters away at every turn.

Even some ancient trees are hundreds of meters long.

People who don't know it think this is a world of giant beasts.

And indeed, it is.

The real name of this civilization is the civilization of giant beasts.

It is famous for the huge size of the creatures inside it.

In this civilization, there are two supreme beings.

One is Kai, the legendary king of beasts.

One is the legendary Lord of Nature - the Mother of Thorns.

One of them controls all beasts, and the other controls nature.

Rules the entire civilization.

However, these years have not been easy for Kai and the Mother of Thorns.

Just because, the more they practice, the more they feel insignificant.

And, more importantly, they found traces of other civilizations.

Although I have not yet come into contact with this kind of civilization.

But they can also think of the horrors of other civilizations

"If our existence is really discovered by other civilizations, I'm afraid...."

A figure covered in black scales, with two horns on its head, and a huge tail on its back, with a solemn expression.

"At that time, there was only one fight left."

Besides, one after another barbed thorns intertwined with each other, lifting a figure up.

This figure is very strange.

Her upper body has a human appearance. She is an extremely beautiful woman, with not even an inch of hair. (Read the Baoshuang novel. , just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Only the vines protected the key parts.

But she has no lower body.

No, it cannot be said that there is no lower body. It should be said that the thousands of vines with thorns are her lower body.

She is the one of thorns. Mother.

She is the master of all thorns.

She exists in every corner of civilization.

Where there are thorns, she exists.

Therefore, the entire civilization is full of thorns.

"A battle!! Hum."

The figure in scale armor sneered and tightened the ferocious mace in his hand.

To be honest, he was not afraid.

He was confident and invincible against chaos.

But he had to consider the civilization behind him.

This one of them The development time of civilization is too short, and it does not have enough foundation.

Now, encountering a strange civilization is definitely not a good thing.

However, they seem to have no choice.

After all, meeting other civilizations is not what they want.

Everything is determined by fate.

And now, they can only hope to meet other civilizations later.

However, what they don't know at this time is that they don't want to meet other civilizations.

But the top experts of other civilizations have already I found them.

And now...

Outside this civilization, two figures stood quietly.

And this is Yu Ziyu and the great sage.

Under Yu Ziyu's full acceleration, they finally arrived near this civilization.

However, they did not take action immediately

"`~This civilization is not strong, it is easy to win with our strength"

"But if the Eternal Master of this civilization wants to escape, I can’t stay."

The great sage spoke softly.

Any eternity is worthy of respect.

Although there is a huge strength gap between the eternity sages, even a powerful sage cannot be sure to retain an ordinary eternity who wants to escape.

Who knows? , what methods do these Eternal Venerables have?

And more importantly, an escaped Eternal Venerable will definitely cause endless troubles.

If he wants to go head-to-head with a certain civilization, it will be a blow to any civilization. , are all destructive.

Thinking about the wizarding civilization that was once so powerful, it all suffered heavy losses because of provoking a madman.

If the current wizarding king and the black wizarding king had not jointly suppressed it, most of the core areas of the wizarding civilization would have been destroyed.

This is the extreme madness of an eternal venerable.

Extremely terrifying

"I should be able to stay."

Yu Ziyu's eyes narrowed slightly and he said with a touch of confidence.

He carries time and space on his back.

If he uses the power of time and space to block it.

Yu Ziyu is confident that even the Eternal Lord will have a hard time escaping.

Fighting is not what Yu Ziyu is good at.

But When it comes to trapping people and escaping, Yu Ziyu is absolutely confident..

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