Of course, this is because they have not really come into contact with prehistoric civilization.

If it were a prehistoric civilization, it would be beyond imagination.

Far beyond their imagination.

So sorry, what awaits the world must be the crazy alliance between Yu Ziyu and the great sage.

Not to mention the wizarding civilization, even the famous high-dimensional demons and other civilizations will take the initiative to form alliances

"I only hope that the Primordial Dao Ancestor has not taken that crucial step yet."

The Great Sage's expression was complicated.

There was expectation and fear.

As for that crucial step...It's hard to explain, the way is unclear, but it's mysterious and mysterious.

Just like, there are three, six or nine levels between people.

There are also three, six, or nine levels of detachment in a half-step.

With the same half-step of detachment, the Chaos Clock is far inferior to the Primordial Dao Ancestor.

Just because of"July 17", it is very possible that the Primordial Dao Ancestor took that crucial step.

This is not only true for the great Taoist Ancestor, but also for the Great God Pangu.

And that step, the great sage described it as"the ultimate state."

Extreme state, same extreme state.

It means, the ultimate of a kind of path.

There is no way forward, and stepping out again is the so-called detachment.

Great God Pangu must have touched the extreme realm.

He carries the law of force on his back and is blessed by thousands of powers, so he is invincible to chaos.

The Primordial Dao Ancestor may also reach the extreme state.

If that is the case, then the Primordial Dao Ancestor's terror will be beyond imagination.

As for the Great Sage, the Black Witch King, and the Transcendent, they are all top-notch eternal sages.

But there is still a little distance to achieve even half a step of detachment.

Not to mention the ultimate realm.

And this is also the division of the Eternal Lord.

Ordinary eternity, veteran eternity, superior eternity, top eternity, half-step transcendence, and the so-called extreme realm.

This is different from most realm divisions.

Just because the Eternal Venerable does not simply rule the roost with spiritual power and laws.

But look at the background.

Ordinary eternity, hard work and continuous polishing will eventually become an old brand eternity.

Such existences have various means due to the accumulation of time.

Even if he is not good at fighting, he is not someone ordinary Eternal can provoke.

As for the higher eternity, one has already understood a certain power and reached the state of transformation.

Just like the Soul Mother, her understanding of the soul is beyond imagination.

Most of this kind of eternity has people to rely on, which is very difficult to deal with.

And the top eternity...That can be regarded as the ultimate perfection of eternity, and it is full in every aspect.

I dare not say that I have no weaknesses.

But it's still close to perfect.

Just like the Transcendent, the Great Sage, one-on-one, no matter who they are, they are not afraid.

Even if they are of the same level, they can only be distinguished as high or low at most, and it is difficult to separate them.

And half a step of detachment...It's hard to say if this kind of existence exists.

Until now, Yu Ziyu doesn't quite understand half-step detachment.

In his opinion, half-step detachment is more like understanding something.

Mysterious and mysterious, cannot be explained clearly, the way is unknown.

And the final extreme state, just as the great sage said, is the existence where a certain path reaches its extreme.

This kind of existence is almost invincible.


Especially a killing god like Pangu, who is burdened with the law of power.

He is good at attacking.

When he sets foot in the extreme realm, he overthrows the three thousand demon gods of chaos and becomes invincible in the world.

As for the Primordial Dao Ancestor, it is unclear what kind of power he has.

It’s also difficult to judge.

However, one thing is certain, that is, this guy has set foot in the extreme realm and is definitely not something Yu Ziyu and the Great Sage can provoke.

At that time, they could only turn to other civilizations for help.

I didn't expect that beyond half-step transcendence, there is also the term"extreme realm".

Yu Ziyu was a little sad.

He felt that after getting to know the Great Sage, his horizons had broadened a lot. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This guy is indeed the ultimate life form active in the depths of chaos.

Know a little bit of everything.

It is completely different from existences such as transcendent beings.

"Are there many things you don’t know?"

The great sage shook his head.

He finally saw that Yu Ziyu was a freak who jumped out of a small corner. He obviously didn't have much accumulation, but he was so powerful that he was suffocating, chasing the top eternity.

However, thinking that he came from a similar place In the starry sky and heaven of the prehistoric world, that is understandable.

This can be regarded as being blessed by the great god Pangu, right?.......

Only by being related to an extreme being like the Great God Pangu can one have such strength at such a young age.

At this time, as if he thought of something, the great sage also spoke:

"That being said, I have to go out too."

With a sigh, the great sage also stretched his small body.

He originally wanted to continue pretending to be dead.

But now, it seems, he can no longer pretend to be dead.

With half a step of detachment, the great god Pangu appeared.

If he keeps pretending to be dead, he might really die.

"How to say? Are you going to lead the undead civilization again?"

Yu Ziyu knows very well that the great sage is the ruler of the undead civilization. Although the rulers of death outside and the other eternities are powerful, they are not enough.

It is the guy in front of him who holds up the entire The civilization of the undead.

It also established the reputation of the undead civilization.

"Not urgent."

The great sage smiled, then looked at the endless dark sky with the immortal civilization, and then he sighed:

"Wizard civilization is very patient"

"They like to use minimum losses in exchange for maximum benefits"

"Therefore, they will not rush to invade"

"Moreover, they have already noticed my existence, and they will probably be wary of me."

Speaking of this, the Great Sage 5.3 speaker also changed the subject:

Before that, I would like to invite you to come with me to win a small civilization.

"Small civilization?"

Yu Ziyu looked stunned.

"In recent years, the undead civilization has also discovered traces of several civilizations outside."

"One of the civilizations has only two Eternal Lords, and they are both ordinary Eternals...."

"Just right as an appetizer."

Having said this, the great sage looked at Yu Ziyu's body and reminded:

"I heard that the eternity inside seems to be the same as you. Its true body is the spirit of plants and trees....If you win it, it will definitely be of great benefit to you."

Hearing this, Yu Ziyu was moved.

Completely moved.

Like him, he is the spirit of vegetation.... this...

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