"prehistoric world...Hongjun..."

The great sage took a deep breath and suppressed all the thoughts in his heart.

He didn't expect that there was such a civilization hidden in the chaos.

I never thought that this civilization could be so terrifying.

Although I don’t know the specific combat power of this civilization.

However, just seeing that this civilization is a legacy of Pangu, you can imagine the horror of this civilization

"To be honest, I can't even accept it."

The Great Sage's expression was complicated.

The appearance of the Primordial Dao Ancestor was too sudden for him.

Although Yu Ziyu did not introduce in detail how terrifying this person was.

However, just knowing some of his origins, the Great Sage already knew He understands everything.

No wonder, Yu Ziyu, who is burdened with the laws of time and space, is extremely afraid of him.

Even timid.

Such a existence is indeed worth being afraid of, and even more timid.

Because, even the great sage himself listened to Yu Ziyu's words , there was a chill behind my back.

Cold, yet suffocating.

It was chilling.

"Did he embark on the path of harmony and begin to devour the will of heaven and earth?"

The great sage asked


Nodding slightly, Yu Ziyu also said bluntly:

"His existence is beyond imagination, and even our Eternal Master may not be able to understand its existence itself."

"However, one thing is for sure..."

"That is, he has already achieved half-detachment, and now, it is even more unfathomable."

Hearing this, the big man's expression was solemn.

This guy is definitely close to transcendence.

If this is true, then not only the starry sky civilization, but also their undead civilization need to be frightened.

Transcendence is very scary.

One person His detachment has brought about the destruction of thousands of civilizations.

Perhaps, one swallow of this detachment is enough to destroy the undead civilization.

This is intolerable for the great sage.

He can accept those who are stronger than him. exists.

But it cannot be accepted. Some people regard him as an ant.

I believe that not only him, but any Eternal Venerable cannot accept it.


Taking a deep look at Yu Ziyu, the great sage also said in a serious tone:

"It seems that there are some things that we need to discuss again."

Yu Ziyu had expected the words of the great sage.

With a slight curl of the corner of his mouth, he had taken out the wine of heaven and earth from the Nine Realms.

Only such fine wine could be worthy of their status.

Time passed slowly, Several years have passed in the blink of an eye. In the past few years, Yu Ziyu has been living in the Forest of Sages like the Great Sage.

During this period, he also captured a lot of immortals for research.

Regarding his behavior, the Great Sage The sage saw it, but didn't care.

Under eternity, they are all ants.

Not to mention these ordinary immortal beings, even if Yu Ziyu tried to trick some of his confidants, he would not care.

Of course, Yu Ziyu would definitely not do this. Uninterested.

For him, he was just doing casual research to kill some time.

He wanted to know how different these immortal beings were from ordinary life.

However, more than these, Yu Ziyu discussed more with the great sage. Regarding the issue of Prehistoric Times, the Great Sage is still very concerned about Prehistoric Times.

It can even be said that he is afraid of it.

In particular, the Primordial Dao Ancestor, even though he is as powerful as the Great Sage, is constantly analyzing his power.

"Combining the body with the Tao, it seems that everything is possible"

"In the wild world, there is absolutely no chance that we can defeat him."

This is the view of the great sage.

Yu Ziyu also agrees with this point.

Not only that, the great sage also believes that Taozu is a life form that transcends cognition.

It cannot be recognized by common sense. (Read Baoshuang novels , just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

To put it simply, if you want to conquer this person, you must not attack it like you attack ordinary eternity.

It is best to destroy the entire prehistoric world first.

Only in this way can the root cause be cut off, and the rest can be discussed

"The ancient world is not so easy to destroy"

"And this is a refutation. We cannot defeat the Primordial Dao Ancestor, and the prehistoric world is protected by the Primordial Dao Ancestor, and it is even more difficult to destroy."

"But according to you, if you want to defeat the Primordial Dao Ancestor, you must first destroy the Primordial World...."


Listening to Yu Ziyu's words, the great sage was also extremely helpless.

This is really hard to say.

However, if it wasn't so difficult, how could beings like the Great Sage and Yu Ziyu have such a headache. so...

Looking at each other, both of them couldn't help but smile bitterly.

At this time, the great sage did not conceal his purpose.

"To be honest, the reason why I am willing to join forces with you is only because of the prehistoric Taoist ancestors and the prehistoric world."

"If we eat them, we will both be able to make further progress"

"There is even hope for transcendence!!"

Detachment is not allowed in thousands of civilizations.

But if you are detached yourself, it will be different.

Not only the great sage, but also Yu Ziyu also thinks this way.

Make things difficult for others and achieve yourself.

This is what they all have in common. Choice.

At this moment, listening to the words of the great sage, Yu Ziyu also nodded.

"If we win the prehistoric civilization, we each get what we need"

"But before that, we must deal with the wizard civilization, and even consider whether we can eat the wizard civilization."

Hearing this, the great sage's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Wizard civilization is not delicious"

"Although the wizard civilization seems inferior to the prehistoric civilization, as a top civilization, the wizard civilization has countless strong people, including one or two who are even comparable to me."

The great sage is obviously a little afraid of the wizard civilization.

"If we can't even cross the threshold of wizard civilization, how can we talk about ancient civilization?"


The great sage was silent for a while, and agreed with this point. No matter how powerful the wizard civilization is, it is still not as good as the prehistoric civilization with its prehistoric Taoist ancestors.

The two are not even comparable.


"We can only eat the wizard civilization first."

Looking at each other, both of them showed a meaningful smile.

As for why the two didn't take the opportunity of the Great Ancestor to form an alliance with the wizard civilization, the reason is very simple. There is only one gold mine. The two of them can mine it to the limit.

Let's do it again. The King of Wizards and the Black Wizard King are not enough to share the spoon.

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