Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu was silent.

He really didn't know about this.

However, if this is really the case, then suddenly, Yu Ziyu's expression changed slightly.

He thought of the legendary god Pangu.

That one created the world and attracted the encirclement and suppression of three thousand Chaos Demon Gods.

But is that really groundbreaking?

"That guy, isn't it for detachment?"

"Therefore, it attracted thousands of Chaos Demon Gods."

"No, it may not only be the Chaos Demon God, but also some Eternal Lords who have emerged from civilization."

Thinking about this, Yu Ziyu also realized it.

Really realized it.

If this is true, then everything before can be understood.

Even the prehistoric Taoist ancestor, so powerful and yet so cautious, can also be understood.

What he is afraid of is not The starry sky and the earth are not the world of mutants.

Instead, they are afraid of thousands of civilizations.

He does not allow his existence to be known by thousands of civilizations.

He can block one civilization, two civilizations.

But ten, a hundred, or even a thousand What about a civilization?

That’s why he silently devoured the world and accumulated strength.

Until one day, he can deal with thousands of civilizations.

If not, with his strength, he might be able to destroy the starry sky and the world with just a few clicks.

Thinking of this, Yu Yu Yes 0 looked at the great sage

"I don’t know, have you ever heard of the name of a civilization?"

"That name is..."


Yu Ziyu said the name of this ancient world one word at a time.

But it made the great sage raise his eyebrows.

He really has never heard the name of this civilization.

"Is there any other information?"

The great sage asked

"What about Pangu?"

Yu Ziyu said casually.

However, he never thought that as soon as these words came out, the great sage's face suddenly changed.


With an exclamation, the Great Sage stood up excitedly.

Immediately, as if he realized something, he waved his hand.

Countless barriers opened, sealing the sky and the earth, completely sealing this space.

Left alone. Yu Ziyu and him stood quietly

"Are you sure you are talking about Pangu? How do you know this name?"

The great sage's eyes widened with disbelief written all over his face.

Pangu...An extremely ancient chaos demon.

Extremely scary.

Even the great sage has only heard of his name.

But the great sage remembered one sentence deeply.

And that was Pangu, the demon god closest to transcendence in the history of chaos!!!

One simple sentence said it all.

This chaotic calendar... closest to detachment...

One after another, these all illustrate the horror of Pangu.

As for the so-called chaos calendar...To put it simply, it is a reincarnation of chaos.

If we say, the emergence of the transcendent is the end of chaos.

So the countless years from nothingness to the transcendence are called a chaotic calendar.

The chaotic calendar has its advantages and disadvantages.

Just based on the calculation of the time for chaos to break.

However, this is also the speculation of some sages.

Not sure exactly.

But the key is...Pangu. (If you want to read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This person is a real ruthless person.

He is so ruthless that even the Great Sage is frightened.

Just because he faced three thousand Chaos Demon Gods alone.

All of them are eternal.

One person fights three thousand.

They all were killed, and only two or three big and small cats escaped.

You can imagine how terrifying this is

"I didn’t expect that you knew Pangu."

Yu Ziyu looked stunned, and then said frankly:

"The civilization I live in, and the civilization I fear, all have a deep connection with this Pangu."

"So that’s how it is."

With a sigh, the great sage looked at Yu Ziyu with a different look.

He vaguely understood (cfbi)...

After understanding who could make Yu Ziyu, who was burdened with the laws of time and space, frightened.

If that guy has a three-way connection with the Great God Pangu, then everything makes sense.

As the closest existence to transcendence in this chaotic calendar, Pangu is absolutely terrifying beyond imagination.

Even if there is some connection with such a being, it is enough to make any Eternal Venerable fearful!!

"Can you tell me more about it?"

The great sage's tone was filled with pleading.

At the same time, he also changed the subject.

"If the person you are talking about really exists, I am willing to form an alliance with you, and even more willing to snipe the wizard civilization with you."


Nodding, Yu Ziyu also briefly talked about the prehistoric times.

"According to legend, the great god Pangu created the world and fought against three thousand demon gods."

"However, he himself was seriously injured and escaped into a remote corner of Chaos alone, and then transformed into heaven and earth."

"His eyes turned into the sun and the moon...His flesh and blood turned into mountains and rivers..."

Narrating one after another, Yu Ziyu also told the great sage about the creation of the world known to the starry sky civilization and the prehistoric world.


Listening quietly, the great sage did not interrupt.

However, after hearing that the Great God Pangu went to a remote corner alone and transformed into heaven and earth, his expression changed slightly.

No wonder, this great god Pangu disappeared.

It turns out that the body and soul are dead.

If you think about it, you can understand it.

Those are three thousand Chaos Demon Gods.

It's terrifying beyond imagination.

Not to mention that in addition to the three thousand demon gods, there is also the so-called Tao Tribulation.

The Great Dao is supreme and no living being will be allowed to transcend.

The orphan suffered a calamity.

Therefore, even those as powerful as the great god Pangu fell completely.

However, even if he died, the blessing he left behind was to recreate a world.

It also created an extremely terrifying civilization.

And that is the ancient civilization hidden in the deepest part of chaos.

Only, it's not scary.

What is truly terrifying is that not all of the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods who surrounded and suppressed Pangu died.

One of them, Jiu occupied the magpie's nest, and seized everything left by the great god Pangu.

And that is the great ancestor of Taoism in Yu Ziyu's mouth.

That is Hongjun, one of the three thousand demon gods.

This one is bold and careful.

Even more thoughtful.

He saw that even the great god Pangu could not defeat thousands of civilizations.

Therefore, I have learned a lesson. Even if I have already achieved half-step to transcendence, I am still behind the scenes, slowly planning and constantly arranging..

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