Soon after, Tianlong and Balong left.

Left alone, Zhu Bajie and Monkey King stood quietly.

The two of them looked complicated and solemn.

"These two guys are absolutely terrifying."

Zhu Bajie is very aware of his senior brother's strength.

He has already completed his transformation after the Great Tribulation of Journey to the West. While his cultivation level is constantly improving, his realm is also improving. In terms of combat power alone, he is probably ranked among the best among saints.

Even if Tathagata was at full strength, he could only be as close as 50 to 50 at most.

But such a strong man actually suffered at the hands of Tianlong.

And this Tianlong was still their humble junior brother - Xiao Bailong.

The armor that guy was wearing was not simple.

Monkey King's eyes narrowed slightly and he told the reason.

"How to say?"

Zhu Bajie has not touched the armor and does not know the details.

"My old grandson can clearly fight. What I am fighting is not a little white dragon, but more like the white armor he is wearing. The so-called little white dragon is just like a container."

"That's it."

Zhu Bajie narrowed his eyes, thoughtfully.

If this is true, it makes sense.

Even if the little white dragon they know has such strength, it is impossible for him to take action against them.

And he is definitely not the little white dragon.

"Let's go, we'll discuss this later."

The Great Sage Qitian turned around without any hesitation.

This time, he did it just for testing.

Now that it is clear that this guy is not the real little white dragon, he is satisfied.

As for other things, he does not force it.

Compared with this, he is still He was more concerned about the reaction of Buddhism and Heaven.

However, the next moment, as if he thought of something, he suddenly grinned

"Bajie, fortunately you didn't take action, otherwise..."

The Monkey King took a deep look at Zhu Bajie, and there was an inexplicable feeling deep in his eyes.

He knew Bajie's strength very well.

Extremely terrifying.

But this guy likes to be lazy.

And he likes to hide his clumsiness.

However, if he had taken action just now, Tyrannosaurus would not be watching the show.

At that time, the strength of his junior brother will also be exposed to others.

Shocked countless people.

This is not good.

Monkey King knows this very well.

He is in the light, Zhu Bajie is in the dark.

Only in this way can their brothers and sisters truly gain a foothold in the wilderness.

"I wanted to take action at that time, but I realized that Tyrannosaurus was not a good person~."

Zhu Bajie narrowed his eyes slightly and said

"Well, it's a good thing not to be exposed."

The Great Sage Qitian sighed, and immediately turned into a stream of light and flew towards the end of the world.

At this time, few people knew that the Tianlong Tyrant Dragon had already formed a team and arrived at the caves of the great demons and immortals.

"I heard that you borrowed our Dragon Clan’s treasure?"

Tianlong looked at the figure not far away.

He had horns like crescent moons and was extremely tall. He was even more evil.

This is the Bull Demon King.

"What treasure? I forgot?"

The Bull Demon King looked at the two figures unkindly.

But he did not act rashly.

Just now, he also sensed the aura of the fight between Tianlong and Monkey King.

Therefore, he knew the strength of this person very well.

"water-proof beads, wind-proof beads..."

Tianlong counts the family treasures in detail.

Then, he said coldly:

"Give you one hour to prepare, otherwise I will flatten your Ji Lei Mountain."

And this is the mission of Tianlong and Balong.

Nothing else.

Just to collect debts.

Whoever owes their dragon clan, they will come!

If they don't pay back, they will suppress them with thunder.

This has two major benefits.

The first is to retrieve the various treasures of the Dragon Clan scattered in the world.

The second is to gather the Dragon Clan's luck and rebuild the Dragon Clan's reputation.

The Bull Demon King is just the beginning.

Next, the Third Prince Nezha, Heavenly Court, and Buddhism...

They will come to each force one by one.

If the saints don't take action, they are invincible.

If the saint takes action, the Purple Dragon Emperor and Ancestor Minghe behind them will not watch.

And that's when the real horror comes.

But at this time, it was not just prehistoric times. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Even in the Divine Blood World, wars broke out again and again.

During this period of time, Yu Ziyu's body of blood grew even more rapidly.

He was originally unable to advance, but he grew again because he absorbed the blood of hundreds of millions of creatures.

It's not just the size that keeps growing.

Even the blood spiritual power in the body is increasing.

To put it bluntly, since the start of the Civilization War, Yu Ziyu's blood-sea body has increased its combat power by at least 50%.

It's scary.

You must know that Yu Ziyu's body in the sea of ​​blood has already reached the peak of eternity.

There was no possibility of going any further.

But now...

It is really a quantitative change that leads to a qualitative change

"I just don’t know, can I step into eternity in one fell swoop?"

The body of the sea of ​​blood is still thinking about this.

Not only him, but the Purple Dragon of the Void, the Azure Dragon of Heaven, and Yu Ziyu's three clones are now eager to set foot in eternity.

This is their only pursuit.

However, they also know that they Wanting to step into eternity is much more difficult than others.

If the remaining half-steps to eternity still have some hope of stepping into eternity, then their hope of stepping into eternity is probably infinitely close to zero.

As for why it is not real zero.

Also It's very simple.

That is, their strength is still growing.

The body of the sea of ​​blood continues to develop through the battle of civilization.

Billions of living beings are all fifth-level demigods at last.

Powerful living beings have even set foot on domination for many years.

He Plan, quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, rely on accumulation to try to break through.

As for the Void Purple Dragon, now he has the idea of ​​​​the ancient ancestral dragon, and even the idea of ​​the dragon clan's luck.

His growth , has reached a certain limit.

Then we can only rely on external forces.

Although the Dragon Clan has long since declined, the remaining power of the Dragon Clan cannot be ignored.

Just think about it, and you can understand it.

In the starry sky for thousands of epochs, the Dragon Clan has existed forever.

Even more so. Standing at the top for a long time.

How amazing this is.

Even angels and demons have died and been destroyed.

But the Dragon Clan has been active in various eras in various postures.

This is the Dragon Clan.

The starry sky and the earth are the first in the true sense. Race.

The Void Purple Dragon has been pursuing the idea of ​​the Dragon Clan.

Now it comes to the Prehistoric City.

It is also to trace the origin of the Dragon Clan - the Prehistoric Dragon Clan. Although the Ancestral Dragon's strength is only half a step eternal, it is not even as good as him.

But the Prehistoric Ancestral Dragon is a member of the Dragon Clan. The source of blood... even...

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