The purple dragon in the void and the body in the sea of ​​blood are still working hard.

The Heavenly Blue Dragon never gave up.

It's just that this guy is very mysterious.

He is so mysterious that many powerful people do not know his existence.

"Yin, Yin..."

Waves of dragon roars echoed across the starry sky and heaven and earth.

In a world that no one can see, a blue dragon shuttles through the cracks in the world. Its lengthy figure seems to be able to wrap around the world.

Scales one after another, as if they were made of jade.

The crystal clear space is filled with nine-colored haze.

Not only that, his eyes were half open and half closed.

With a slight flicker, he seemed to see through everything.

This is the Heavenly Blue Dragon.

It has become part of the way of heaven.

Exists in all heavens and all realms. everywhere.

And it’s everywhere.

The current Tiandao Qinglong is in a very strange state.

He can see everything in the starry sky and heaven and earth.

It can also come to any corner.

To put it bluntly, in the starry sky and earth, he even has more terrifying strength than ordinary eternity.

But the Heavenly Blue Dragon is an expert.

Because what he stole was the power of heaven.

Xingkong Tiandao doesn't care.

He even took the initiative to feed Tiandao Qinglong.

But the one dormant in the depths of heaven is very concerned about it.

And that is the legendary Taoist ancestor.

He has already started a battle with Xingkong Tiandao 650 to seize the sky.

Just to swallow the starry sky and heaven.

It was precisely because of losing to the Primordial Dao Ancestor that Xingkong Tiandao chose to sleep in order to protect himself.

As for Tiandao Qinglong, in the eyes of Xingkong Tiandao, he is more of a helper.

Rather than being swallowed up by creatures from outside the chaos, it would be better to be swallowed up by creatures born in the starry sky.

The creatures born in the starry sky are at least half of his children.

But the creatures from outside the chaos are real enemies.

It's just a pity.

Tiandao Qinglong came too late.

Today's Xingkong Tiandao is extremely weak, with no strength at all.

As for Tiandao Qinglong, although he has some strength.

But it is still far from being able to shake the Taoist Ancestor of the Great Wilderness.

Now he is still gathering strength.

Waiting for the day when it will backfire against the great Taoist ancestors.

At this time, the Heavenly Green Dragon patrols all realms and enforces laws on behalf of Heaven.

Not for anything else.

Just to better absorb the power of heaven dissipating in all realms.

Therefore, his strength is also growing.

Every moment, it is growing, as if there is no end.

In terms of strength alone, he estimated that he was not weaker than the Purple Dragon in the Void, with its body in the sea of ​​blood.

Even, to some extent, he is weirder and more mysterious.

Not to mention other things, this ability alone makes him full of weirdness.

That is - omnipotent and capable of something.

It can realize all wishes at the cost of willingness.

In addition to not being able to directly step into eternity, the dead are resurrected and youth remains forever....

He can do many things that the Eternal Venerable cannot do.

It's scary.

Scarier than imagined.

That is to say, the Heavenly Blue Dragon has not set foot in eternity.

If it steps into eternity, it can interfere with the eternal level.

Coupled with the forbidden magical power that Yu Ziyu has mastered - Genesis, an omnipotent almighty, I am afraid that it will come to the chaos.

And this is also the common pursuit of Yu Ziyu and Tiandao Qinglong.

They are to become the Almighty.

Make the impossible possible.

Become truly omnipotent

"The Purple Dragon of the Void, the Lord of the Blood Sea, is very good now."

Tiandao Qinglong sighed, with a smile on his face.

He was extremely satisfied with the growth of the Void Purple Dragon, the Lord of the Blood Sea.

As for the deity, he couldn't sense it.

To him, the deity was like a mysterious existence..Only this deity controls them, and they do not affect the real body.

However, he can clearly detect that this deity's strength seems to be even more terrifying.

Moreover, this deity has been asking it for some time to come into contact with some strange developments.

For example, , the law of light, the law of gravity.

Regarding this, Tiandao Qinglong also kept it in mind.

He (cdfc) patrolled the worlds. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

All worlds are different. Gravity is completely different.

For example, the gravity of the abyss world is beyond imagination. It is difficult for ordinary life to survive in the abyss world alone.

In such a world, the law of gravity is extremely strong.

Another example is the flame world. , the most typical big world with fire attributes.

In such a big world, the law of fire is everywhere

"The world is made up of thousands of intertwined laws. There are many and some..."

Tiandao Qinglong murmured, gaining a deeper understanding of this point.

And at this moment, as if he noticed something, Tiandao Qinglong suddenly let out a soft cry.

"Great Dragon God, please come here..."

"Great Dragon God, please come here..."

"Great Dragon God, please come here..."

One after another, the murmurs resounded throughout the world.

It also attracted the attention of Tiandao Qinglong.

However, this whisper is not the key.

The point is, the Dragon Balls converge.

It scattered nine dragon beads in the world.

When the Dragon Balls are gathered together, the Shenlong can be summoned.

However, no one has called him for a long, long time.

So much so that Tiandao Qinglong almost forgot the existence of the Dragon Ball.

"I didn't expect anyone to be able to summon the dragon."

The Azure Dragon of Heaven let out a long roar and headed straight for the calling place.

At the same time, deep in a big world in the starry sky.

Dark clouds rolled back and thunder surged.

The whole world seemed to be doomed.

And right here In the center of the world, on top of a high tower, a figure wearing gorgeous robes stands quietly.

He is the King of Heaven Dou. He is an ancient existence that has already set foot in the seventh heaven of Tianmen.

But he has fought continuously, and due to other reasons, his life span has been exhausted. More than half of his life.

Now, he is in his prime, but he is about to die and reach the end of his years.

So, he kept thinking about how to save himself.

Until one day, he heard the legend of the Dragon Balls.

Gather the Dragon Balls and summon the dragon.

He can To realize all his wishes.

To this end, he worked hard and searched all over the world.

He also established the now famous force-the black-robed men to work for him.

Finally, he collected the nine dragon balls.

More It's to summon the dragon

"Yin, Yin..."

The sudden dragon roar shocked the entire world and even affected other worlds.

Let countless powerful beings be shaken.

And at this moment,

"Click, click..."

There was thunder one after another, and dazzling blue light intertwined in the sky.

Keep extending.

The terrifying dragon power spreads even more..

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